Gospel—E. Pilkington
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General Meetings, Montreal, October 1975. Gospel by Eric Duffington.
Shall we sing #25?
Life at best is very brief.
Like the falling of a leaf.
Like the binding of a sheep.
Be in time. Fleeting days are telling fast that the die will soon be cast and the fatal line be passed. Be in time #25.
Life at best is very brief, like the like.
Good evening, good evening.
And everything.
I was here. I'm getting you out, same as you're going to run.
But I can't hear your phone. I still alone day and time.
Time is lightning swiftly by.
The cross forever away from Hybrid Cross.
A problem?
We are warning voice the Lord your happy joy.
From God that came and still alive. From the way that's very proud of you.
And sorry for heaven.
Could we stand and sing the 1St and the last verse of #14?
The first and the last verse Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Have you been to England?
Are you all in the world?
Are you falling in his brain?
After you are, just come on.
Oh, are you all?
And a bridegroom comet with Gerald.
White in the world.
I'll be ready for the Land of Right. And he was in the past.
In the in the.
My father's father, you are.
We have sung a question tonight.
And I wonder whether each one in this room now would ask themselves that question before I begin.
Are you Wash? Will you ask yourself that question? Is my soul washed in the precious blood of the lamb? Oh, I want to warn your friend if such there be one here tonight.
If you cannot say in truth that you are washed in the blood of the land all tonight we want to again give you the invitation to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive him as your own personal Savior. And if you do, then you will be able to sing in truth that you are washed in the blood of the Lamb. And when the Bridegroom, Thomas all at a glorious day, awaits the believer.
You, my friend, then, too, will hear that call, that will summon you into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now I want to speak of three different things.
And it is found in the 6th chapter of Genesis. And the three things are this, what God saw, what he heard, and what he said.
Genesis Chapter 6.
We'll read verse 5.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually. This is what God saw. Read the third verse. And this is what God said. And the Lord said. My spirit shall not always strive with man.
For that he also is flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years.
Now, for what God heard, would you turn to the 22nd chapter of Job? Just hold our chapter and we'll turn to Job 22.
This is what God heard.
Job 22 and verse 15.
Hast thou marked out the old way which wicked men have trodden, which were caught down out of time, whose foundation was overflowing with a flood, which said unto God, depart from us? And what can the Almighty do for them?
That's not US verse 14 of chapter 21.
Therefore they say unto God, depart from us.
For we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.
Well, how solemn it is to think, dear friends, tonight.
That the eyes of the Lord runs to and fro throughout this world tonight, and the God that saw what took place in North Day, He sees what takes place today in this world.
And not only that, He knows what has taken place in your heart. Yes, He knows all about your heart and mind. And if God looks down upon this world tonight, what does He see? What does He hear?
All my friends, as he looks down, he sees that this world is corrupt. He sees the same thing that he saw when he looked down in Noah's day.
He sees everyone doing that which is right in his own eyes.
Yes, and what does he hear?
Did he not hear the same thing depart from us? For we desire not the knowledge of thy way.
Or how true it is. And so, friend, tonight you might be speaking to yourself in your heart. But remember, there is a God above who knows what you think in your heart. He knows what you say in your heart.
And all my friends, you and I cannot trust our hearts.
No, it tells us in Jeremiah 17 verse nine. I believe it is that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who cannot.
Oh I the Lord, yes, the Lord knows what is in your heart and what is in my heart. Well, just think of this condition that existed in the days of Noah as God looked down and saw the wickedness.
Of this world.
Oh, it repented him that he had made that.
Yes. Oh, he saw the wickedness, the sinfulness of man's heart. They love friends. It says God repented that he had made them. Oh wonderful. Let God provided a way of escape for all those who would believe and accept the remedy. So we'll read a little more in Genesis chapter 6.
And that tells us about Noah in verse 8.
But God.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generation of Noah. Noah's a just man.
And perfect in his generation and no walk with God.
And verse 12 And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, for all place had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto her, The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of Gopher wood. Room shalt thou make in the ark, and shall pitch it within and without with pitch.
And then we get the fashion of the arc, the dimensions mentioned in the following verses. We'll just stop there for now. We'll go back to what the Lord said in the third verse. We find that the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with that all friend, tonight.
When God uttered these words, he meant what he said and how true it is.
And it's still true tonight.
God's spirit will not always strive with men, and I am sure that everyone in this room who is of the age of accountability.
That is, who knows their right hand from their left hand?
Oh, I'm sure that in your heart you have felt the Lord's spirit speaking to your heart.
All I can remember is a little boy.
When I wanted to do something.
That I knew my parents did approve of, when I knew that any Christian would frown upon it. I looked this way and I looked that way. Why? Why did I look around? Because my heart was condemned me in that thing.
Ah yes, God's spirit all be loved. Whether you're young or old. God spirit is speaking to you, and in your soul you know that He's speaking to you. You know that He loves you and He wants you to be saved. This is why we have gospel meetings. Oh, how wonderful to have the truth of what we've had before today. How wonderful to know that the coming of the Lord is drawn nigh.
At the Lord Jesus coming to claim his own blood bought people and take them home to glory. This is a wonderful hope and they love our hearts. Rejoice as we meditate on this hope of the inheritance that is ours. But all friend, tonight this is a gospel meeting, because there are those who we feel that are in this number.
Who are not saved and all we think of the little children of the boys and girls that are grown up. How about it? You have sung that hymn, but did you sing it in truth? Are you wise in the blood of the lamb?
All how sad if you sit here tonight under the sound of the gospel and go out that door still in your sins. Oh, I want to warn you friend tonight don't go out that door till you have made sure.
That you have received the Lord Jesus as your precious savior.
Oh yes, he is speaking. But remember, his spirit will not always strive with man. He speaketh once and twice, and man perceiveth it not. I remember a man who often we had given the gospel. Some of us in this room had speak to that man many times.
And you know, he professed, he said, yes, that's right, Sir, that's right. But, you know, in our hearts we felt that what he was saying was a lie, That what he was saying with his lips, he wasn't saying was from his heart. And I want to tell you, that man was suddenly cut off like that without any warning.
All friend, be warned tonight, God's Spirit will not always strive with you.
If you continue to resist.
God's spirit, I want to warn you, God may stop speaking to you.
Oh yes, it is appointed on a man once to die, and after death the judgment. But all beloved so Christ was once offered, Yes. What for? To bear the sins of many and all unto them the look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin unto salvation. So God said, his Spirit would not always strive with men. And as God saw the wickedness.
Why we find that he also saw one man. He saw a man there named Noah isn't as nice. And we have the name of Noah mentioned here that he was a just man. He was one that feared God that walked with God. And you know, tonight the Lord looks down and he sees the heart of each one of us. He knows whether we're saved or not.
Oh friend, he knows whether you're saved or not. Oh, you might say that you're saved. And how many do that to avoid a little embarrassment?
But all dear friends, we want to warn you.
Oh God, is not Mark. He is not Mark. And whatsoever man saw that shall he also reap. I remember a young boy.
When I went to school.
And this young boy.
He grew up into his teens.
And he said to my brother, he says, yes, I know what you're saying is true, but I'm going to have a good time 1St and then I'll get saved.
I want to tell you that young boy only lived two weeks. After he uttered those words, he lived two weeks.
All be warned.
Be warned dear friends, Be warned whether you're young or.
Oh God, Spirit will not always strive with you. Tonight you have the opportunity.
Of receiving Christ as your Savior and having your sins washed away. And so we find that God saw the wickedness. And in Job 22 he heard what man said. Isn't this an awful thing for men to utter against his Creator?
Depart from us. I wonder if there's one here tonight.
Although you may not dare to say it with your lips.
Are you seeing it in your heart? To God, depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of Thy ways.
All beloved friends, you know what God said in that 22nd chapter of Job. If you continue to read it, you'll find what God says a quake. Now thyself with him and be at peace. Old friends, God wants you to have peace. He wants you to have peace.
And so he says, Acquaint thou thyself with him. How are you going to get acquainted with the Lord Jesus? There's only one way, and that's to come to him and receive him as your savior.
So now God saw the wickedness of man, and God heard what man said.
And what does God do? And verse 13 God said unto Noah.
The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is still with violence through them, and behold, I will store them at the earth, make thee an arc of Gopher wood, room shall thou make in the ark, and shall picture within and without with pitch.
Oh, isn't this wonderful? To think that God before he would destroy this world with the floods?
He provides a means of escape for all those who avail themselves.
All this, all this ark speaks to us of Christ.
It is salvation, and God has salvation for every one. Here we had read before this afternoon, dear friends, that salvation is of the Lord.
Thank God it is. And you know you can have it tonight by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Yes, salvation is of the Lord. And so here we have God providing a way whereby man might escape this terrible judgment. All to think of it, God is going to destroy this world with a plot.
Oh, in those days, you know they have never seen rain.
And it never rained before.
And how fully?
Man thought how foolish to build an ark up there on dry land.
No one around How fully all friends you might raising. You might reason in your heart. I don't want to warn you, don't reason. This is not faith. Do you want to be saved? There is only one way to be saved. You want to have your sins forgiven. There's only one way, therefore be justified by faith. We have peace with God. Oh yes, there's only one way.
And it is through faith. Well, now God is going to test man. He tells Noah to build this ark. Yes, the ark is built. Noah is given the dimensions of how to build it, and we find that Noah went ahead and did as God told him.
And as Noah built this ark, beloved, we learned from the New Testament scriptures in First Peter.
That the spirit of Christ in North day and no no doubt preach to those people. And can you not be loved, friend? Just think of Noah. He believed God. He believed there was going to come a flood that would destroy the whole world and he proved that he believed that he proved that he had faith because he built the ark.
Believe in this, oh Noah. Preach to those people around them.
Every prone of their wickedness.
He warned them. And beloved friends, we want to do it tonight. All this world is no better than Noah's day. This world is fast going on to judgment. Yes, it is, as we think of the terrible things that they didn't know it's day.
Dear friends, we know in our own hearts that perhaps today there are more wicked things going on.
That went on in Noah's day. Oh yes, and still God is waiting.
Why? Why is he waiting for it? It is because of one thing, and that is his love for your soul. He is not willing the death of the Sinner. Ezekiel tells us no, he is not willing. And as Jonah said, why? The Lord was long-suffering. Yes, Oh yes, the Lord is long-suffering. He's full of mercy.
And so here's the proof of it. The building of the Ark. Oh my dear friends, as I look into the face of many young people here tonight.
As God looks into your heart, what does he see? If God reads your thoughts, what does he hear?
Or I'll never forget what I heard one night and the young brother was faithfully warning.
So of their need of a savior, I heard some whispering, and this is what I heard as I sat on a back row.
I don't care.
Dear friends, whether you care or not, God cares for your soul, and he's waited till now. He has given you another opportunity to receive Christ as your Savior and to have your name written down in the Lamb's book of Life. Oh, I want to warn you that coming of the Lord is drawn I and dear friends, if your name is not written in God's book.
When the Lord comes, you will be left behind. For judgment, yes, for judgment.
Well, we find God said to Noah, make the anarch. Now let's just go on a little bit and the 7th chapter we find the Lord still speaking.
And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house, into the ark. For thee have I seen righteous before me and this generation.
Oh yes, the time has come. Nor has built the Ark.
He's 100 years building this ark and as he preached, dear friends.
Of righteousness and of judgment that comes there was only no his wife, his three sons, and their wives. 8 souls. Believe what God said. Only 8. Just think of it. Only eight people.
Believe what God said.
Or how sad.
Can I ask you to turn to Romans 5 for one verse?
The 5th chapter of Romans.
Just a part of the last part of verse 20 Romans 5 verse 20, the last part of the verse.
But where sin abounded, grace did much more about.
Always this wonderful they love ligament. Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. Here we have Noah.
Oh, think of the grace of God that could wait for 100 years.
And now the last day had come when God said to Noah, come.
Oh, isn't it wonderful?
Come thou all thy house into the ark. And dear friends, this is what God is saying tonight. He is saying, Come, Oh yes, he sees into your heart.
He has heard what you have uttered with your lips or with your heart, Yes, and seeing all the enmity and the hatered, the disobedience, the Self will, and many other things.
Oh, think of it, God is saying, Come, come thou in all thy house into the ark. Isn't it precious? And you, dear children, who are here? Is this not a proof that God loves to save households?
Thank God he does, and a lot of responsibility for the parents.
Oh no. Have this message from the Lord come thou and all thy house into the ark. Oh, this ark was the only safe place. There's only one way to escape this judgment from this one that it was going to destroy this world one way.
The ark, the ark. Come thou and all thy house into the ark. All that ark is Christ, friend. What about it? Have you come? If not, will you come? All the invitation is still going out. Come down. Yes, Come thou and all thy house into the ark. So this is salvation. And this was the only way.
This was the only means to escape this judgment, that it was going to come down upon this world the only way. And so we find in verse five that Noah was obedient. Nor did a cordon unto all that the Lord commanded him. Just notice that. And verse five of chapter seven he did all that the Lord commanded him. Now let's notice.
It says.
In verse nine there went in two and two unto Noah of the ark, the male and females God had commanded.
No, that is of all the clean animals and fowls they all went in. And it says in verse 11 and the 600 year of Noah's life. And the second month, the 17th day of the month, the same day we're all fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open and the rain was upon the earth. 40 days and 40 nights in the South, same day entered no shem, ham and jape at the son of Noah.
And no advice. And the three wives of his son with them into the ark verse 15 And they went in unto know into the ark two and two of all flesh.
Verse 16 And they went in, male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him. And the Lord shot him in. Oh, think of this now it says here that they went in.
Yes, God says, Come, thou and he stand a knight. Come, What are you going to do?
All friends think of the long stopping of God. No way in through that door into the ark. And that door tonight speaks to us of Christ. Yes, the Lord Jesus said in the tent of John 9, verse 9.
I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
May I ask any here tonight again? Have you entered the door? All through faith have you except the Lord your Savior?
Remember, the Lord is the door now they went in through the door, and the door is open. Friend to let you in. But remember, the day will come when God will shut the door. Oh, it came here. But I want you to notice. Oh dear ones, God waited seven days.
Before he shot, Before he sent that judgment.
Yes. With no in that ark, God waited seven days. Isn't this a picture of his grace? Oh friend, what are you going to do? He's still waiting. He's still waiting.
Judgment is a strange work. He doesn't delight to judge, but he does delight to bless. Well, we find that God shut the door.
And the flood was 40 days upon the earth.
Oh, can we not use our imagination a little?
And as we think of those people who laugh at Noah, and I'm sure they did, I'm sure they thought that Noah and his family were a little odd.
Yes, to go into that ark.
And as they saw that door shut.
And nothing happened.
Perhaps they thought a little more.
That Noah was a little little odd, you know, not right in his mind.
But dear friends, when that rain came down.
I am sure that those people outside the Ark would have paid any amount of money. They would have done anything to get inside.
But they couldn't. It was too late. Too late. All the solemnity of a dear friend, the solemnity of a think of these people outside the Ark.
Oh no. For 100 years. Earnestly I'm sure. Preach those people.
Bought only eight, believe only 8.
And now it is too late. They're outside. Oh yes, I'm sure that they climbed the highest mountain, but you know that water rose higher and higher and higher.
Why? Every living creature perish. There was no escape, you know, the Apostle says in Hebrews he asked the question, How shall we escape?
If we not lack so great salvation, there is no escape, no escape from that judgment, friend. All those people Perry's in their sins, and where are they tonight? Where are their souls?
Oh friend.
Do you know where their souls are tonight?
In the first epistles of Peter.
We find that those spirits in the present House of the lost.
Those spirits who listen to nor preach, And first Peter there there in the present House of the Lost.
Yes. Oh friend, I want to warn you, if you die tonight without Christ, your body will go to the grave. But I want to warn you, your spirit will go to the prison House of the lost awaiting that resurrection day, when you, my friend, will stand before the Great White Throne, when those books will be opened and that book of life was opened.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into like a fire. Oh friend, tonight do you wonder that we are in earth? We are in earnest tonight because we believe what God says, and if we didn't believe it, we wouldn't be here. But we believe what the word of God says all. There are many tonight that say.
That the story of the flood is just a myth, The story of Noah. Why, It's just a fable.
And friends, tonight there are some who stand in the pulpit, who utter those words, who deny the story of no and the flood. But I want to warn you, friend, if you deny the 6th chapter of Genesis, where are you going to stop?
Because we have the flood mentioned in Joel 22 and we have the Lord Jesus speaking about Noah.
And we have the Apostle Peter and his epistle speaking about Noah and friends.
Or if you deny one part, you don't have anything left. You don't have anything left.
All I want to warn you, this is a word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God.
We mentioned what God saw and what God heard.
And I'd like again to bring before you what God said, Oh, just think of God, oh the Lord Jesus says, for God so love the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, oh the heart of God.
Yes, he's still saying the same words. We have His precious word tonight that tells us the gospel of His grace. And we have the words of the Lord Jesus saying, Come unto me all ye that we're in our heavy laden, and I will give you rest, oh friend, tonight have you come? If not, will you come? Will you receive the Lord Jesus tonight as your Savior?
A few weeks ago, after a gospel meeting, my heart was filled with joy and a little boy about six years of age came right up to the front after the meeting to shake my hand just about 5 or 6 and said I received the loyalty that my Savior think of that a little boy.
A5 or six. He confessed the name of the Lord Jesus. I wonder if there is any here tonight who love the Lord Jesus. Have you confessed his name? We do it tonight. All that glorious verse in Romans 10 and nine that if thou shalt, confess with thy mouth.
The Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart.
That God has raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved, old friend.
Do you want to be saved? Sometimes people say what folly. What from? I'm all right. I'm in no danger, old friend. Tonight if you're not saved, you're in danger of slipping down into a lost eternity.
Yes, you are.
And if you don't accept price as your savior, you will. You will.
Oh, remember then what God saw what he heard?
And yet despite it all, despite seeing the rebelliousness, the stubbornness of self, will, of the human heart, God so loved the world that he sent it only Son, Oh dear friend, I think of that verse in Matthew where the Lord Jesus speak. And he says the Son of Man came not to be ministers unto but to minister, and to give his life.
A ransom for many.
He doesn't say all for many, but it is to all upon all who will believe tonight. Oh, yes, He gave his life a ransom. And so all the work has been accomplished and still it or is open wide. What are you going to do? Are you going to come in? Oh, we sing that him God's house is filling fast. Yes, it is. How about it?
How about our dear friends? Have you entered the door? Salvation. Oh, how precious well we find here.
In chapter 8.
God remember not. Yes, he remembered North. And the day is coming. And all of your friends we had before us today in the 14th of John about the Lord coming again.
He's kind to take.
Everyone who has put their trust in him, he's coming to take us home to glory. He hasn't forgot his promise. God remembered Noah. And I want to tell you the day is coming when God is going to remember that promise and the Lord Jesus going to come. Oh what a wonderful day that will be. What a wonderful day for North when God remembered him.
And you know, then we find that the rain stopped.
And the waters went down, down, down.
And then we find God speaking to to Noah and verse 16.
God speak unto Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark. Thou now wife, and thy sons, and my son's wife with thee. And so Noah went forth. Oh there he was saved by a great deliverance from this judgment. Yes, God remembered Noah.
Oh friend, I like that. And you know it's gone. If God was to forget you, my friend, for one moment, your soul would Perry.
If he was to forget this world, this world, my friend would perish. But God never forget. No, he never forgets. And so.
God remembered Noah.
Oh, I am loathe to close this meeting because.
As I think of that terrible judgment that fell upon those who rejected knoweth message.
The judgment fell. And as I think of those spirits of those men, they're bound in a prison household loss.
And they're still going to stand before God. They're going to answer for what they said to Him when they said depart from us. For we desire not the knowledge of Thy words. Is there one here tonight like that?
Are you indifferent to the word of God? Is it nothing unto you that the Lord Jesus Christ?
Died on the cross for your sins. Is it nothing to you?
Oh, I want to warn you.
T Not Mark.
Whatsoever man soweth that shall he also reap. Oh yes, if you go on in your sins, you are going to reap the result of it.
You're going to come under his judgment. Well, God remembered Noah, and so the day came when he came out of the ark.
Some time ago.
I was on an airplane.
And I had my ticket.
And I sat in the waiting room waiting the final call to go on board, just like there are many here in this room tonight, waiting for the final call that will call us into the presence of our precious Savior.
And as I sat there, I noticed that the waiting room, the airport, was full.
And finally the call came to go on board.
And so immediately.
I wanted to get on as fast as I could. I didn't want to be left behind.
And so I got on board that aircraft.
And you know, I had AC to find to me. The number was on my ticket and I found my seat and I sat down.
And as I sat down, it felt good to be in my own seat.
And as I looked at all the people that were coming on, I began to wonder how they all going to get a seat.
How they're all going to get a seat. There were so many.
But is somehow other one by one they all got seated except one one man.
And there he stood in the aisle.
One. Perhaps there's one here. Not safe, I don't know.
Well, the authorities came along, stewardess. She looked at his ticket and called another officer.
And this time, this man, he went right down all the seats on the aircraft. He wanted to see the ticket of everyone.
Everyone was questioned. Let me see your ticket.
And you know, I was interested.
My eyes followed him down the one side and back up the other side, and he came to me and I hand him my ticket.
And he gave it back to me with all the.
And then I began to be more interested, and I saw him go.
Down the aisle and he came to a man that I had somehow suspected that he was on there illegally.
Because there was a look on his face.
That told me he wasn't at peace, he was uneasy, and that officer looked at him.
Let me see your ticket.
And he said, you get off.
And that man, my friends, had to get off that flight.
He didn't have a word to say.
He had to get off.
The other man sat down in his own seat.
The door was shut.
And that man was left behind.
Left behind. Why? Why was he left behind?
Because his name was not in the captain's book.
His name wasn't in oh again.
As I look into the face of many here tonight.
I can't see in your heart, but I'd like to ask you is your name.
In God's book. Is it in God's book if the Lord was to come tonight?
Would you be left behind?
Would you be left behind?
Oh, I trust not. That man was left behind. For him it was nothing serious because there were other flights following during the day and no doubt he got to his destination before nightfall. But friend, when the Lord comes, he's only come at once to take all the believers home to glory and then.
My friends, it'll be too late to be saved. It'll be too late to get your name in his book.
Now, how you're going to get your name and God's book.
Are you asking how can I get my name in God's book? Oh dear friends, I'll tell you how you know what it says in Romans 6 and 23. It says the wages of sin is death. And that's true.
And we know that every man in this world.
Is a Sinner and the proof it is because people die, Old and young alike, they die.
The wages of sin is death. But all God said. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. How about it? Is there one here tonight Who will receive the Lord Jesus As your savior, would you put your trust in him? Oh, if you do, my friend, God will record your name in his book.
I'm going to read the last chapter, Revelation.
At least the 20th tapped in the last verse.
And who Solero has not found, written in the book of Life, was cast into the lake of fire. This my friend.
Will be the proof? Yes, it will be the proof that what God says is true.
Yes, what he says is true.
When you stand before God, as you will at this day, if you're not saved, you're going to stand before God here.
When the books are open, yes you will. And if you're not saved, your name will not be there.
And you'll be left behind.
All I trust that each one of us will remember.
That God sees everything that we do and He hears everything that we say.
And all I trust that each one here will hear what he is saying, what he is saying. He knows what you're saying in your heart. And he's saying tonight come, he's saying come, for all things are now ready.
We know there's a bright and a glorious HomeAway in the heaven high.
Where all the regime shall with Jesus dwell, but will you be there, and I?
Will sing the 1St and the last verse of #24. So we sat.
We know there's a pride and a glory.
All the dream is common.
Lord will do we have?
If you take.
All of it save your.
When you are burning up early.