Fred Beatson's Home Call

THIS is the photograph of the late Private Fred Beatson, King’s own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Fred, who was always a quiet lad with a fondness for horses, joined the-Army when nineteen years of age, and for some time was groom to an officer. He was well-liked by his comrades, the more so perhaps by reason of his retiring disposition. On August 5th 1913, having finished his seven years with the Colors, Fred returned home. After his return his colonel wrote him asking if he would rejoin, offering him promotion to sergeant. But his love for home and home associations led him to refuse. On the 5th of August, 1914, he was recalled to the Colors from the Reserve, and shortly afterward proceeded to France. In writing home he would often remark that the cheerful letters he received kept him from falling into many ways that are open to the life of a soldier. In his last letter, written a few days before his death, he spoke hopefully of a speedy return, concluding with the well-known Sankey’s hymn and parting salute of the Christian soldier.
After taking part in the famous retreat of Mons, the battles of the Marne and Aisne, he was killed in action on the 18th of March, 1915. Now, comrade, look at this discolored copy of “Within Five Minutes of Heaven,” one of what the soldiers call “Jimmy Wallace’s tracts.” It is stained with the life’s blood of Private Beatson, the soldier whose photo you see above. It was taken out of his pocket in this condition after he was killed. Poor lad! and he was looking forward to being married at the first opportunity.
“My boy was a staunch Christian,” said his mother. “I too love the Saviour,” she added “and now wait the time when we shall meet again, when parting and sorrow are unknown.” Thank God,
“Those who love the Saviour never
Say a long, a last farewell!”
Dear comrade, if you should be summoned into eternity as suddenly as dear Beatson, would death mean for you the entrance to glory? or would it be endless despair? Think of the boundless love of the Son of God, who came from heaven’s glory to the shameful death of the cross to save guilty sinners from the wrath they so richly deserve, and do not forget that your eternal salvation or eternal damnation depend upon whether you receive or reject the Son of God. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the “Wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:3636He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36)). J.J.P.