Incidents of the War

When the War is over, I think I shall go and live in France, because during the War France has discovered she has a soul, but England during the War has found out that she has no soul.” These are the words of a Christian working at the Front.
Sad it is, as an officer said to me the other day, “Men will not seek God in England, and so God cannot help us.” The sins of England are causing the death of thousands of Englishmen. What an awful price this to pay for our pleasures!
Do Something Definite.
Do something definite, or help others to do it. Think of the value of an immortal soul! Think of the tens of thousands without Christ! Help us to send them the Word of God. If we fail in our duty now, thousands will ask us in the great day why we failed. What answer will you give?
A Fire Trench in Flanders
This is a photograph of a section of a British trench in the actual firing line in Flanders. Last week, after a service in one of these trenches, fifteen soldiers decided for Christ. Here prayer meetings are held, and hymns sung, and here, alas! many a brave man meets his death. Every man that holds these trenches must have a khaki Testament to fit his pocket. Help us to send them to them.
Stand To!
This is a command constantly heard in the trenches. When the men hear this command they must be awake and alert; they must leave everything they are doing, and take their rifles and their helmets, and be ready to attack or to repel an attack. Stand to! though the storm of battle bursts around you, and the hurricane of shot and shell make a pathway for the feet of death. Stand to! stand bravely! If death comes, die at the post of duty, Christian soldier, your Captain bids you stand to! “Watch and pray.” “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Hold fast that which God has committed to you until the day when He will require it at your hands. Stand to! in life and live for Him. Tell your comrades of His love and lead them to Him.
“Get thee, watchman, to the rampart!
Gird thee, warrior, with thy sword!
Be ye strong as ye remember
That amidst you is the Lord.
Vain the leaguer! our foundations
Are upon the holy hills,
And the love of the Eternal
All the stately structure fills.”
Good-bye, dear reader, for another month. Remember our daily needs to carry on this work. Remember us in your prayers to God. Pray that every Testament sent may win a soul for Christ, and that every parcel may be richly blessed. We are told that there are a few in each regiment standing boldly for the truth. Let us help them, for
The Word of God commands us.
The souls in need entreat us.
The love of Christ constrains us.