“Since being at the Front, I do not want to hear any more about God, and there are ten thousand like me.” So spoke a wounded Canadian soldier in a hospital ward, but he accepted a tract and read it. Please pray for him.
A Canadian Soldier’s Letter
From the Front another Canadian writes: ― “Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I was very pleased that you sent the New Testaments to the soldiers who sent their cards to you. The men like them very much, and there are others asking me for cards for Testaments, but I have given them all away. I would like to get more cards if you have them to send. I am glad you send gospel books with them, especially the tract about, ‘Will Death in Battle Save?’ as so many believe that it will, but we know that salvation is only through the precious blood of Christ.”―P. R.
No War on the Other Side
After one of the battles, the French and German wounded and dead lay together at dawn near Blamont, many of the wounded awaiting the merciful touch of death. A French private handed his water bottle to a German officer lying beside him, who was groaning with agony and thirst. The officer drank, then kissed his enemy’s hand with the words of reconciliation, “There will be no more war on the other side.”
He Listens, or, The Bold Sepoy
Did you read in the Standard how two wounded Sepoys at Brighton ventured to address our King when he visited the hospital, and how graciously His Majesty listened to what they had to say and to ask? What one of these dear Indian soldiers said has taken hold of my mind, and may it, dear reader, lay hold of yours. He said, “He listened, and that is enough.” So he felt sure the King would consider his request. Now just think for a moment. The King of kings listens, His ear is always open to the cry of the needy sinner, the sorrowful or the afflicted and bereaved. He, the King of kings, listens, and that is enough. You may be quite sure He will not fail nor forsake. His ear is never heavy that it cannot save (Isa. 59:11Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: (Isaiah 59:1)). So be like the bold Sepoy speaking to our King George; come boldly to the throne of grace, that is, the King of kings, that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:1616Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)). “Whatsoever ye ask the Father in My name He will give it you” (John 16:2323And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. (John 16:23)). So ask boldly and believingly, and when you receive what you ask, praise Him, thank Him, and then do what you can to tell others that “He listens, and that is enough.” Emily P. Leakey
From a Lad at the Front
“Just a line or two as I want you please to send me one of your khaki Testaments, as I have not got the Word of God. I have been reading one of your books, “A Message from God.” Do you know, before I enlisted I was a good Christian lad, but I fell off from God. But I thank Him that one of your books came into ray hands. I have been reading the story about ‘Comrades True’― about the Salvation Army lads―it brought to my mind when I used to stand in a Salvation Army open-air ring, and of the many times when I have sung,
‘The Lord’s my Shepherd, I shall not want.’
But I thank God I can sing it now from my heart. I am only a young lad, but I am not ashamed of Christ―never, and will never be ashamed of letting my pals know I am a Christian... I shall be very thankful if you will send me one of your Testaments, as I. shall be going into the firing line in a few days’ time and would like one before I go.”―C.E.
Tucking Him In
A Colporteur says: ― “One night, when the men had got into bed my co-worker went round with a cheery word for each. Stopping to tuck one man in, to the amusement of the rest, he said: ‘Once a man, twice a child. Ah, my lad, I expect your mother has tucked you in like that many and many a time.’ ‘She did,’ said the soldier, his voice softening with the memory of his mother. ‘Aye,’ the Colporteur went on, ‘and I expect she taught you to kneel down before getting into bed, and say, “Gentle Jesus, meek and mild”; or, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” ‘Yes, that she did,’ was the quiet response, while a sudden silence came over the scene. For the Colporteur had passed on to speak of a love even stronger and more tender than that of a mother’s. It was a straight, homely talk of the sinner’s need and the Saviour’s sacrifice to meet it, but simple and direct as it was, not a man there was ever likely to forget it.”
A Soldier’s Safety
Our loved ones are as safe with God in the trenches as at home. There is no danger under the shadow of God, and no harm can come to them whom God protects. We need more prayer. A mother writes me: “I do desire the prayers of God’s people for my three dear boys in France, that they may be brought to see their need of a Saviour ere it is too late. Please accept the enclosed ‘Widow’s mite.’”
King George at a Soldier’s Grave in France
Bare-headed our King bends reverently over the grave of one of his dead soldiers, who has been slain fighting for England. We know not where he died, or how he died, but we know he has fought his last fight―he has passed into the silent ranks of the dead, and no earthly roll call will ever speak his name again. In unknown and unremembered graves are thousands of the loved and lost to earth. But not one soldier’s grave who died in the ranks of the King of kings will ever be unknown to Him in whose service they lived and died. He who has the keys of the grave saw the hurried burial ‘mid the battle storm; He saw where the mangled form was laid; He gave His angels charge of His soldier’s burial-place, and when the day of the first resurrection dawns the soldiers of the King of kings shall be raised from their graves and rise upward to meet their Lord in the air, and through the ranks of angels they shall pass to the grand review of heaven. And when the roll is called up yonder they’ll be there.
Last Words for June
Testaments are greatly needed everywhere, and that is why we entreat you to help us. Read page 84 of the “Message.” We are sending parcels now to every continent. We will send a parcel to any Christian soldier or sailor who will distribute them for love of Christ and precious souls. We have been enabled by God’s goodness to send three thousand five hundred parcels, and we are longing to send three thousand more. But we want one hundred thousand Testaments to put in them.