Rifleman Bernard Ellis

or Prisoned, Pardoned and Promoted
BERNARD ELLIS was born in a large manufacturing town in Lancashire on the first day of September, 1889. From his earliest years he acquired a roaming disposition. Left to wander at will (his mother being at the factory all day), the lad soon became notorious for his pilfering habits. He would frequently visit the public market and steal there from anything and everything he could lay his hands upon. Much of this kind of evil may have been partly owing to his having to frequent public houses and drinking saloons in company with his parents.
His mother, a typical Irishwoman, six feet in height, and a staunch Roman Catholic, owing to a disagreement with the priest over domestic difficulties, sent young Bernard to a Protestant school, but hatred of school discipline and love of wandering were particular characteristics of the lad at this time. At the age of twelve he lost his mother and leaving home shortly afterward, traveled the country with first one and then another side show, meanwhile carrying on a regular system of pilfering with his employers. This went on until he was sixteen years of age, when being in Liverpool, hungry and penniless, he joined His Majesty’s Army, enlisting for seven years with the Colors and five years in the Reserve. Having selected the King’s Royal Rifles as the regiment he desired to serve in, he was sent to the depot at Winchester.
The military life of Ellis, from the time of enlistment until he was finally discharged the Army with ignominy, was one long catalog of Army crimes, some trifling, others serious-absence from parade, breaking out of barracks, disobedience of orders, attempting to desert, insubordination and insolence, were some of the offenses committed whilst serving in this country. These were followed by more serious ones after his arrival in India, viz., theft, disobedience of Commanding Officers’ orders, and wanton destruction of kit, uniform and bedding. One court martial was followed by another, and various punishments ranging from three days’ cell to six months’ imprisonment, were meeted out to him. On one occasion, whilst on a thieving expedition, Ellis narrowly escaped committing murder. His last sentence was one of, six calendar months’ imprisonment, and discharged the Army with ignominy. Whilst undergoing this sentence in a military prison at Lucknow, Ellis, in a fit of temper, cut into shreds every scrap of his kit, clothes, and bedding. For this he was sentenced by court martial to ten days’ solitary confinement, with bread and water, in a darkened cell.
On the fourth day of this punishment, as he paced up and down the cell, his past life came up before him like a panorama, and he cursed as he recalled lost opportunities. Hymns he had heard sung in gospel meetings were brought afresh to his mind, and whilst in this condition he heard a voice, in clear, distinct tones, saying: ― “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)). He listened, and a strange feeling overtook him. Again the same voice said: “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again” (John 3:77Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. (John 3:7)).
Ellis walked about the cell, and felt that the evil one was struggling to get the victory; but the love of God completely broke him down, and a verse of a beautiful old hymn came to his mind, and he repeated in faltering tones: ―
“Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou hidist me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God I come!”
He then prayed to God after this manner: ― “O God, for Christ’s sake, forgive my many sins, and receive me as Thy child.” There in solitary confinement―in a darkened prison cell, alone with God― peace and joy came into his heart, and the heavy weight of sin was lifted from his soul. He knew that he was a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things had passed away; all things became new (see 2 Cor. 5:1717Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)). The remaining days of his imprisonment were spent in the joy of the Lord and in the delight of His Word.
Some four months after his conversion Ellis was sent to England and discharged from the Army without a character, and without a friend in the world. He found great difficulty in obtaining a situation in civil life, but eventually, by God’s blessing, he was enabled to obtain employment in his native town. In addition to this God gave him a good wife, and a comfortable home; he also soon began to take an interest in gospel work, and would frequently address gospel meetings at the gates of the foundry where he was employed, and from the steps of the Town Hall.
When the present War broke out, Ellis became desirous of redeeming his Army character. Time after time he failed to re-enlist owing to his previous bad character. Once he was told that if he went to a certain recruiting office and said nothing as to his past career he would be able to join. This he refused to do.
After vainly trying for some time to re-enlist, Ellis resolved to write to His Majesty King George. This he did, telling His Majesty of his past career, at the same time asking his pardon for the wrong done to him when in his service in India. He also informed His Majesty that, having been converted to God, he was desirous of an opportunity of redeeming his Army character.
Three days afterward he received a letter from His Majesty’s Secretary, stating that if he were medically fit the military officials would accept his services, and the Secretary added: ― “His Majesty directs me to tell you so.”
With this letter in his possession Ellis started off once again to the recruiting office, and re-enlisted in the King’s Royal Rifles.
This was 14th October, 1914. After serving some months in England he left Salisbury Plain for France, and both in and out of the trenches it was ever his joy and delight, whilst serving his King and Country, to make use of every opportunity of telling his comrades of the Saviour of Sinners, the One mighty to save.
It was my privilege to correspond with him and (through the kindness of the Lord’s people) to send him from the time of his arrival in France until his “Home Call,” Testaments and gospel literature for distribution amongst his comrades.
Appended are a few extracts from his letters received by the writer: ― “When I get the opportunity of speaking to a comrade of the love of God made known in Jesus, I take it at once. I love to drop seed by the wayside. Someday there will be fruit, and both he that soweth and he that reapeth will rejoice together. Our regimental motto is: ‘Swift and bold’―swift to spread the glorious gospel of salvation, and bold to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints. We have been quite busy under shot and shell telling the lads the good news of salvation through the finished work of Christ. We have a meeting every night and sing hymns. There is quite a move in the hearts of the men in the trenches. When I start a hymn the singing can be heard above the hum of the bullets and the crashing of shells. After hymn singing I am often asked by my comrades to pray.
“In speaking to them I present both sides of the picture―God’s love and His righteousness. I tell them of the Saviour Christ Jesus, who came into the world to save sinners. I also warn them to flee from the coming judgment. One after another the lads are shot down, and we know not who will be the next. I realize in a marvelous way the power and presence of the Lord out here, and His peace is wonderful.
“ ‘Oh that the world would taste and see
The riches of His grace,
The arms of love which compass me
Would all mankind embrace.’
“The other day the enemy’s artillery opened fire on us; the shells burst by the dozen all around us. Some of my comrades were killed, others wounded. Two shells struck the earth close to me and shattered into a thousand pieces. The force of the explosion lifted my cap from my head. I took pieces of steel fragments of the shells out of my puttees and off my cap. Praise God, whilst the shells are flying around I can sing:―
‘Thou, O Christ, art all I want;
More than all in Thee I find.’
I can also pray: ―
‘Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of Thy wing.’
It would do your heart good to see the men sit round and listen to the gospel.”
“The men out here do not want praise and oily language, because they are fighting for King and Country; they want to be right with God, and feel their need of a Saviour.”
“I was up to the knees in mud in the trenches when your parcel of Testaments and tracts arrived, but I soon got rid at them. The lads were delighted to get them; may God bless the seed sown, and grant that many may know Him whom to know is Life Eternal. And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent’ (John 17:33And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (John 17:3)).”
“I am more than glac:1 That I know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.”
“Before leaving England I used to kneel down in the barrack room to pray for my comrades. My next bed-fellow, to whom I often spoke, has accepted Christ, and is with me now witnessing for Christ. May he, and each of us, grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (2 Peter 3: 18).”
“We have all sorts come to our gospel meetings when out of the trenches―atheists, R. C.’s, Unitarians, and those who think (because oftentimes they have heard it preached, alas!) that death in battle will save them; others think that they, can, like the dying thief, be saved at the last hour, forgetting that whilst one thief was thus saved, one was lost; but, thank God! every question asked can be solved by the Word of God.”
“I thank God that He saved me; and has kept me ever since. When I was first converted I did not know Genesis from Revelation. When in the trenches, every spare moment I get I use it in reading the Word of God. Some chapters I have read twenty times in one day. Oh what comfort I find in God’s precious Book!”
“I am very pleased with the hymn sheets and the tracts you sent; may God bless the same to the salvation of precious souls!”
“We are having a gospel meeting tonight amongst our comrades, as tomorrow we go again into the trenches. Many, perhaps, will never come out alive again. May God prepare their hearts to receive His Word!”
“How blessed to be an ambassador for Christ!
“I have been enabled to realize in a very special way the peace and presence of God in the midst of desolation and death.”
“My desire is that every Christian at home shall uphold their brethren in Christ out here in prayer, and especially to pray for the conversion of our unsaved comrades.”
After serving six months with the British Expeditionary Force, Rifleman Ellis was promoted Lance-Corporal, and three months later (24th February, 1916), was Promoted Lance-Sergeant on the field for gallantry, viz., “bringing into a place of safety, under a heavy machine gun fire of the enemy, a wounded comrade who had been left behind.” The same night, whilst a party of his regiment were engaged in a dangerous occupation, the enemy turned a machine gun upon them, and Sergeant Ellis was mortally wounded. Shortly afterward his ransomed spirit had departed to be with Christ: he was absent from the body, present with the Lord.
One of Sergeant Ellis’s comrades (the bed-fellow referred to) wrote thus: ― “You will be sorry to hear that the Lord has called Bernard home, but we shall meet again when Jesus comes. He was a good worker for God, a brave soldier of his King and Country, and he it was that led me to the Saviour.”
Another adds: ― “We have lost our best friend in the regiment. Bernard has made a great difference to me since I first knew him, and has shown me many wonderful truths from the Scriptures. He was loved and respected right through the regiment. He was a good servant of Christ, and a brave soldier.”
A third writes: ― “Ellis and I have stood side by side amongst our comrades and proclaimed the gospel of salvation. The earth is poorer, far poorer, for the departure of so noble a spirit. Here in the fighting line we miss him terribly, but thank God for the testimony he has left behind. We have often read God’s Word and prayed together. He was ever active in the Lord’s service, and ready at all times with words of cheer and comfort. I shall always thank God that ever I came into contact with him.”
The subjoined is a copy of a letter sent to and graciously acknowledged by H.M. King George: ―
To the King’s Most Excellent Majesty.
“Sir,—A desire has been expressed that your Majesty should be informed of the brave and gallant conduct, and death, of Lance-Sergeant Bernard Ellis, King’s Royal Rifles, in France. Your Majesty will probably remember that this was the soldier who was discharged the Army with ignominy, and who, at the commencement of the War, vainly tried to re-enlist, and who eventually wrote to your Majesty for permission (which was most graciously given) to do so. On the 24th February Lance-Corporal Ellis was promoted Lance-Sergeant for a gallant action on the battlefield the previous day. The same evening he was mortally wounded, dying the next morning.
“Here before me lies a communication from one of his comrades telling the sorrowful news; he also adds that Sergeant Ellis was a good worker for God, and a brave soldier of his King and Country, and he it was that led me to the Saviour.
“I am enclosing a copy of Two Pardons (for which see Ellis), ‘Willie the Bugler,’ ‘The Royal Invitation,’ and Private J. Wallace’s letters from the Front, with desire that your Majesty may be pleased to accept the same.
“I remain your Majesty’s faithful and dutiful servant, ―”
Dear friend, you have been reading of God’s wondrous Ways of grace in bringing to Himself Bernard Ellis. All who wish to spend eternity with Christ must enter the same way as he did, viz., take the place of a helpless, guilty, hell-deserving sinner, and receive from the Lord Jesus Christ the forgiveness of sins. “Salvation is of the Lord.”
There has never been a sinner who came to Jesus in this the day of God’s grace who was ever turned away. God’s righteous claims have all been fully met in the death of Christ. The work (the only work) that saves was gloriously completed by Him on Calvary. God is infinitely satisfied with that work, and He longs that you should be satisfied with that which satisfies Him. May the heart language of every unsaved reader of this story be in substance that which fell from the lips of dear Bernard Ellis on New Year’s Day, 1911: ― “O God, for Christ’s sake forgive my many sins, and receive me as Thy child.” So shall the happy experience of joy and peace in believing be yours. The Scripture saith, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:99That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)).
J. J. P.