One writes: “I am sorry to say, as far as I know, I am the only one among our ship’s company that is taking a stand for our Lord and King, so you can imagine the joy I felt at the willing way the men received the booklets, and the way several of them asked for the Testaments. It really did me good. ― F.R.”
From a Corporal: ―
“I have been asked by the men if they sent to you for a Testament would they get one? Of course I told them to write, so you will get a lot of the regiment writing for a Testament. I have filled in a form and am sending it to you. I am a believer in God. ―G.H.”
Another writes: ―
“It is wonderful to know what strength God can give you to do His will, and the great faith that has taken hold of our souls and has made us so much more trustful. I wish that there was time and space to tell you of all His love and goodness, but that would fill volumes. The Christians at the depot here meet every evening for forty-five minutes for our prayer meeting, and it is there we meet God face to face, and we never go away unblessed or unstrengthened. Our numbers are continually growing. Last night we had fifty-four, and when I tell you that three months ago there were only two you will see that God is here and that to bless. I had intended to keep your Testament as well as the one I have already, but last night, as I was getting into my hammock, a new recruit, who came here last week, asked if there was room for him to sleep between my chum and myself for the night as his quarters were full. Of course we said, ‘Certainly,’ and having twenty minutes before “pipe down,” we chatted together. God told me to ask him if he had a Testament. He said, ‘No, he had not,’ so then I jumped out and got yours out of my kit-bag. He was very glad to have it. Well, Doctor, I have decided to ask you to send me on a dozen Testaments as soon as possible. I feel it is God’s will that I should do something more for Him. ―N.G.”
Called Up
A soldier writes: ― “I have been called up (not, by the way, the calling up I’m looking for when our blessed Saviour comes for His own). I want some tracts and Testaments to distribute among the men.... Thanking you in anticipation.” Yes, the soldiers of Christ will soon be called up and caught up. Someone is coming! Coming from heaven for His own. Soldiers! take your Testaments and read 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 13 to 18. You will see there Who is coming, and for whom He comes. Will He come for you?