"For many years I believe God's Holy Spirit has been striving with me and urging me to accept Christ. I have for the last six years associated with believers, especially since I have been on this ship.
"I have heard time after time that grand old story of how Jesus died for me: and I am a man who ever loved to hear that old, old story.
"I have been 'almost persuaded' more than once, but my heart was like a stone. It seemed as if I could not decide for Christ.
"And so I remained still far away from Him who is ever saying, 'Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.'
"So time rolled on. When the holiday season came around again, everybody was wishing each other a happy time. Then I began to think seriously, and I said to myself, `What is it that can make one happy?' Surely there can be nothing lasting in all this noise, hilarity, eating, drinking, and singing of songs. However, the holidays passed away, and I was still undecided.
"Soon afterward I became most uneasy in my conscience. Just then I received a letter from my wife. She said in her letter that the dying moments of the old year seemed to her just like the fire in the grate: both must die and go out, and come to an end. I was seriously impressed by this idea, and the thought struck me: there is a lesson to be learned even from the fire in the grate. We all must die, for 'all in Adam die.'
"Suppose God were to call me hence, and require me to give an account. Would I be ready? Could I say, in the words of the hymn, 'Take me as I am'? The answer came, No, I could not say, 'Take me as I am.'
"The solemn moments of the year were fleeting fast away my last, perhaps, on earth. God was speaking to my soul, and saying, 'Behold, now is the accepted time; now is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.' I felt that I could no longer delay; I must decide one way or the other. And I did decide; I accepted Christ as my Savior, 'I have found in Him a resting place, and He has made me glad.'
"My conversion is not of long standing, but I am 'looking unto Jesus,' and trusting to Him to keep me walking in the light that has now dawned upon me. I know that 'His grace is sufficient for me,' and that He will never leave nor forsake His own."