The Glorious Person:
"When He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high."
The Lord Jesus is God, the Son.
He is the Mighty Creator and Mighty Upholder of all things. Everything was made by Him. Everything is held together by His power. In Him God has been fully revealed.
He was called Emmanuel—"God with us."
"God manifest in flesh" was seen in Him.
The Glorious Purgation:
The mighty work of redemption which none but He Himself could accomplish. No man or angel or archangel was great enough.
The Lord of Glory must take the servant's form and die if sinners were to be saved. In love to us therefore He came. In love to us He suffered upon the cross. In love to us He, the Sinless One, was made there an offering for sin and died. In no other way could He make atonement or meet our deep need.
"'Twas great to speak a world from naught,
'Twas greater to redeem."
He could not save us from the eternal throne, so He stooped to Bethlehem's manger and to Calvary's cross. There He bore the judgment. There He by Himself purged our sins. Where is He now?
The Glorious Place:
He is now at the right band of the Majesty on high.
He is not on the cross. They took Him down from that tree of shame.
He is not in the grave. The angel at the sepulcher said, "He is not here: for He is risen."
Where, then, is the One who "by Himself purged our sins"?
He is at the "Right Hand of the Majesty on High."
He who was in the lowest place of shame for us, is now in the highest place of glory.
His mighty work is done, all done. Thus He is risen. Thus He is glorified. It was not possible that the Son of God could be held captive by death or see corruption.
Christ—"the Man, Christ Jesus"-is in heaven. He has sat down there because the work of redemption is done.