What is the greatest sin you ever committed?
You have committed many sins of various kinds and characters. Sins directly against God, and sins directly against man. Sins of thought, sins of word, sins of deed. Sins of omission, sins of commission. All of these are serious. There are no little sins. But what is the greatest of all your sins?
This: that you have not given the son of God His rightful place in your heart. The Lord Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would come and convict the world "of sin, because they believed not on Me."
They had done much that was evil—indeed, their whole life had been sinful but—their chief sin had been that they believed not on Him.
He had come into the world of sinners that He might save them. He had spoken words of grace; He had wrought deeds of mercy. He had shown His goodness. He had revealed His power. But they would not receive Him. They would not own His claims. They would not bow to His rule. They rejected Him in whom all the love of God had been expressed. They would not have Him to reign over them.
Have you never refused Him His rights in your life?
Again and again He has knocked at your heart's door. Again and again He has sought for admission. At gospel preachings, through the earnest words of loving parents or friends, by the Word of God and by gospel periodicals, He has called for you to yield to Him. It has been all in vain hitherto. Is it to be in vain forever?
The last knock at your heart's door will come; perhaps it comes by this paper now in your hand. As you value your soul, open and let Him in.
If you do not receive Him you will be like those who rejected Christ, and of whom He said, "Ye shall die in your sins."
And if you die in your sins, the greatest of them all will have been that you believed not on the Son of God.