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Gospel—D. Whitaker
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Good evening.
I would like to sing together with you.
O Christ and thee, my soul have found and found in thee alone.
The peace, the joy I sought so long, the bliss till now unknown, now none but Christ can satisfy.
None other name for me. There's love and life and lasting joy. Lord Jesus found indeed. Before we sing this, I'd just like to say this sometimes. You'll see it.
A mother with a brand new baby in her arms.
Maybe you've done this, I've done a time or two. You say to that mother, know the sweetest thing you can do, the best thing you can do for that little lamb is whisper the name of Jesus in his ear or her ear.
Let's see #19 would someone please start that?
Tonight, and for the sake of the young folks, I've got several interesting stories for you.
But you know, the Lord may come before I get to those stories, so I think I better tell you the gospel first.
First Corinthians, chapter 15.
And verse one.
We don't know.
The day nor the hour when the Son of Man cometh.
1St Corinthians 15, chapter one, chapter 15, verse one. Moreover, brethren.
I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are saved, if you keep in memory what I have preached unto you, unless you believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, How that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures. Now these are facts.
And that he was buried. And that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
And was seen, and he was seen of Cephas then of the 12:00 And after that he was seen above 500 brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
And then we find out in other places of Scripture where this blessed One, He appeared unto his own some few days there.
And then he was taken up in glory.
Taken up out of this world.
He was received up in glory.
He went up in glory to glory, and that's where he is sitting right now, at the right hand of the majesty on high in the heavens.
For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Beautiful, beautiful verses.
It makes me think of something.
There's a time when there was an A very important man from Ethiopia and.
And he was up at Jerusalem and he maybe he wasn't satisfied because he was coming back in his chariot.
He was reading the book of Isaiah.
You know, the 53rd chapter of Isaiah, some of you can probably quote it. And he took that wonderful message down into Ethiopia. Now, the other day I was in Ethiopia and I walked over to a desk like this. Well, I should say, I walked past and I saw a lady and she had her Bible open. And I should have gone and peeked over and seen if she was reading the 53rd chapter of Isaiah, wouldn't that have been interesting? But there she was. The Word of God was open.
The Word of God has reached way down to that part of the world.
Has the Word of God reached into your heart tonight?
I would like you to turn, please, to Romans chapter 4.
Verse 3.
What saith the scripture?
Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
Not to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
That is, if you try to work, do something for God, for your salvation, you're making God a debtor and He owes you something. That's not the basis He has salvation on. Here it is, but to Him that worketh not.
But to him that believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
I like that little verse because there it's talking about an ungodly man.
It has been said before, God doesn't come along and take a little whisper room and start to clean him off a little bit, get some of the dust and the dirt off him.
And start to work in his heart and his mind in such a way that it makes him a better person, no?
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. So while you're in your ungodly condition, you're in a lost condition. You're in a hopeless condition.
Faith is counted for righteousness.
And he justifies the ungodly.
What a God we have if a Sinner.
Turns from his ways and he justifies God. God turns right around and justifies that Sinner. Wow, that's wonderful.
And that's what we have tonight. We have a God that has made the way clear.
And open.
So that we can bring just our guilt, just our sins.
And we can tell him, here I am, Lord, save me.
Act 1631. There was a man there that was in desperate shape.
Inside this prison.
There was a duet being sung in praise.
Look it up here.
It goes like this.
The keeper of the prison waking out of sleep and seeing the prison doors open, he draw his sword. This is after midnight.
Paul and Silas would pray, prayed, and they were singing.
Songs of praise unto God. They were exercising their they were holy priests. And then later on they're telling this man how to be saved. They were royal priests. But here's this duet. They're singing praise to God. The prisoners heard. God heard and he did a miraculous thing. He opened the prison doors and everybody could have escaped, right? But no, the man with a bad conscience, he wakes out of his sleep.
Sleeping with a bad conscience? You ever heard of such a thing? Oh yes.
He wakes out of his sleep, trembling, knowing that the prisoners are all fled. They've gone away.
And he says to him, Peace.
Don't do yourself any harm, we're all here.
This man, he calls for light trembling. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever trembled in the presence of God?
Up our way, young folks, they have.
There are cars pick up trucks and so on. On the back of it it says No Fear, No Fear. I think if they get enough of those stickers up, they'll convince themselves there's No Fear. But I'm going to say to you tonight is yes fear, yes fear. One man who was just about to die said to another man, dost not thou fear God? Don't you fear God?
Well, this man, he called for light, He sprang in old. There was a diligence there, wasn't there?
He fell down trembling.
And he brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Believe.
And they said believe both of them. They said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house now your mommy, daddy are saved, are they?
Well, God has mine for you to be saved tonight. You're part of that family.
Maybe you don't have a family that's saved. Never heard the gospel. Perhaps tonight we want to tell you about the loveliness of Christ, how you can be saved, and that eternally God requires a blood sacrifice and this sacrifice that he has provided.
Is flawless.
We were mentioning earlier in the day about a savior that some say a savior could have sinned.
But he didn't, of course.
This is a very serious thing to say that, and now I will add this young people, you sometimes think about how nice it would be to get in a big church somewhere where there's a lot of activity and there's a lot of wonderful singing. What if the man that stood up in front of you said, well, we know that Christ could have sinned.
You know a lot of them do that. They say he didn't sin, but he could have.
Were not redeemed with corruptible things.
Silver and gold.
But with the precious blood of Christ uncorruptible, it cannot be corrupted.
And soul if you have a corruptible savior, you have a corruptible salvation.
If you have a savior.
That could sin, although He didn't. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. He's off in eternity with us, with us. We're in Him and He has this ability to sin and He sins. You're out now. Don't get excited about going to some church.
Where it's all activity, you might get some wrong doctrine children, might get some wrong doctrine young people.
What we had here that we had the Spirit of God allowing one brother to correct another brother, to bring in a verse, oh, that's sweet to my heart, the truth, the truth of God and the truth as to the person of Christ.
He's flawless. I just might say here, some people say, well, you know, he could have sinned, but he didn't know. What about the temptation when Satan took him up there on the mountain and the pinnacle of the temple and so on.
Didn't that just show that he he was able to resist that temptation? I'll explain it to you this way. I have to admit it's a feeble one, but if you can make anything out of it, good.
Do kids have Velcro? You know, on your shoes, you pull your strap over like this and you have a Velcro. All right, there's two parts to that Velcro. I don't know what they call them. There's a name, but let's call it part one and Part 2.
You take part one, put a big piece of Velcro up here, Part one.
And you take Part 2 and you throw it against that, it sticks like that.
There it is. It sticks.
Now the Lord Jesus, he had a human nature.
I have a human nature, I have a fallen human nature. There's quite a difference now.
Back to the Velcro.
If you take and put a piece of glass up here and you take and throw that same piece of Velcro at the glass, that what happens, Just hits it and fall right to the ground. There's absolutely no sticking.
Well, that's what our blessed Savior is. He has no ability to accept or receive sin into his life. Did it show something? Yes, it showed that there's no ability.
For him to sin God, who cannot lie.
Peter was a man of action, he said. He did no sin.
John, a man that lay on his bosom, affection, said.
In him was number sin.
Paul, the man with intellect, said about the Lord Jesus. He knew no sin. No, he's perfect.
And that's who we have to present to you tonight, our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins.
He redeemed us to God by His precious blood.
The wages of sin is death.
And I don't mean to speak disrespectfully or fluke or lightly. The minimum wage.
That's an item that's talked about in this world today.
Yes. I don't know what it is, 5/16 hour or something and something, I don't know. Anyway, the minimum wage, that's what you pay. You pay your workers at least that much.
One sin, the minimum wage death.
Oh, think about that.
Now tonight we're going to, oh, I'll tell you a little story, children. You might like this, and maybe you won't.
There's a young man, his name is Gregory Crane. He's probably not that young. I'd say he's maybe 30 years of old, 30 years of age. He's a flight instructor up at Moses Lake, WA. So he takes these folks up in the airplane.
And they fly along and get their instructions and then they transfer from the small single engine plane over to the double engine and jets and all that sort of thing. Well, they were up over that part of Washington and something happened to that one engine, something called magnetos makes the spark that makes that thing run.
Started spitting and coughing and so has two magnetos and they started acting up at the same time. And so he grabs the mic and he says Moses Lake Tower, this assessment 25E I've got a problem over here. I've got an engine that's giving me some trouble and I'm 20 miles north of whatever he said. He said I'm 20 miles north of town at 6000. We can give him all the information. So get him on radio and all that stuff.
And the man in the tower, he said, OK, I have you. So on, so on. Let's see on radio where he's going to give him some vectors and some things to do as you do this as your closest airport and so on. So how many souls on board?
Oh boy, this man didn't believe there was a God. He didn't believe he had a soul. Now you've got a problem, you've got a failing engine, and you've got a conscience that's really troubled.
What is he going to do?
Well, the engine kept sputtering along, sputtering along. And he made it back to the airport. He put it down and he went up in the tower and he said I didn't appreciate you telling me I had a soul.
He got upset with the air traffic controller.
That's the way the story was related to me.
Gregory Crane is his name. He didn't believe there was a God, but you tell him that he has a soul and he gets real nervous. He had more problem with that question of a soul than he did the engine in front of that airplane.
Another story.
A man by the name of Brent Hitchpeth, he's an important guy over there at the Boeing Airplane Company and he was he and another man John were took an airplane from Seattle down to.
I believe it was Southern California to have some work done on it that day and so while the plane is being serviced.
They're out playing golf. Brent loves the Lord Jesus. He's put his faith and his trust in the Lord Jesus.
And he tries to live for the Lord, and he does throughout playing golf. And this man, he.
Takes his swing and he takes a lump of dirt right out of the ground, and he takes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in vain.
And Brent, who is his boss, becomes very silent and he said, well, are you upset by my language? And he just, he could lose his job by saying, yes, yes, I'm very upset with your language. But he was careful.
And indicated that this may be not the thing to do.
OK, they get back in the airplane and it's John's turn to fly it from Southern California back to Everett, WA. It's a long airplane, 777.
And when you take off, you know you have to.
Pull the nose up, but you don't want to pull it up too far. You pull it up 3 1/2 degrees.
And then you wait until it leaves the ground, and then you put the rest away. Whatever you want to climb. Well, he was a little impatient, so he pulled her back maybe four or five degrees, and he ground the tail. Yeah. These are probably, what, $60 million airplanes? I don't know.
Or maybe $260.00, I don't know.
So now in the cockpit, Brent and John.
Very quiet and they climb higher and higher. Everything's OK. They climb higher and higher and higher and they get up to cruising altitude and.
Says to Brent.
Maybe God wasn't happy with my language either.
Oh my yes, man has a conscience.
Man has a soul.
Man has a heart, a moral story. Oh, I've heard this airplane story. They're good, aren't they?
Little girl sitting there with about four year old girl with her with her mother.
And we've been flying along and it's time to go down. And it's evidence it gets quieter in the cockpit. You feel a tip a little bit. And the clouds start. And the little girl says to her, mommy, She says, mommy, are we going down? No deer, we're coming down.
So she was trying to comfort. So the one the person has a heart also.
Oh, I'm telling you.
You know you can learn all these things in the scriptures.
We're not going to talk about evolution. Maybe we'll take that subject up. Sometimes young people have to deal with it in school. And so I'll just make a little mention of it here. It's one of the writers had this in there and I thought it was especially good, you know, why young people these.
These professors.
Want to get rid of the story of the creation because.
Then they don't have to be accountable to God at the end of the road.
They can dismiss all that stuff.
Back in the Old Testament, there was a man, Ahab and Elijah, and there was a confrontation.
Who are they going to serve? Are they going to serve Bail? Are they going to serve the Lord God? And so they built an altar. Remember that They built an altar and they killed Bullock. They put it on the altar and they started going around this thing round and round and round, and they were begging Bail to hear them.
Begging. Oh, and they cut themselves and they did all these strange things.
But it was silent.
Nothing happened.
And, you know, today it's kind of that way. They're begging evolution to hear them. Oh, evolution hear us. Oh, evolution hear us. And the further they look down into the marvelous creation of God, it becomes more and more complex all the time. Now, there's a girl in here that works with the DNA.
She's a doctor.
And I need to sit down and ask for some more questions. I've talked to some people about this DNA business. I don't know much about it. I can't even my wife can tell you what DNA means. But it's the how your body is made, how God has put your body together. And inside this little tiny thing that you can't even see with your eye is a map that's 10 feet long.
Or more.
And it has the color of your eyes, the shape of your ears.
And the color of your hair. And all about your body.
Wow. And there's 10s of thousands of them, these little maps inside your body. And when men look down into that, they start to wonder, you know, this, this, this probably couldn't be evolution. So they have to think of something else.
I'm going to tell you something God created and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, He created you and He created this marvelous DNA and this world through which we're passing. And I know that one as my own Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.
Nowhere does man show his inability in his feebleness more than when he takes up.
The subject of his beginnings. You have to go.
Moses. Moses wasn't even there when it happened.
Moses got this from the heart of God. In the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth.
Isn't that wonderful? Now if God wrote a book about.
Science. Do you think you'd be able to understand it? No, you wouldn't. Now, you boys, sometimes you slam a door real hard in. A cockroach comes out from underneath, you know, out from a matter of fact. I don't want to get delayed here, but Jack Roberts was raised on a farm in Kentucky with his brothers. He kind of raised them, and they had an old game they'd played. They'd slammed the door in the cockroach. See how many cockroaches they could get out from behind the lights?
Well, anyway, that's beside the point. It's interesting things, young people, how God has done things. And men are starting to look in to see how God has done this in connection with aviation and mechanics and all. And you get a little Ant that carries 10 times its own weight or more, and they start to wonder. So they took a little picture of a cockroach.
They took a picture of a cockroach and they slammed something down to get that cockroach going and they took a picture of it and that cockroach accelerated so fast that it got up on its back legs and just moved.
Every time man starts to look at creation.
He sees the wonders.
God, but the wonder of it all is Calvary.
That's where it's a wonderful law. In it the Lord Jesus Christ became a man, came down here amongst men.
And he went to that cross, grace, love, and he shed his precious blood. He laid down his life.
That just for the unjust to bring us to God. I know these thoughts are a little bit disconnected.
It's OK.
We read some verses.
Heaven released him.
He came down and Mary wrapped him.
In swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger.
The Spirit of God released him at about the age of 30 for service.
He served releasing others of sin and ******* the power of Satan and the Devil.
And then wicked hands took and bound him. They bound him.
And they led him to the cross, and they nailed him to a cross of wood.
And then he released his spirit.
Joseph Vermathea took linen clothes and balanced him.
And then he was placed in a grave where corruption had never been before.
Never touched a new grave.
God released him.
Heaven received him.
And now you know what he's going to do. He's going to take a towel and he's going to gird himself. He's going to bind himself.
That blessed servant and he's going to come forth as we heard in the meeting this afternoon.
And he's going to serve us forever.
Isn't that beautiful?
What a life, what a person.
I'll tell you another story. Children like stories.
Man Vester.
He's a man about 30 years of age. He lives in a country far, far away.
Poor man, yet he had a little property.
Down at the bottom of the hill was a young girl. Her name was Florence.
Florence had a mother and a father and a mother left.
And then the father would leave and there was number food on her table. She basically had barely had a place to stay. And as time went on she became poor and poor and poorer.
Until she had no one. She was about maybe 19 years of age and she didn't have anybody except there's a young man asked her house and talked to her on occasion.
There was a Hut, I suppose.
And he lived up the hill.
One day this girl came up the hill. They were well acquainted, and she said, Man, Bester, I want to tell you something.
I don't have any mother.
I don't have any father.
I don't have a house, I don't have any food, I'm running out of clothes. I've got absolutely nothing. Nothing now.
She said Man, Buster, if you have me.
I'm yours.
My investor went over to his father, said father.
There's this girl. Her name is Florence.
And I love her.
And I would like to marry her. What do you think?
Well, he says, you, you know her. Yes, I know her.
Do you love her?
Yes, I love her.
Well, I think that would be good. So my investor said yes, I will take you as my wife.
Now this.
Influence, dear sister in the assembly in Umpumpo, Malawi.
Her husband serves the Lord constantly. That's how you need to come to the Lord Jesus. You just tell Him.
I'm lost.
IA Sinner.
I'm covered with sins and I need to be saved.
And you come just as you are. Last conference we sang that song just as I am, without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me. And now thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come and I wanted. Has anybody ever been saved? Surely someones been saved singing that song. Few days later I heard about a woman that quit had been saved in her younger days singing that song. What a beautiful song, just as I am. You come to the Lord Jesus tonight and you're broken and you're helpless condition. And the precious blood of Christ will wash every stain of sin away.
You will become a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
And then you will let the Lord Jesus serve you forever. But you know you have a chance now to serve Him.
Have a chance now to serve him.
This world is a very sad place. The brother announced just an hour or so ago that I believe it's southern India somewhere.
I'm not sure there was an earthquake that reached 8 point something which is.
Horrendous, terrible, terrible thing.
And these waves come and they will wash. These huge waves will come and wash. And I've wondered, young people, why the United States?
Gets by so often.
Tragedies here, tragedies, their famines and wars and things. Now there is problems, don't get me wrong.
But here we sit here after you have come to this conference for 45 years.
And God in his mercy has given us a full dinner plate. Every time we come the word of God, it just gets expounded beautifully and our hearts are lifted up and cheered.
Do you think time may run out?
You know something back in the days.
Of Sodom, which is the days we're living in now. They just had a few hours.
To prepare.
There was a man in Luke 16. He had his lifetime to prepare. How old are you children? I saw a little boy. His name was Evan. He's three years of age. He was almost as cute as my grandson.
And then?
There was a Noah, He was building that art for many years. They had seven more days. I wondered if the day of grace is up and this is just an extension because of the heart of God doesn't want anybody to go to hell tonight.
This man, rich man, he had maybe 50 years, he said. He had his lifetime. Maybe he had 70.
The people of Jericho remember when Joshua went and sent those men into Jericho, They said we know what happened.
When the sea opened up and let you children of Israel through and we're scared to death.
Did they do anything about it? They didn't think about it. Nothing.
They had 40 years to consider that.
Bill Schazzer.
He was, they said of him. You knew all this about what happened to your father was at the grandfather.
Whole generation to think about what happened, how his father was reduced down, down, down to where he was eating grass. Though thou knewest all this.
Judas. He had three years, didn't he?
Pharaoh. How many months did he have? I'm guessing he had three months.
Those 10 plagues to roll over that rebellious man and then him end up dead. And I was down there in Egypt and this young man was taking me through the museum there in Egypt. And they had this stone with all these figures of these kings and so on and on down. And I opened my mouth a little too fast. I said, oh, show me where Moses and, and, and that king was. Oh, so that's down there. And he took off.
He didn't want to tell me about that, so he had a testimony also.
Yes, that man Ferrell had some time to repent. Did he repent? You know he didn't.
And then there was a place that had 40 days and it was going to be overthrown. Can anybody tell, can any of you always tell me where that what city that was yet 40 days and.
Nineveh. Nineveh.
Did Nineveh repent? You know it was 120 thousand kids in there, Evan size. Where's that guy? Someone raised hand.
He's back there, three years old. He doesn't know his right hand from his left. I don't think he might.
But he was little. They were little. The 100. And does God love the little ones? Oh yes, he does. I want to just say something about little ones tonight.
Little ones in the arms of their mommy and daddy, those little ones are safe. They're safe. If they were to die tonight, they're safe. And you know why? Because the Lord Jesus came to say that which was lost. There's a lost one who's born lost. Lord Jesus came to save him.
But there's another situation that comes along when someone starts to be able to think about that reason about that when they hear the gospel, they say, well, I, I see what you're getting at, but I'm not interested.
Now that person has to be sought after, Luke 1910 says. For the Son of Man came to seek.
And to save that which was lost.
No, you can look at those little ones on their mother's breasts and you can say rest in peace. Rest in peace, little lamb. Jesus die.
But there's some here tonight that better not. Rest in peace.
Because they're responsible.
Yes, there is such a thing as sovereignty. There is such a thing as choosing.
That's all true.
But if you hear the gospel of the grace of God and you say I'm not interested, the responsibility falls right square on your shoulders.
It's all yours because Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
And the chief was saved.
Oh, you can be saved tonight. The wages of sin is death. But.
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now getting back to this.
Seven days in the days of Noah after the ark was a preparing yet seven days we heard about this tragedy that happened in India. Do you know how much time did those people have before those tidal waves and those buildings shook down? I don't know what happened down there, but it sounds awful beyond description.
How much time? They may not have had many any time or but they have their lifetime.
And then you get down to the days of Sodom, which I believe were there. The days of Sodom. I'm going to try to find a verse for you in Job.
And I want to ask you, have you ever thought about how many times?
Story of Sodom has talked about in the Bible. How many different books of the Bible do you think they talk about Sodom?
Maybe 3?
Oh surely must be more than that. Maybe 5.
8-9 Ten times.
Ten different books maybe.
11 books of the Bible. Wait a minute. Yeah, more than that.
12 books of the Bible. Oh, do you mean this world knows about Sodom? Yes it does. This world knows about Sodom.
Going down a road one time to Wesley Christensen's house.
A little Toyota passed me up and had a big block print in the back window that said remember Lot's wife?
Yes, this world knows about Sodom way back in the book of Job. I want to read you a verse, chapter 36 and verse 14. You didn't know that Sodomites was in the book of Job, did you?
Well, you looked in the margin of my Bible and there it is.
Job 3614. They die in youth.
Let's make you cry. They die in their youth.
And their life is among the unclean.
Sodomites, the margin says in my Bible.
16 books of the Bible. Maybe 17 books of the Bible.
Sodom, Sodomites. Sodoma.
And here it's unclean.
Sodom, that's where we are tonight.
How much time did they have? In the middle of the night these men came in. In the evening time, these men came in and this man, he was so mixed up. His name was Lot, had a wonderful uncle. He's up on the hill walking with God.
But here with this man down the city trying to straighten it out, make it a better place, I suppose if they had a stock market, he'd have been right in there. Let's keep things going good here in this city, and let's keep prosperity and all the rest of it.
And so when the men came to his door, the men of the city, they were going to breakdown the door. And well, just before that he, he went out to them.
They said bring those men out.
No, don't. Don't do that, my brethren.
What? Oh, he'd become a friend. He'd become a friend of the world.
Think about this verse, and I don't. If you want your parents to explain it to you, they're welcome to do it.
They die in their youth.
Die on their youth. Terrible.
Their lives are among the unclean.
Oh, when Abraham was counting down.
If there be 50, righteous. If there be 40, righteous. If there be 30, righteous. If there be 20 and he stops, oh what was going through his heart?
There were relatives. Lot had his loved ones in there.
And when they left the city, like the brother said, in the hand of an Angel.
And they depart the city. Don't look back. That woman, her heart. Her heart.
Turn. She looked back.
And she became a pillar of salt. Salt preserves. Has that story been preserved to this day?
God's Word is wonderful and it's powerful.
And it's forever.
Think about that.
Would you like to hear another story?
Man bester this dear man and his wife, they live upon the mountain. You can go to see him if you like.
They even have beds in their house.
He went to his garden one morning.
And he brought his dog along with him and his tall grass alongside the pathway, and he was walking along and something hidden between the shoulder blades like this. And he stumbled forward and spun around to see what had.
What had bumped him?
Just in time to see a nine foot long snake wrapped around his little dog.
And killed it right there.
I said, man, Bester, what did you do? I said oh **** was shaking.
And he went to town, of course, and got some men and they go out. He said that's they couldn't find it. It was gone. The dog was gone and the snake was gone. This shows up about every two years.
And the name. I couldn't give you the name because they don't speak my language.
But you know, young people, there is an enemy out there. It's far worse than that snake. That snake could take you out of his world.
But there's one that wants to take you to hell.
You don't want to go to hell.
You've got a testimony, your mother, your father.
Oh, I'll tell you another story.
There's a young man, his name is Brent. These stories are about Brent tonight, young black man, 19 years of age, such a pleasant young guy, but he had an empty void in his heart. And he'd come by the back of the shop where I'm working there. He worked right next door. And so we would chat.
And he'd be slid down the seat of his little Honda Civic and the windows would be vibrating.
And he would be have that stereo turn right up there and he was trying to extract as much enjoyment on that thing as he could.
He came in the shop and he's talking to me. I said Brent, I said somebody's praying for you. Is it your Mama? Is it your auntie? Is it your grandma? He put his head down and said my grandma.
Who's praying for you tonight?
Young man, young woman, Are those guys over to school or down to party at the rock concert? Are they praying for your souls?
No, it's Grandma.
A couple weeks later.
Brent came through the door on a Monday morning, he says. You know what happened to me?
Brent yes, I got saved. I saved.
Blessed salvation, are you saved?
If the Lord Jesus came tonight, would you go up?
Now Brent went away to school down in the South somewhere and he called me on the phone. Brent, are you still going on? Oh, I'm going on with the Lord Jesus.
Oh, a blessed thing.
Do you know the Lord Jesus?
There was a little boy in Bermuda. His name was Calvin Virgil.
His Mama would take him to Sunday school.
He was 10 years of age.
I love those people down there.
Anyway, Kelvin Virgil, his grandma would take him to school Sunday school, and while she was walking along the Sunday school, the other boys would watch him and they'd start making fun of him.
And he would break away from his grandma and he'd go over there and he'd start swinging at these boys, beating them up. And she'd run over and throw her arms around him and said, oh, Lord, save him. Save him. Save him for save him.
All he was saved. He was saved.
Now let me put it this way. Boys, girls, young people.
Ever build a campfire?
Sure you have. Take a log, put it there.
And you take some kindling, put it there, paper, put it there, cardboard, slide it underneath there, some more newspaper under there, some more kindling under there.
And there it is sitting. What does it mean?
Anybody tell me?
Fire is matched.
Your mother and your father praying for you tonight to make it safe. Boys, girls.
Mike is saved. They put those prayers.
They put that kindlen in there and there's just one thing left to have happened. You just say yes, Lord Jesus, and there you are, alive for Christ.
Living and burning brightly for him. Oh, what a blessed thing.
There's nothing in this world that can compare with it. I wish we had another hour. I'll tell you a story about a guy by the name of Whitaker.
Three years ago, or two rather, I looked in the paper and this guy, Jack Whitaker.
Run $130,000,000 in a in a lot lottery down in the southeast part of the United States. Jack Whitaker was his name.
$30 million.
The other day I saw a paper and there Jack Whittaker was in there again. You thought, wow, you know, here he's probably all set up with a Learjet and, you know, a couple of homes in the Caribbean and on and on and on.
No, that's not what happened. Jack Whittier, you've been in trouble with the law 3. He's been broken into three times.
And there's been a dead body found in his house. Wait a minute, isn't winning the Lotto best thing that can happen to you?
No, it's been a life of misery the last two years. It basically said that that man has had an awful time fighting with this person. That person and people breaking into his home and distressing his life. Who would your friends be if they knew you had 30 million bucks?
Know what you need, young person. You need Christ.
That's what you need, little ones. They need the Lord Jesus. They need him.
If you're a young person and you're in school and there's troubles, you can't figure this out. Oh, that person's treating you bad. You need the Lord Jesus.
He'll take care of that for you. Or you get middle-aged and you're raising families, a family and you have children.
Oh, you need the Lord Jesus. He's there. You become older and your health fails. There he is, right there, the Lord Jesus.
When it comes time to leave this world, I've spent so many people to say, Lord Jesus, and for thy hands I commit my spirit.
You need him all the way through life. There's nothing, Nothing more sweet, nothing more precious.
Nothing more blessed than having Christ as your own personal Savior.
For God so loved the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever.
Believeth in him.
Should not perish.
But have everlasted life.
It's yours for the taking.
So we pray.