Articles on

Acts 17

Hch. 17:26 KJV (With Strong’s)

te (Greek #5037)
both or also (properly, as correlation of 2532)
KJV usage: also, and, both, even, then, whether. Often used in composition, usually as the latter participle.
Pronounce: teh
Origin: a primary particle (enclitic) of connection or addition
hath made
poieo (Greek #4160)
to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct)
KJV usage: abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238.
Pronounce: poy-eh'-o
Origin: apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary
ek (Greek #1537)
or ἐξ (ex) a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote)
KJV usage: after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(- th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in,, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion.
Pronounce: ek
heis (Greek #1520)
a primary numeral; one
KJV usage: a(-n, -ny, certain), + abundantly, man, one (another), only, other, some. See also 1527, 3367, 3391, 3762.
Pronounce: hice
Origin: (including the neuter (etc.) ἕν)
a blood
haima (Greek #129)
blood, literally (of men or animals), figuratively (the juice of grapes) or specially (the atoning blood of Christ); by implication, bloodshed, also kindred
KJV usage: blood.
Pronounce: hah'-ee-mah
Origin: of uncertain derivation
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
ethnos (Greek #1484)
a race (as of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually, by implication, pagan)
KJV usage: Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
Pronounce: eth'-nos
Origin: probably from 1486
of men
anthropos (Greek #444)
man-faced, i.e. a human being
KJV usage: certain, man.
Pronounce: anth'-ro-pos
Origin: from 435 and ὤψ (the countenance; from 3700)
for to dwell
katoikeo (Greek #2730)
to house permanently, i.e. reside (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: dwell(-er), inhabitant(-ter).
Pronounce: kat-oy-keh'-o
Origin: from 2596 and 3611
epi (Greek #1909)
properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.
KJV usage: about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ep-ee'
Origin: a primary preposition
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
the face
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
prosopon (Greek #4383)
the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person
KJV usage: (outward) appearance, X before, countenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence.
Pronounce: pros'-o-pon
Origin: from 4314 and ὤψ (the visage, from 3700)
of the earth
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
ge (Greek #1093)
soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application)
KJV usage: country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
Pronounce: ghay
Origin: contracted from a primary word
, and hath determined
horizo (Greek #3724)
to mark out or bound ("horizon"), i.e. (figuratively) to appoint, decree, specify
KJV usage: declare, determine, limit, ordain.
Pronounce: hor-id'-zo
Origin: from 3725
the times
kairos (Greek #2540)
an occasion, i.e. set or proper time
KJV usage: X always, opportunity, (convenient, due) season, (due, short, while) time, a while. Compare 5550.
Pronounce: kahee-ros'
Origin: of uncertain affinity
c before appointed
protasso (Greek #4384)
to pre-arrange, i.e. prescribe
KJV usage: before appoint.
Pronounce: prot-as'-so
Origin: from 4253 and 5021
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
the bounds
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
horothesia (Greek #3734)
a limit-placing, i.e. (concretely) boundary-line
KJV usage: bound.
Pronounce: hor-oth-es-ee'-ah
Origin: from a compound of the base of 3725 and a derivative of 5087
d of their
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
katoikia (Greek #2733)
residence (properly, the condition; but by implication, the abode itself)
KJV usage: habitation.
Pronounce: kat-oy-kee'-ah

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Ministry on This Verse

hath made.
Gn. 3:20• 20Y llamó el hombre el nombre de su mujer, Eva; por cuanto ella era madre de todos lo vivientes. (Gn. 3:20)
Gn. 9:19• 19Estos tres son los hijos de Noé; y de ellos fué llena toda la tierra. (Gn. 9:19)
Mal. 2:10• 10¿No tenemos todos un mismo padre? ¿No nos ha criado un mismo Dios? ¿Por qué menospreciaremos cada uno á su hermano, quebrantando el pacto de nuestros padres? (Mal. 2:10)
Ro. 5:12‑19• 12De consiguiente, vino la reconciliación por uno, así como el pecado entró en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte, y la muerte así pasó á todos los hombres, pues que todos pecaron.
13Porque hasta la ley, el pecado estaba en el mundo; pero no se imputa pecado no habiendo ley.
14No obstante, reinó la muerte desde Adam hasta Moisés, aun en los que no pecaron á la manera de la rebelión de Adam; el cual es figura del que había de venir.
15Mas no como el delito, tal fué el don: porque si por el delito de aquel uno murieron los muchos, mucho más abundó la gracia de Dios á los muchos, y el don por la gracia de un hombre, Jesucristo.
16Ni tampoco de la manera que por un pecado, así también el don: porque el juicio á la verdad vino de un pecado para condenación, mas la gracia vino de muchos delitos para justificación.
17Porque, si por un delito reinó la muerte por uno, mucho más reinarán en vida por un Jesucristo los que reciben la abundancia de gracia, y del don de la justicia.
18Así que, de la manera que por un delito vino la culpa á todos los hombres para condenación, así por una justicia vino la gracia á todos los hombres para justificación de vida.
19Porque como por la desobediencia de un hombre los muchos fueron constituídos pecadores, así por la obediencia de uno los muchos serán constituídos justos.
(Ro. 5:12‑19)
1 Co. 15:22,47• 22Porque así como en Adam todos mueren, así también en Cristo todos serán vivificados.
47El primer hombre, es de la tierra, terreno: el segundo hombre que es el Señor, es del cielo.
(1 Co. 15:22,47)
hath determined.
Hch. 15:18• 18Conocidas son á Dios desde el siglo todas sus obras. (Hch. 15:18)
Dt. 32:7‑8• 7Acuérdate de los tiempos antiguos; Considerad los años de generación y generación: Pregunta á tu padre, que él te declarará; A tus viejos, y ellos te dirán.
8Cuando el Altísimo hizo heredar á las gentes, Cuando hizo dividir los hijos de los hombres, Estableció los términos de los pueblos Según el número de los hijos de Israel.
(Dt. 32:7‑8)
Job 14:5• 5Ciertamente sus días están determinados, y el número de sus meses está cerca de ti: Tú le pusiste términos, de los cuales no pasará. (Job 14:5)
Sal. 31:15• 15En tu mano están mis tiempos: Líbrame de la mano de mis enemigos, y de mis perseguidores. (Sal. 31:15)
Is. 14:31• 31Aulla, oh puerta; clama, oh ciudad; disuelta estás toda tú, Filistea: porque humo vendrá de aquilón, no quedará uno solo en sus asambleas. (Is. 14:31)
Is. 45:21• 21Publicad, y haced llegar, y entren todos en consulta: ¿quién hizo oir esto desde el principio, y lo tiene dicho desde entonces, sino yo Jehová? Y no hay más Dios que yo; Dios justo y Salvador: ningún otro fuera de mí. (Is. 45:21)
Dn. 11:27,35• 27Y el corazón de estos dos reyes será para hacer mal, y en una misma mesa tratarán mentira: mas no servirá de nada, porque el plazo aun no es llegado.
35Y algunos de los sabios caerán para ser purgados, y limpiados, y emblanquecidos, hasta el tiempo determinado: porque aun para esto hay plazo.
(Dn. 11:27,35)
He. 2:3• 3¿Cómo escaparemos nosotros, si tuviéremos en poco una salud tan grande? La cual, habiendo comenzado á ser publicada por el Señor, ha sido confirmada hasta nosotros por los que oyeron; (He. 2:3)
 He struck next at a well-known theme of Athenian vanity, by no means, however, peculiar to that race, or land, or time….The one origin of man goes with the unity of God, as the pretension to distinct races with their respective patrons of polytheism. (Acts 17:16-34 by W. Kelly)

J. N. Darby Translation

and has made of one blood every nation of men to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, having determined ordained times and the boundaries of their dwelling,

W. Kelly Translation

And he made of one [blooda] every nation of men to dwell on allb the face of the earth, having determined appointedc seasons, and the bounds of their habitation,

WK Translation Notes

"Blood" is not in the most ancient MSS.
Some MSS. read "every face."
A few MSS. read "fore-appointed."