Incidents of the War and the Peace

Ten thousand golden fields are waiting for the harvest now. The countryside is laden with the gifts of God to man. We think of other fields “white to harvest,” precious grain for God to be garnered. Oh! what of our sowing and what of our reaping? When we get to heaven, “What shall the harvest be?” Help us, dear friends, in the sowing and the reaping. We want to sow the good seed—the Word of God—broadcast over the world.
Sergeant B—says that when he was in hospital there was a young soldier in one of the beds dying; the doctor told him he had not many hours to live. When the doctor had gone he turned to the nurse and said, “I am dying; can you help me?” She said, “I am here to see after your body, not your soul,” and went out at the door. He then turned to a soldier in the next bed, and said, “Can you help me? Do you know anything?” “No, I don’t know anything,” the soldier answered; “but I remember one thing my mother taught me when I was a little lad:
“ ‘Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child;
Pity my simplicity,
Suffer me to come to Thee.’”
“Oh! say it again,” the dying man said. He repeated it. Then he laid quiet for a little while; then, “It’s all right now,” he said, “He’s come,” and he turned over and died. Does it not show how the loving Lord saves to the uttermost?