The Home Over There

One dark, wintry evening, a woman was walking along a lonely road. Her heart was very sorrowful, for her thoughts were occupied with her circumstances, her trials, her bereavements and her earthly prospects, which was as gloomy to her as the night which was darkening around her.
All that she loved best had been taken from her, and now a solitary toiler, she moved along her lonely way. Occupied with these sad thoughts, she forgot that the One who loved her with an everlasting love, and who with loving kindness had drawn her to Himself, was still caring for her.
As she passed a house, a man came round the corner, and with his hand on the door knob, began to sing, “O think of the Home over there.” It was just a moment ere he passed in and closed the door, but his work was done.
Tears of joy and sorrow filled the lonely woman’s eyes as she went on her way. Her countenance was no longer sad, for her thoughts were carried above—that was her home. “At Thy right hand are pleasures for evermore,” she repeated to herself; and then the thought that she was a stranger in this world because her Lord was not here, and she asked herself did she want a resting-place where He had none? And so the heart of this weary and lonely one was lifted up above her toilsome life, and called to consider Him.
What rest it brings to the heart of one who knows the blessed Lord, to think of Him, whether as “the Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief,” or as the brightness of eternal glory! Do you think of Him when weary and burdened? Have you got near enough to Him to understand His tender and loving sympathy? Blessed are all they who put their trust in Him.