During the recent war, after a German attack, an American boy who came back to our lines discovered that his “pal,” with whom he had fought side by side, was missing; he immediately asked permission to go back over the field and get him. His officer advised him not to go, and said,” If you do, it will not be worth while. Go at your risk, but it will cost you your life.” The boy went out, found his friend badly hurt, and brought him back near our line, but at that point the wounded soldier died. The rescuer himself was then shot. Dying, he crawled back within the line. The officer, leaning over him just before he died, said: “I told you, you would lose your life. Was it worthwhile?” “Yes, sir,” replied the dying soldier. “He said he knew I would come.” The Master said He would rise again, and He kept His word. The Master says He will come again, and He will surely keep that word, too.