"Tiger, Tiger"

A most amusing and delightful incident was sent to me which had appeared, I believe, in the “Sunday at Home.” I am thinking many of the “Message” readers would like to hear it, so I am venturing to tell them about the dear little child who was led (I think) by the Holy Spirit to rebuke a minister of God This clergyman was giving an address to the Sunday school scholars He said there are three kinds of temper: sulky, obstinate, and quick-hasty. Now I think, said he, quick-hasty was the worst; just like a tiger who quickly springs at human beings directly he is aroused. As the school closed with a hymn, the children joined with such loud voices, sadly out of tune, and it so annoyed the preacher that he brought his fist on the table with a hard thud and he shouted, “Stop this awful noise, you children!” Silence ensued, but a tiny child came forward and pointed to him with her forefinger, saying, “Tiger, Tiger.” Evidently she had taken in the lesson he had preached. The dear, good man saw how he had failed, so he came down, picked up the little child and kissed her, saying, “I am very sorry, dear, and I will try and guard myself before preaching to others.” How truly Christian he was to humble himself even to a little child. Now, dear readers, shall we, or can we, do the same? following our dear Lord’s command, “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly,” then we shall not give way to quick-hasty “Tiger, Tiger” spirit.
Emily P. Leakey.