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Joshua 13

Josh. 13:14 KJV (With Strong’s)

Only unto the tribe
shebet (Hebrew #7626)
a scion, i.e. (literally) a stick (for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc.) or (figuratively) a clan
KJV usage: X correction, dart, rod, sceptre, staff, tribe.
Pronounce: shay'-bet
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to branch off
of Levi
Leviy (Hebrew #3878)
attached; Levi, a son of Jacob
KJV usage: Levi. See also 3879, 3881.
Pronounce: lay-vee'
Origin: from 3867
he gave
nathan (Hebrew #5414)
to give, used with greatest latitude of application (put, make, etc.)
KJV usage: add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, X avenge, X be ((healed)), bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast, cause, charge, come, commit, consider, count, + cry, deliver (up), direct, distribute, do, X doubtless, X without fail, fasten, frame, X get, give (forth, over, up), grant, hang (up), X have, X indeed, lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave, lend, let (out), + lie, lift up, make, + O that, occupy, offer, ordain, pay, perform, place, pour, print, X pull , put (forth), recompense, render, requite, restore, send (out), set (forth), shew, shoot forth (up), + sing, + slander, strike, (sub-)mit, suffer, X surely, X take, thrust, trade, turn, utter, + weep, + willingly, + withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.
Pronounce: naw-than'
Origin: a primitive root
noneb inheritance
nachalah (Hebrew #5159)
properly, something inherited, i.e. (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an heirloom; generally an estate, patrimony or portion
KJV usage: heritage, to inherit, inheritance, possession. Compare 5158.
Pronounce: nakh-al-aw'
Origin: from 5157 (in its usual sense)
; the sacrifices
'ishshah (Hebrew #801)
properly, a burnt-offering; but occasionally of any sacrifice
KJV usage: (offering, sacrifice), (made) by fire.
Pronounce: ish-shaw'
Origin: the same as 800, but used in a liturgical sense
c of the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
of Israel
Yisra'el (Hebrew #3478)
from 8280 and 410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: --Israel.
Pronounce: yis-raw-ale'
made by fire
'ishshah (Hebrew #801)
properly, a burnt-offering; but occasionally of any sacrifice
KJV usage: (offering, sacrifice), (made) by fire.
Pronounce: ish-shaw'
Origin: the same as 800, but used in a liturgical sense
are their inheritance
nachalah (Hebrew #5159)
properly, something inherited, i.e. (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an heirloom; generally an estate, patrimony or portion
KJV usage: heritage, to inherit, inheritance, possession. Compare 5158.
Pronounce: nakh-al-aw'
Origin: from 5157 (in its usual sense)
, as he said
dabar (Hebrew #1696)
perhaps properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue
KJV usage: answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use (entreaties), utter, X well, X work.
Pronounce: daw-bar'
Origin: a primitive root
unto them.

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Cross References

See the Note on verse 33.
Josh. 14:3‑4• 3For Moses had given the inheritance of the two tribes and the half tribe beyond the Jordan, but to the Levites he had given no inheritance among them.
4For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim; and they gave no part to the Levites in the land, save cities to dwell in, and their suburbs for their cattle and for their substance.
(Josh. 14:3‑4)
Num. 18:20‑24• 20And Jehovah said to Aaron, In their land thou shalt have no inheritance, neither shalt thou have any portion among them: I am thy portion and thine inheritance among the children of Israel.
21And to the children of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithes in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they perform, the service of the tent of meeting.
22Neither shall the children of Israel henceforth come near the tent of meeting, to bear sin and die.
23But the Levite, he shall perform the service of the tent of meeting, and they shall bear their iniquity: it is an everlasting statute throughout your generations. And among the children of Israel shall they possess no inheritance;
24for I have given for an inheritance to the Levites the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as a heave-offering to Jehovah; therefore I have said of them, They shall possess no inheritance among the children of Israel.
(Num. 18:20‑24)
Deut. 10:9• 9Therefore Levi has no portion nor inheritance with his brethren; Jehovah is his inheritance, according as Jehovah thy God told him. (Deut. 10:9)
Deut. 12:12,19• 12And ye shall rejoice before Jehovah your God, ye, and your sons, and your daughters, and your bondmen, and your handmaids, and the Levite that is within your gates; for he hath no portion nor inheritance with you.
19Take heed to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite all the days thou shalt be in thy land.
(Deut. 12:12,19)
Deut. 18:2• 2but they shall have no inheritance among their brethren: Jehovah, he is their inheritance, as he hath said unto them. (Deut. 18:2)

J. N. Darby Translation

Only to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance: the offerings by fire of Jehovah the God of Israel are their inheritance, as he said to them.