Articles on

Leviticus 3

Lev. 3:16 KJV (With Strong’s)

And the priest
kohen (Hebrew #3548)
literally, one officiating, a priest; also (by courtesy) an acting priest (although a layman)
KJV usage: chief ruler, X own, priest, prince, principal officer.
Pronounce: ko-hane'
Origin: active participle of 3547
shall burn
qatar (Hebrew #6999)
to smoke, i.e. turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship)
KJV usage: burn (incense, sacrifice) (upon), (altar for) incense, kindle, offer (incense, a sacrifice).
Pronounce: kaw-tar'
Origin: a primitive root (identical with 7000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants)
them upon the altar
mizbeach (Hebrew #4196)
an altar
KJV usage: altar.
Pronounce: miz-bay'-akh
Origin: from 2076
: it is the food
lechem (Hebrew #3899)
food (for man or beast), especially bread, or grain (for making it)
KJV usage: ((shew-))bread, X eat, food, fruit, loaf, meat, victuals. See also 1036.
Pronounce: lekh'-em
Origin: from 3898
of the offering made by fire
'ishshah (Hebrew #801)
properly, a burnt-offering; but occasionally of any sacrifice
KJV usage: (offering, sacrifice), (made) by fire.
Pronounce: ish-shaw'
Origin: the same as 800, but used in a liturgical sense
for a sweet
nichowach (Hebrew #5207)
from 5117; properly, restful, i.e. pleasant; abstractly, delight
KJV usage: sweet (odour).
Pronounce: nee-kho'-akh
Origin: or niychoach {nee-kho'-akh}
reyach (Hebrew #7381)
odor (as if blown)
KJV usage: savour, scent, smell.
Pronounce: ray'-akh
Origin: from 7306
: all thew fat
cheleb (Hebrew #2459)
from an unused root meaning to be fat; fat, whether literally or figuratively; hence, the richest or choice part
KJV usage: X best, fat(-ness), X finest, grease, marrow.
Pronounce: kheh'-leb
Origin: or cheleb {khay'-leb}
is the Lord’s
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961

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it is the food.
all the fat.
Lev. 3:3‑5,9‑11,14‑15• 3And he shall present of the sacrifice of peace-offering an offering by fire to Jehovah; the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is on the inwards,
4and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flanks, and the net above the liver which he shall take away as far as the kidneys;
5and Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar upon the burnt-offering which lieth on the wood that is upon the fire: it is an offering by fire to Jehovah of a sweet odour.
9And he shall present of the sacrifice of peace-offering an offering by fire to Jehovah; the fat thereof, the whole fat tail, which he shall take off close by the backbone, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is on the inwards,
10and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flanks, and the net above the liver which he shall take away as far as the kidneys;
11and the priest shall burn it on the altar: it is the food of the offering by fire to Jehovah.
14And he shall present thereof his offering, an offering by fire to Jehovah; the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is on the inwards,
15and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flanks, and the net above the liver which he shall take away as far as the kidneys;
(Lev. 3:3‑5,9‑11,14‑15)
Lev. 4:8‑19,26,31• 8And all the fat of the bullock of the sin-offering shall he take off from it; the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is on the inwards,
9and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the flanks, and the net above the liver which he shall take away as far as the kidneys,
10as it is taken off from the ox of the sacrifice of peace-offering; and the priest shall burn them on the altar of burnt-offering.
11And the skin of the bullock, and all its flesh, with its head, and with its legs, and its inwards, and its dung,
12even the whole bullock shall he carry forth outside the camp unto a clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on wood with fire; where the ashes are poured out shall it be burnt.
13And if the whole assembly of Israel sin inadvertently, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the congregation, and they do somewhat against any of all the commandments of Jehovah in things which should not be done, and are guilty;
14and the sin wherewith they have sinned against it have become known; then the congregation shall present a young bullock for the sin-offering, and shall bring it before the tent of meeting;
15and the elders of the assembly shall lay their hands on the head of the bullock before Jehovah; and one shall slaughter the bullock before Jehovah.
16And the priest that is anointed shall bring of the bullock's blood into the tent of meeting;
17and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before Jehovah, before the veil;
18and he shall put of the blood on the horns of the altar that is before Jehovah which is in the tent of meeting; and he shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt-offering, which is at the entrance of the tent of meeting.
19And all its fat shall he take off from it and burn on the altar.
26And he shall burn all its fat on the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace-offering; and the priest shall make atonement for him to cleanse him from his sin, and it shall be forgiven him.
31And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat is taken away from off the sacrifice of peace-offering; and the priest shall burn it on the altar, for a sweet odour to Jehovah; and the priest shall make atonement for him, and it shall be forgiven him.
(Lev. 4:8‑19,26,31)
Lev. 7:23‑25• 23Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, No fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat shall ye eat.
24But the fat of a dead carcase, and the fat of that which is torn, may be used in any other use; but ye shall in no wise eat it.
25For whoever eateth the fat of the beast of which men present an offering by fire to Jehovah, the soul that hath eaten shall be cut off from his peoples.
(Lev. 7:23‑25)
Lev. 8:25• 25And he took the fat, and the fat tail, and all the fat that was on the inwards, and the net of the liver, and the two kidneys and their fat, and the right shoulder; (Lev. 8:25)
Lev. 9:24• 24And there went out fire from before Jehovah, and consumed on the altar the burnt-offering, and the pieces of fat; and all the people saw it, and they shouted, and fell on their face. (Lev. 9:24)
Lev. 17:6• 6And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of Jehovah, at the entrance of the tent of meeting, and burn the fat for a sweet odour to Jehovah. (Lev. 17:6)
Ex. 29:13,22• 13And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the net of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and burn them upon the altar.
22Also of the ram shalt thou take the fat, and the fat-tail, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the net of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder--for it is a ram of consecration--
(Ex. 29:13,22)
1 Sam. 2:15‑16• 15Even before they burned the fat, the priest's servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest, and he will not accept sodden flesh of thee, but raw.
16If the man said to him, They will immediately burn the fat entire, then take as thy soul desires; he would say to him, No, but thou shalt give it now; and if not, I will take it by force.
(1 Sam. 2:15‑16)
2 Chron. 7:7• 7And Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that was before the house of Jehovah; for there he offered the burnt-offerings, and the fat of the peace-offerings, because the brazen altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt-offerings and the oblations and the fat. (2 Chron. 7:7)
Isa. 53:10• 10Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise him; he hath subjected him to suffering. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see a seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of Jehovah shall prosper in his hand. (Isa. 53:10)
Matt. 22:37• 37And he said to him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy understanding. (Matt. 22:37)
 When the Holy Spirit leads us into real spiritual worship, it leads us into communion with God, into the presence of God; and then, necessarily, all the infinite acceptability to Him of the offering of Christ is present to our spirit. (Leviticus 3 by J.N. Darby)

J. N. Darby Translation

and the priest shall burn them on the altar: it is the fooda of the offering by fire for a sweet odour. All the fat shall be Jehovah’s.

JND Translation Notes

Lit. "bread."