Articles on

Numbers 21

Nm. 21:6 KJV (With Strong’s)

Andm the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
shalach (Hebrew #7971)
to send away, for, or out (in a great variety of applications)
KJV usage: X any wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart (down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow, spread, stretch forth (out).
Pronounce: shaw-lakh'
Origin: a primitive root
saraph (Hebrew #8314)
burning, i.e. (figuratively) poisonous (serpent); specifically, a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color)
KJV usage: fiery (serpent), seraph.
Pronounce: saw-rawf'
Origin: from 8313
nachash (Hebrew #5175)
a snake (from its hiss)
KJV usage: serpent.
Pronounce: naw-khawsh'
Origin: from 5172
among the people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
, and they bit
nashak (Hebrew #5391)
to strike with a sting (as a serpent); figuratively, to oppress with interest on a loan
KJV usage: bite, lend upon usury.
Pronounce: naw-shak'
Origin: a primitive root
the people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
; and much
rab (Hebrew #7227)
abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, quality)
KJV usage: (in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), captain, elder, enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough, (time)), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ((ship-))master, mighty, more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often(-times), plenteous, populous, prince, process (of time), suffice(-lent).
Pronounce: rab
Origin: by contracted from 7231
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
of Israel
Yisra'el (Hebrew #3478)
from 8280 and 410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: --Israel.
Pronounce: yis-raw-ale'
muwth (Hebrew #4191)
causatively, to kill
KJV usage: X at all, X crying, (be) dead (body, man, one), (put to, worthy of) death, destroy(-er), (cause to, be like to, must) die, kill, necro(-mancer), X must needs, slay, X surely, X very suddenly, X in (no) wise.
Pronounce: mooth
Origin: a primitive root: to die (literally or figuratively)

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Cross References

Gn. 3:14‑15• 14Y Jehová Dios dijo á la serpiente: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida:
15Y enemistad pondré entre ti y la mujer, y entre tu simiente y la simiente suya; ésta te herirá en la cabeza, y tú le herirás en el calcañar.
(Gn. 3:14‑15)
Dt. 8:15• 15Que te hizo caminar por un desierto grande y espantoso, de serpientes ardientes, y de escorpiones, y de sed, donde ningún agua había, y él te sacó agua de la roca del pedernal; (Dt. 8:15)
Is. 14:29• 29No te alegres tú, Filistea toda, por haberse quebrado la vara del que te hería; porque de la raíz de la culebra saldrá basilisco, y su fruto, ceraste volador. (Is. 14:29)
Is. 30:6• 6Carga de las bestias del mediodía: Por tierra de tribulacion y de angustia, de donde salen la leona y el leon, la vibora y la serpiente que vuela, llevan sobre lomos de jumentos sus riquezas, y sus tesoros sobre corcovas de camellos, a un pueblo que no les será de provecho. (Is. 30:6)
Jer. 8:17• 17Porque he aquí que yo envío sobre vosotros serpientes, basiliscos, contra los cuales no hay encantamiento; y os morderán, dice Jehová. (Jer. 8:17)
Am. 9:3‑4• 3Y si se escondieren en la cumbre del Carmelo, allí los buscaré y los tomaré; y aunque se escondieren de delante de mis ojos en el profundo de la mar, allí mandaré á la culebra, y morderálos.
4Y si fueren en cautiverio, delante de sus enemigos, allí mandaré al cuchillo, y los matará; y pondré sobre ellos mis ojos para mal, y no para bien.
(Am. 9:3‑4)
1 Co. 10:9• 9Ni tentemos á Cristo, como también algunos de ellos le tentaron, y perecieron por las serpientes. (1 Co. 10:9)

J. N. Darby Translation

Then Jehovah sent fiery serpents among the people, which bit the people; and much people of Israel died.