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Proverbs 1

Prov. 1:8 KJV (With Strong’s)

My son
ben (Hebrew #1121)
a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like 1, 251, etc.))
KJV usage: + afflicted, age, (Ahoh-) (Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-)ite, (anoint-)ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-)ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, + spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.
Pronounce: bane
Origin: from {SI 11129}1129{/SI}
, hear
shama` (Hebrew #8085)
to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention, obedience, etc.; causatively, to tell, etc.)
KJV usage: X attentively, call (gather) together, X carefully, X certainly, consent, consider, be content, declare, X diligently, discern, give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), X indeed, listen, make (a) noise, (be) obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation), publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, X surely, tell, understand, whosoever (heareth), witness.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'
Origin: a primitive root
the instruction
muwcar (Hebrew #4148)
properly, chastisement; figuratively, reproof, warning or instruction; also restraint
KJV usage: bond, chastening ((-eth)), chastisement, check, correction, discipline, doctrine, instruction, rebuke.
Pronounce: moo-sawr'
Origin: from 3256
of thy father
'ab (Hebrew #1)
father, in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application)
KJV usage: chief, (fore-)father(-less), X patrimony, principal. Compare names in "Abi-".
Pronounce: awb
Origin: a primitive word
, and forsake
natash (Hebrew #5203)
properly, to pound, i.e. smite; by implication (as if beating out, and thus expanding) to disperse; also, to thrust off, down, out or upon (inclusively, reject, let alone, permit, remit, etc.)
KJV usage: cast off, drawn, let fall, forsake, join (battle), leave (off), lie still, loose, spread (self) abroad, stretch out, suffer.
Pronounce: naw-tash'
Origin: a primitive root
not the law
towrah (Hebrew #8451)
from 3384; a precept or statute, especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch
KJV usage: law.
Pronounce: to-raw'
Origin: or torah {to-raw'}
of thy mother
'em (Hebrew #517)
a mother (as the bond of the family); in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively (like 1)
KJV usage: dam, mother, X parting.
Pronounce: ame
Origin: a primitive word

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Ministry on This Verse

My son.
Prov. 4:1‑4• 1Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know intelligence;
2for I give you good doctrine: forsake ye not my law.
3For I was a son unto my father, tender and an only one in the sight of my mother.
4And he taught me, and said unto me, Let thy heart retain my words; keep my commandments and live.
(Prov. 4:1‑4)
Prov. 5:1‑2• 1My son, attend unto my wisdom, incline thine ear to my understanding;
2that thou mayest keep reflection, and that thy lips may preserve knowledge.
(Prov. 5:1‑2)
Prov. 6:20• 20My son, observe thy father's commandment, and forsake not the teaching of thy mother; (Prov. 6:20)
Prov. 30:17• 17The eye that mocketh at a father, and despiseth to obey a mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it. (Prov. 30:17)
Prov. 31:1• 1The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him: (Prov. 31:1)
Lev. 19:3• 3Ye shall reverence every man his mother, and his father, and my sabbaths shall ye keep: I am Jehovah your God. (Lev. 19:3)
Deut. 21:18‑21• 18If a man have an unmanageable and rebellious son, who hearkeneth not unto the voice of his father, nor unto the voice of his mother, and they have chastened him, but he hearkeneth not unto them;
19then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20and they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is unmanageable and rebellious, he hearkeneth not unto our voice; he is a profligate and a drunkard.
21And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. And thou shalt put evil away from thy midst; and all Israel shall hear and fear.
(Deut. 21:18‑21)
1 Sam. 2:25• 25If one man sin against another, God will judge him; but if a man sin against Jehovah, who shall intreat for him? But they hearkened not to the voice of their father, for Jehovah was minded to slay them. (1 Sam. 2:25)
2 Tim. 1:5• 5calling to mind the unfeigned faith which has been in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and in thy mother Eunice, and I am persuaded that in thee also. (2 Tim. 1:5)
 In the first 7 chapters we find twelve discourses between a father and a mother and their son; each begins with “My son.” As we move through them, we will find a progression in the maturity of the subjects addressed and in the age of the son. (Proverbs by N. Simon)
 First Discourse 1:8 — Filial Obedience (Proverbs by N. Simon)
 Throughout the Bible obedience to parents is coupled with subjection to God....“Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” is the last of the first series. It is the recognition of Divine authority and the subject place belonging to the creature. (Bible Questions for December)
 Disobedience to parents the apostle classes among the evidences of the last-day apostasy (2 Tim. 3:1-5). It is the crying sin of the present lawless times, and presages the awful hour of doom soon to strike. The Scriptural “Children, obey your parents” has almost universally been superseded by “Parents, obey your children.” It is a sowing of the wind. The whirlwind will yet have to be reaped. (Bible Questions for December)

J. N. Darby Translation

Hear, my son, the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the teachingq of thy mother;

JND Translation Notes

Or "law," and so chs. 3.1; 6.20; 7.2; 13.14.