Remembrance of Thee

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
"For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till He come" (1 Corinthians 11:2626For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come. (1 Corinthians 11:26)).
What mocking, scourging, taunting, blessed Savior,
Was Thine to bear on Calv'ry's cross alone!
Thou knewest well the wrath that would befall Thee,
When Thou didst say to God, "Thy will be done."
There is no other love like Thine, Lord Jesus,
None that we've ever read of, heard, or known—
No one but Thee, amidst such jeers and scorning,
To the revilers, could such love have shown.
Thou couldst have summoned angels, at Thy bidding,
Legions to smite the jeering enemy;
But no! Thy wondrous love for rebel sinners
Chose to lay down Thy life to set them free.
Thou couldst have turned back then in the garden,
And saved Thyself from going to the cross;
O! but Thy love, all other loves surpassing,
Chose to save the others than Thyself, from loss.
There on the cross, alone, despised, rejected,
Maker of heaven and earth, all powerful One;
Thou didst submit to wrath and cruel hatred,
So that God's will, redemption's work was done.
On that same night, blest Lord, of Thy betrayal,
E'er Thou didst go back to Thy throne above,
Thy thought for us, didst institute the supper
Feast of remembrance of Thy matchless love.
The broken bread, which Thou didst set before us,
Type of Thy body, bruised, nailed to a tree;
Tells to our hearts afresh love's wondrous story—
"The Son of God laid down His life for me."
Then in the cup, we clearly see betokened
"The blood of Christ which cleanseth from all sin,"
Reminds us oft of Thy complete atonement—
Peace to our conscience gives, and joy within.
How could we e'er forget Thy love, Lord Jesus!
Keep our hearts stirred to e'er remember Thee,
When we recall Thine agony and passion,
Meekly endured for sinners such as we.
O help us, Lord, Thy love to keep before us,
Keep our hearts occupied with Thee alone;
With warm desire to Thy great love responding,
Ever rememb'ring Thee till Thou shalt come.