Gospel—Dan Brimlow
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I was looking in here. Most of these songs are.
Or from for people that already are saved.
One of the ones that umm.
Is an old one if you sing #137.
Rock of Ages Cleferson Grace has hit us safe within.
Umm, I remember seeing a war.
We didn't have ATV when we grew up. We still don't have ATV, but we were down at at the UH department store and they were trying to sell TV's and they had a a movie on it was called PT 109.
It was a true story in World War 2, and there was a.
Umm. The enemies were trying to get the Americans and the Americans were trying to get away and they hit the PT boat and they when the guys on the boat, his name was John F Kennedy and he was umm.
Trying to escape because the.
The Japanese were looking for him and so they they put him in this canoe with all these palm branches and he was underneath the palm branches and somehow.
These people in the islands had learned a song and they were singing the song and waving at the people as they went by, hiding this man underneath. And you know what the song they were singing was? No.
You know what this song is? What's it called?
Rock of Ages.
It was.
Where the water and the blood from my ribbon side which flowed are of sin, the double cure, cleansing from its guilt and power. I believe that those were Christian natives in those islands that knew, knew the Lord and John F Kennedy.
Was being saved by them from losing his life. But I don't know if he trusted in the Lord Jesus as his savior but those.
I just listening to that that movie, they were trying to make it as real as possible.
It it really spoke and I said I know that song.
One of.
One of those verses if I close my eyes and death.
Umm. As I draw this bleeding breath, if I close my eyes in death, when I soar, the world's unknown sit with the upon the throne.
Are of sin the double cure?
From cleansing power, I believe that's it. Let's let's sing this this one, because this one is talking about people being saved.
Rock of Ages, Clap foreskin.
A Safeway thing?
Good Ideal. No rest fight? No.
Could I give forever flow?
God forsaken.
How are you? By the before we saw?
It might seem proud we have been for righteousness.
From Thy fullness grace on grace.
Thou hast watched out in thy blood, make us live, and let you come.
I'd like to read a few verses tonight.
And we're going to start with one that we all know.
And I'm going to try and make it simple enough we've all heard the gospel before, or most of us have.
Why do we tell the good news that?
Christ died on the cross.
This song said.
That's something and I should say.
We have a lot of zeal. If we see we just cry a lot because of our sins, does that take care of them?
Why did the Lord Jesus come into the world? It's something about.
The Lord Jesus, why did you come into the world?
Christ Jesus came into the This is a faithful St. and worthy of everybody to receive that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Paul said that.
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, is what actually pays for sins.
Do you know that when the Lord Jesus went to?
Umm, came into the world.
Do you remember what the Angel said?
What did the angels say right when he came right into the world?
Glory to God in the house, Glory to God in the highest. That was glory going to God, but something on earth.
Peace, honor, goodwill towards men. It's the will of God, towards men and women that.
Jesus came into the world. Does anyone of you know what Jesus means?
You should call his name Jesus for he what?
Shall save his people from from their sins. Jesus means Savior.
That's that's what he was named.
The Savior of the world.
Why do people need a savior? Why do people need someone to save them?
You can't save themselves.
Today we have that verse about.
The wages of sin is.
Death and the gift. But the gift of God is what?
Is eternal life? How? Through what?
The gift of God's eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Do you know God is fair?
He's more than fair.
If somebody.
Works for something. Is it fair not to pay them?
It's not fair if they work all day and you said they would get paid.
Do you know the Lord Jesus?
Says if you do Sims, you get paid for them.
And the wages of sin is, yeah.
Once you work for it, it's not fair if you don't.
God doesn't pay.
And that is the problem. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That's why Jesus came, because he didn't.
He didn't want people to pay for their sins in hell with death.
So I'm gonna read a verse. It's sort of a strange one in umm, we quoted First Timothy 1:15. We're going to go to Thessalonians. Do you know where Thessalonians is just before Timothy?
Chapter 5.
Verse 23.
This is actually written to people that had turned to God from idols.
This happened to be Europeans, some of the first Europeans.
In Europe, in this, in the country called Greece today.
That accepted the Lord.
Paul only had about a week preaching to them and then he had to leave and then he wrote this letter to them.
The letter to the Thessalonians. Then you wrote another letter, but this one says verse 23 and the very God of peace.
Sanctify you wholly, in other words.
God that came to give us peace through the Lord Jesus is going to set us apart.
Sanctifying is like when you wash the dishes, you take The Dirty ones, you wash them, and then you put them back with The Dirty ones.
Where do you put them with the clean ones?
You sanctify them. You put them with the different parts so they don't get dirty again. Once somebody is safe, they're always safe. They're sanctified.
And so he's saying, Paul is ending this letter by saying, and I pray God, your whole spirit.
And so and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When you when we start talking about Sims, can people?
Sins in the hearts of other people.
Can you see sins in the hearts of other people?
You can't remember the guy that, umm.
Was laying on this bed and and he couldn't get up and his four friends took him and he took him over to the house and they they opened up the roof and while due there was too much crowds for umm him to come in the door. So they let him down through the roof and as he's coming down the Lord just looked up he looked at him and he says.
Man, your sins are forgiven you.
Well, what was his problem? Why was he in the bed?
He couldn't walk.
But the Lord Jesus?
Said your sins are forgiven you. And what did the people keep saying around among the people?
They said Who is this?
Only there's only one way to get rid of sins. What did the what did the people say in their minds?
Who is this that forgives sins only?
Only God can forgive sin.
God loved the world and he is concerned about the sins on the inside.
And it talks about people are made of three things here. What are they? What are made of?
In that verse.
Body, soul, and spirit.
You know, most people talk about the body, soul and spirit because.
It almost seems like the body is the most important, but which part is the most important? What is the order in the Bible?
The spirit, soul, and body.
I'm glad you mentioned spirit. That's the one that's first written here, and it is. The Bible says it's really hard to tell the difference between when your spirit and your soul leave your body. They go together.
Your body stays here and your spirit and soul stick together.
And the your spirit is the part that answers to God. And your soul is the personality that other people know that you like ice cream and you like to have excitement and things. That's your soul. That's you might say, the real you that looks out of your eye eyeballs. You know when you see somebody they smile and but it's really the real you inside that's making your body's.
Move, move. And that's the part that really matters.
Where is your soul?
And your spirit going to spend?
It's not the the labor of our hands to do something to our body.
We could not pay for our own sins.
What can wash away my sins? Nothing. But what?
The blood of Jesus. That is the verse in the Bible. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleans us from all sins.
Now I'd like to read a few verses we're going to go.
To the Ephesians. Do you, umm, do you know who the Ephesians were?
They weren't Europeans.
They were called Asians.
It is.
Everything to the east of the Mediterranean is Asia, and everything to the West of the Mediterranean is Europe.
And so emphasis is on one side of the just above Israel and.
In in Turkey, and we've just read the Thessalonians, they were across the Mediterranean.
And this is what they weren't. The Ephesians were umm like the others were idol worshippers. They didn't believe in God.
But here in Ephesians chapter one we're gonna read a few verses. Can I have some help?
We're going to read Ephesians 17 and then somebody else can read 13 who would like to read 7.
OK, Jonathan.
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace.
Do you know?
Forgiveness of sins.
Through his blood.
According to the riches of his grace.
God is.
Sent the Lord Jesus.
I I should just re remind us.
When Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, he went to the cross, and there in those hours of darkness God laid on him, on the Lord Jesus, the iniquity of us all. And if we it says, and now whosoever believe it in him, that he died on the cross for your sins, that is how to be saved.
That is how.
To apply it, there were two.
People crucified with the Lord Jesus.
Do they? Where did they go?
When they died.
When went to heaven.
And one went to hell. What made the difference?
The one said.
Don't you fear God?
Seeing we are in the same condemnation, we've been condemned, just like.
Jesus. But this man has done nothing amiss. He has done anything wrong.
Pilot said he didn't do anything wrong. His wife said he didn't do anything wrong.
The umm.
Soldier at the bottom of the cross said this was a righteous man. Everyone knew that the Lord Jesus didn't do anything wrong.
But one said, Lord.
Re I basically I believe you are the Son of God. Would you Remember Me when you come into your Kingdom? I believe.
Which is the Lord say to him?
In a word, for heaven, it is very paradise, Paradise That was sort of like what we imagined the Garden of Eden was like.
No sin.
Enjoyment for the eyes, enjoyment for the soul, enjoyment all the way around.
With Christ.
When the Lord comes back, He's saying, And so shall we ever be with the Lord. That is where heaven is, that is where forgiveness of sins ends you up, that you can be in God's own presence without sin. That's why it says.
We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin. And read another verse, verse 13.
Would like to read verse 13? Yes.
Mm-hmm. He also addressed it after that he heard the order through to gospel of your salvation. And he also answers that you believe yourselves with that Holy Spirit of promise.
The Holy Spirit of promise, do you know?
Faith comes by hearing and this verse says.
You also trusted after you heard the word of truth.
People hear the truth of what got the message that God has written of how to be saved.
It says the gospel, the good news of your salvation should be saved in whom? Also after you believe.
As soon as somebody believes, what does this first say happens?
Ye were sealed with the holy.
The Holy Spirit of promise, do you know whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, and part of that everlasting life comes with God's Holy Spirit, a new nature to live inside of you and Me.
Do you have it?
If you don't know the Lord as your savior.
You'll see I didn't want it in, but I just. I just can't help it. There's something inside me that just.
Just wants to do it and I wasn't going to do it, but then I just did it.
That's our old nature, and you only have one old nature. But if you receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior, John.
14 tells us the same light night that Jesus was betrayed, He told people, if I go.
I will send the Holy Spirit, which will be with you and live inside you, and he'll lead you to all truth. He'll help you to remember the truth and he'll be power in your life to resist. And that is why when somebody accepts the Lord as their Savior and they are baptized and they say, I would like to live for the Lord Jesus now.
They can because they have the Spirit of God.
The only ones to please God. It's part of our everlasting life. It's part of our new life. Let's read from verse.
Funny Chapter 2, verse one to 10.
Can I have you read 123? Then you skip because you already read 456.
No, we're gonna have you read 78910, OK?
Read from This is Ephesians 2.
One to 10.
And and do you have these weapons who are dead in church prices? And Sims, We're in time pass. You are according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh, and the children of disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, the last of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. And we're by nature the children of grass. Even as the God who is rich in mercy for His great love, We are with you love.
Even when we were getting things how quick enough together.
But in the ages the company might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us to encourage Jesus.
In the back row.
We're not going to spend much time on this, it's pretty self-explanatory.
And you have the quickened who are dead in trespasses and sins. We all know we cannot get away from it. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But inside God quickens us. He puts a little thing inside our mind. He puts it in other people that says.
Agree with God. You know you've done wrong. You know you need to be forgiven. You know you can't get rid of your sins by yourself. Agree with God.
And it tells that the Prince of the power of the air, that's the the devil that works in Children of Disobedience.
Encouraging, Sir.
And we've all there's no difference. All have send. We've all had. In verse three we've all had.
The flesh in us. We've all needed to be saved. There's no difference. All have sinned.
And we were.
Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and mind and were by nature the children of wrath. That means we are mad.
Even as others, but God.
That's the good news.
God, who's rich in mercy for his great love, wherewith he loved us. That's what we had this morning as we remember the Lord in his death.
The Father loved us, the Son loved us. The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world and the Lord Jesus says, Here am I send me, I'll go, I'll pay.
Like that service that said I will not go out free. I love my wife, I love my children. I want them with me in heaven.
Even when we were dead in sins, he's quickened us together.
With Christ by grace, you see.
That in the ages to come. What's going to happen?
He might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us.
When are are the ages to come? When is that? What is it talking about in the ages to come?
What does that mean?
Heaven, Heaven. It means when time just keeps going on and on and on, what's going to be happening.
Eternity is going to be showing us the riches of His kindness.
But you know, it doesn't force it on people.
He's offering the gift.
Umm. 8. For by grace or undeserved kindness, you're saved through faith.
That's trusting him. And that faith isn't of yourself. That faith is a gift of God.
Not of works, lest any man should boast. No one can say I'm so good. I saw a good deal, and I'm better than you because I recognized a better deal, you know?
We recognize God moved in me. God told me He said I need to be saved. He said he received me as your savior and we can be saved. Verse 10 For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works for God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. After we're saved, we find that God has a plan for our lives.
To do good works. Why?
It's one way to thank God, and it's one way that others can hear in.
I'm gonna read one little story and then, uh, read what Jude had to say about people Psalms 107. There's about four or five stories here, but we're just gonna take one of them.
Psalms 107 and Umm.
I think it's seven. Uh. The one I'm gonna pick is 17 to.
Verse 17.
Fools because of their transgression. Transgressions means they went against what they knew was right.
And because of their iniquities are afflicted, they got what they they reap what they sow. Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat. They draw near unto the gates of death. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distress.
Do you know that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord?
Might be saved or shall be saved.
Shall be saved.
He sent his word.
Who sent His word? God sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, for his wonderful works to the children of men.
Let them sacrifice the sacrifice of Thanksgiving and declare His works with rejoicing. That's the When you are safe, when you don't have to pay for your own sins, you're not going to hell. You should feel so relieved to be able to tell others.
Now I'm going to.
New closing.
Jude The last verses of Jude. Some people say that Jude might have been the other Judas.
Of the disciples. Do you know there were two Judas that were disciples?
One was.
A true disciple, and the other was just faking it.
And if you read Jude, it says I wanted to talk about their common salvation. But I need to warn you that there are people that they're like clouds without any rain. It looks like, oh, we're finally going to get a shower to do the crops. And then there's nothing there. It's like a bunch of smoke and no fire. It's just.
Umm, you're waiting for something and it's not there. And some people say, Oh yeah, I know the Lord.
But no, I don't wanna read my Bible. I don't wanna go to the meeting. I don't wanna obey my parents.
Well, how do you how does that work?
By their fruits you shall know them, and sooner or later, when somebody believes in the Lord, they're gonna be praising the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to us.
This is umm.
For Christians.
Would I Have Four More Help Me Read June 21, 2223.
Umm, 24 and 25. Five more people. Would you girls like to read? We're gonna go around this way and you just say pass if you don't want to, adults can read you.
We're going to have you read Umm.
Verse 21 Keep yourself in the love of God, looking for mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
I don't have some passion making a difference.
And others, save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, having even the garments spotted by the flag.
Looking for the mercy? Keep yourselves in the love of God. God loves the world, even those that are not acting lovable.
He While we were yet sinners, in due time Christ died for the ungodly people, people that didn't even want God.
Keep ourselves in the love of God and.
Some having compassion, Making a difference. Do you care?
You know, you can tell people you care about them.
And that's what draws them to the Lord others.
Saved with fear, pulling them out of the fire. It's the love of God.
That pull pulls us to him. But the Lord Jesus warned about the fire of hell coming on on people, and he said, except you, repent, you shall likewise perish. Don't put it off.
And help for the Christians verse 24.
Jude couldn't hold it back to him. That's able to keep you from falling and present you faultless with confidence.
No spot, no stains before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
All will be passed away, all things.
Our pathway. All things are becoming new. We can be enjoying that even now to the only wise God that's the Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ be glory and majesty, dominion and power, forever and ever, which I forget.
Apartheid Skip.
Both now and forever. And we're gonna be praising him so much there, we can start it here and now.
Is there Can we sing that one now unto the King, Eternal, immortal, invisible?
The only wise God, the honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Amen.
The honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Do some of the children not know that song?
Raise your hand if you've never heard that song before. So let's find the verse, and let's try it a little bit more The verse. Does anyone know which verse it is? Now Onto the King Eternal.
In first Timothy, right.
See if we can find out nurse.
First Timothy 117.
We should sing it once more. So can we sing it three times more? Once altogether and then half the room hold off and the IT is around? Yeah, yeah.
Does anyone do you know? Do you know the round and where the second part starts in? Mm-hmm. It's been a while since I've seen this round.
OK, right after the only wife's got, I think after invisible, that's what I was. OK, I think it's after invisible. Where? Where is it? What is the verse? Again 17 First Timothy 117.
OK, we're all gonna sing it together and then we'll have the first one start. And uh, we're gonna start at the invisible part, right? So this half, the second part. OK, everyone.
And one to the king. Eternal, Immortal, invisible.
The only white God he honours glory forever and ever of them.
All right, I'm good. See all your glory forever and ever. Amen.
Now unto your king, Eternal, Immortal, invisible.
The old in the king, white girl, and the Lord's own glory forever and ever. In your name was God the honor, and glory forever and ever. Amen.
I think you can do it three times.
You did a good job, everyone. That was nice.
We have a great Lord, a great salvation.
Should pray and then, umm, we can keep on singing if you want.
Our loving God and our Father. We give thanks.
For a wonderful plan to save our souls and our spirits.
Before this body dies.
Before the wages of sin.
Takes us down.
To the punishment, Lord Jesus, we thank you that thou has come and offer thyself A sacrifice to God, wholly acceptable to God.
A perfect sacrifice.
Now thou, Lord Jesus, does stand and offer eternal life to whoever.
Would receive it.
Oh Lord, we do pray for those that aren't sure.
We thank you for the Holy Spirit continuing to work, and we do pray that we would have compassion on people and tell them that we would Umm.
Tell others save with fear, pulling them from the fire.
Lord, we do pray that we would. Umm.
Trust and obey and and.
Let thy Holy Spirit do the works of the Spirit, the love, the joy, the peace, the long-suffering, gentleness and goodness that it would shine out in good works in our lives. We do pray that we will be kind to our brother. We would be tender hearted, forgiving one another either as our Lord for Christ, our God for Christ sake has forgiven us.
Help us in the days to come.
And again, help us to go on our way rejoicing in this great salvation.
To leave you honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.