Why Sleep Ye?

Duration: 11min
Sing Talk—Matt Klassen
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Let's pray.
I'll stand over here.
Our blessed God and Father, we thank you for sending thy Son to die on the cross. Thank you for this privilege. We can be together and sing praises to thee. We know that thou loudest appreciate it and brings joy to thy heart. Pray that would bring joy to our hearts too as we think on the ask for help with the open the Scriptures.
We gain something tonight that we haven't enjoyed before and not us know. Pray that we would be awake and waiting and watching for Thee. Thank you for all this and that precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
So I wanna, if you can't hear me, let me know.
I want to speak on falling asleep kind of goes with what Mark shared, but the first passage is Mark 3337 and I want to ask each of your kids to listen and stay awake to make a point. Mark 1333.
And take heed, watch and pray, for you know not when the time is.
For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house and gave authority to his servants.
And to every man his work commanded the Porter to watch.
Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight, or the **** crowing, or in the morning less coming, suddenly he finds you sleeping. And that what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch.
None of us know when the Lord is going to take us home. We may pass on, or He might come. We look forward to Him coming, but we don't know.
The Lord took my dear grandma home. She's now happy, but she didn't know 81 years the Lord gave her so any of us could go this very night.
Are we watching for the Lord's soon return?
He's coming.
I think of this falling asleep. If we're not saved, we desperately need to wake out of our sleep.
If we don't, we're going to go to lost eternity, the most solemn sleep.
Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Are we saved? Are we sleeping? That's another possibility.
Spiritual sleep.
Like Mark said, are we just floating along?
Are we coasting? In life? Some have shared, There's no such thing as coasting. You're either going down or you're going up.
We cannot serve 2 masters, it's either God or Mammon.
And Mark said, and I enjoyed this going on, for the Lord requires energy. The Lord doesn't want us to be lazy Christians.
There isn't even a word for lazy Christians. I believe the Lord wants us to be energetic.
Romans, 1311.
And that knowing the time that now is, it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The Lord's coming is very soon. None of us know it's very close.
Revelation says Behold, I come quickly at least three times. It's a beloved promise we have.
But the Lord encourages us to wake out of our sleep.
Loop 22.
And said unto them, Why sleep ye? Rise and pray, and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.
This is the Lord saying that to his disciples as he prayed in the garden.
Quite something. They couldn't even watch us. In one hour they fell asleep. That's our heart. If we were to there, we would have done the same thing. They were very sorrowful, but the Lord asked if they could just watch and they fell asleep.
And that last part, lest he entered into temptation. I was thinking of that verse in, uh, first Peter 5/8 Hold your spot.
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil as the roaring lion walk, is about seeking whom he may devour. Then go back to Luke 2246. Why sleepy, rise and pray lest he enter into temptation.
The devil's seeking whom may devour. If you're sleeping, you're far easier. Pray for him.
If you're waiting and watching, the Lord can help you, and only He can. But the devil's out there looking for you.
Another thing are we sleeping because we're giving up?
Don't give up.
We're just on the threshold of going home.
Ephesians 5.
16 Redeeming the time because the days are evil.
You guys all know what time is. We don't have very much of it says redeeming the time because the days are evil. We need to make use of this time we have left. We don't know how much could be until tonight, but these days are evil and we need to live for the Lord more than we ever have.
And only that which is done to the Lord will last, that'll it'll carry on for eternity. That's all that will matter.
Proverbs 24.
Verse 33.
Get a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep. So shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth, and I want as the armed man.
I took on this verse, that word poverty.
You think of a poor person not having money or something. That's not the poverty I think this is talking about. I think the poverty is is losing.
The joy in this life the Lord wants us to have.
If we're asleep.
And not awake and living for Him. We're gonna lose the enjoyment that we could have. We don't have to wait for heaven to enjoy the Lord right now.
And I think also the poor is nothing in our lives to share. I mean in the Lord for the Lord and even to share with others.
And then, uh, Mark read the story of Eutychus in Acts 90. Can we turn there?
I mean, sorry, X20 verse 9.
They're set in a window, a certain young man named Eudicus being fallen into a deep sleep as Paul was long preaching. He sunk down with sleep and fell down from the third loft and was taken up dead.
I just took from this do we love to hear the word of God or when someone starts sharing it do we start to fall asleep is Mark shared Utica's was half in the world and half listening. We can't do that. We have two masters as Christians. We can only to we can only serve one and be happy and that's the Lord.
And we don't have to listen to the other master. We he's no longer.
He's no longer ruling over us. It's a joy. We can just say no or ask the Lord for help.
Umm, this searches our hearts. If we don't enjoy hearing the word of God, like Mark said, I think the root of it is, is not obeying the Lord. There's something we're carrying on with, and if we are, we can't enjoy the word that doesn't go together.
And what's an enjoyment? The word we have here is a living word of God.
Awake out of sleep while there yet is time. I just think of another thing. Lord wants us watching and He wants us waiting. I think of the five foolish virgins and the five wives. The bridegroom was coming. Uh, bridegroom was coming. They had to be ready. Five were ready with their lamps full, but five were not. They weren't waiting.
And the door closed.
Said depart from me, for I never knew you.
Pray that none of you here would hear those words, but all you that you would come to the Lord. Now don't put it off. Can we just give him, Ask him thanks.
Our blessed God and Father, we thank thee for sending my Son dead on the cross. Thank you we could open thy word.
Pray that with each of one of us awake out of our sleep, we don't have much time, but pray that we would redeem the time what we can.
That to live for thee and be a testimony of those around us. The world is thirsting.
They need something to satisfy their hearts, and only thou can. And now we give thanks for the freshmen who are about to take part and ask for a good night's sleep, and I press your name, Lord Jesus, Amen.