What Want I With the World?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
What want I with the world
And all its treasures?
In Thee alone, Lord Jesus,
Are my true pleasures.
Thou art my soul's delight,
My joy I find in Thee!
My rest and peace art Thou!
My heart's tranquility!
What want I with the world?

The world is as a smoke
Which vanishes in air;
And like a shadow fleet,
That stays not anywhere!
My Savior, though, remains
When all things else decline;
My heart's true confidence;
Jesus alone is mine!
What want I with the world?

The world seeks its renown
Among the grand and great;
Thinks not how quickly glides
Its fantasy and state:
But sweeter far to me
Is Jesus' love alone;
And this my heart's desire,
To see Him on His throne.
What want I with the world?

The world seeks worldly wealth;
Its hope in mammon rests;
Its comforts rise and fall,
With money in its chests:
There is a nobler prize
On which my heart reclines;
The joys of Jesus' love,
Which in my spirit shines.
What want I with the world?

What want I with the world?
As grass it fades away;
The stamp of death is there;
It hasteth to decay;
Health doth itself depart;
All earthly creatures fade;
Jesus sustains! My heart
Is by His love repaid.
What want I with the world?

What want I with the world?
My Savior is my life,
My substance, and my joy,
In this poor scene of strife:
To Him I gladly bow;
I worship at His feet;
He is my heaven, my all!
Therefore do I repeat:
What want I with the world?
Back Door to Hell
Remember the back door to hell! There is a broad way, a public entrance for the (men sinner. But there is a back door for the hoary headed professor of religion who has lived many years in apparent sincerity, but who has been a liar before God.
There is a back door to hell for the preacher who talks fast and loud, but does not in his own heart know the truth he is preaching.
There is a back door to hell for church members who are amiable and excellent in many respects, but who have not really looked unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and found true salvation in Him.
God grant that this may wake up some who would otherwise sleep themselves into perdition.
"God was in Christ, reconciling
the world unto Himself.. we pray
you in Christ's stead, be ye
reconciled to God."