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2 Chronicles 5

2 Chron. 5:7 KJV (With Strong’s)

And the priests
kohen (Hebrew #3548)
literally, one officiating, a priest; also (by courtesy) an acting priest (although a layman)
KJV usage: chief ruler, X own, priest, prince, principal officer.
Pronounce: ko-hane'
Origin: active participle of 3547
brought in
bow' (Hebrew #935)
to go or come (in a wide variety of applications)
KJV usage: abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), be fallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.
Pronounce: bo
Origin: a primitive root
t the ark
'arown (Hebrew #727)
from 717 (in the sense of gathering); a box
KJV usage: ark, chest, coffin.
Pronounce: aw-rone'
Origin: or laron {aw-rone'}
of the covenant
briyth (Hebrew #1285)
a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh)
KJV usage: confederacy, (con-)feder(-ate), covenant, league.
Pronounce: ber-eeth'
Origin: from 1262 (in the sense of cutting (like 1254))
of the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961
unto his place
maqowm (Hebrew #4725)
also (feminine) mqowmah {mek-o-mah'}; or mqomah {mek-o-mah'}; from 6965; properly, a standing, i.e. a spot; but used widely of a locality (general or specific); also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind)
KJV usage: country, X home, X open, place, room, space, X whither(-soever).
Pronounce: maw-kome'
Origin: or maqom {maw-kome'}
, to the oracle
dbiyr (Hebrew #1687)
from 1696 (apparently in the sense of oracle); the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary
KJV usage: oracle.
Pronounce: deb-eer'
Origin: or (shortened) dbir {deb-eer'}
of the house
bayith (Hebrew #1004)
a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.)
KJV usage: court, daughter, door, + dungeon, family, + forth of, X great as would contain, hangings, home(born), (winter)house(-hold), inside(-ward), palace, place, + prison, + steward, + tablet, temple, web, + within(-out).
Pronounce: bah'-yith
Origin: probably from 1129 abbreviated
, into the most
qodesh (Hebrew #6944)
a sacred place or thing; rarely abstract, sanctity
KJV usage: consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed (thing), holiness, (X most) holy (X day, portion, thing), saint, sanctuary.
Pronounce: ko'-desh
Origin: from 6942
qodesh (Hebrew #6944)
a sacred place or thing; rarely abstract, sanctity
KJV usage: consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed (thing), holiness, (X most) holy (X day, portion, thing), saint, sanctuary.
Pronounce: ko'-desh
Origin: from 6942
place, even under the wings
kanaph (Hebrew #3671)
an edge or extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing, (of a garment or bed-clothing) a flap, (of the earth) a quarter, (of a building) a pinnacle
KJV usage: + bird, border, corner, end, feather(-ed), X flying, + (one an-)other, overspreading, X quarters, skirt, X sort, uttermost part, wing((-ed)).
Pronounce: kaw-nawf'
Origin: from 3670
of the cherubims
kruwb (Hebrew #3742)
a cherub or imaginary figure
KJV usage: cherub, (plural) cherubims.
Pronounce: ker-oob'
Origin: of uncertain derivation

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Ministry on This Verse

the priests.
to the oracle.
2 Chron. 4:20• 20and the candlesticks with their lamps to burn according to the ordinance before the oracle, of pure gold; (2 Chron. 4:20)
Ex. 37:6‑9• 6--And he made a mercy-seat of pure gold; two cubits and a half the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
7And he made two cherubim of gold; of beaten work did he make them, at the two ends of the mercy-seat;
8one cherub at the end of one side, and one cherub at the end of the other side; out of the mercy-seat he made the two cherubim at the two ends thereof.
9And the cherubim spread out their wings over it, covering over with their wings the mercy-seat; and their faces were opposite to one another: the faces of the cherubim were turned toward the mercy-seat.
(Ex. 37:6‑9)
1 Kings 6:23‑28• 23And he made in the oracle two cherubim of olive-wood, ten cubits high;
24and one wing of the cherub was five cubits, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub, ten cubits from the end of one wing to the end of the other wing;
25and the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubim were of one measure and one form.
26The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so of the other cherub.
27And he set the cherubim in the midst of the inner house; and the wings of the cherubim were stretched forth, so that the wing of the one touched the wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched, wing to wing, in the midst of the house.
28And he overlaid the cherubim with gold.
(1 Kings 6:23‑28)
1 Kings 8:6‑7• 6And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of Jehovah to its place, into the oracle of the house, into the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubim;
7for the cherubim stretched forth their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim covered the ark and its staves above.
(1 Kings 8:6‑7)
Heb. 9:4‑5• 4having a golden censer, and the ark of the covenant, covered round in every part with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, and the rod of Aaron that had sprouted, and the tables of the covenant;
5and above over it the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy-seat; concerning which it is not now the time to speak in detail.
(Heb. 9:4‑5)
 The tabernacle and all its vessels, which were at Gibeon, rejoin the ark in the temple: thus the remembrance of the wilderness journey ever remains before God. (Solomon - The Temple: 2 Chronicles 3-5 by H.L. Rossier)

J. N. Darby Translation

And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of Jehovah to its place, into the oracle of the house, into the most holy placec, under the wings of the cherubim;

JND Translation Notes

As ch 3.8.