Edited by Heyman Wreford
“Kindly accept a widow’s mite towards your blessed work.”
Postal Order from the dear children of a Sunday School, and now another Sunday ‘School is helping,
Ireland. — “I send you the enclosed in the Lord’s name.”
S. says: “Will you kindly use the enclosed to buy some Gospels and ‘How Can I Be Saved?’”
Another writes: ― “I am enclosing cheque as I am deeply interested in your work amongst the soldiers and sailors. I should like you to send one thousand ‘Message from God,’ and the other in Gospels by John. I shall remember you and our brave soldiers in prayer. I have one son a soldier, please pray for him, He knows the way of salvation, but at present he is opposed.” Another, sending a parcel, writes: “May the Lord’s richest blessing rest upon you in all your labors of love for the Saviour’s sake. I have one son at the Front who is until now unconverted. I desire your prayers. It would rejoice my widowed heart to know he was the Lord’s.”
From a husband and wife, ― “Please find P.O., as we feel it’ only our duty to our blessed Lord, and to those who are fighting on our behalf, to send God’s precious Word to them... and praying God that He may spare you to carry on the work entrusted to you.” A gift from the lads on a training ship. Another sends help and letter of encouragement, asking God to bless the work, and saying how cheered they have been to read in “Message from God” the testimony to value of books sent. A kind friend sends one thousand “Message from God.” A father and mother send help towards Testaments and Gospels. Another sends gift and say: “I am still praying for you and the work.” A little boy sends a Gospel of Matthew for a soldier. Canada. ―Parcel of books, French and English.
I only wish I could quote from all the letters I have. Next month I hope to speak of more. Want of space, compels me to curtail now. But with all my heart I say, God bless the dear friends who are helping the soldiers and sailors now; they are doing Christ-like work in these Christ-rejecting days.
A dear friend writes ― “Everything points to our Lord’s return, and then―all efforts will cease.” Remember this, dear friends, and help now.