The Eternal Reward

A dear worker writes to me: ― “How very grateful I am for the Testaments and Bibles, both in French and English, you have forwarded, and for all the literature which has safely arrived. May God richly bless your continued efforts for His glory. Very largely by your parcels I am enabled to reach thousands of men, when probably I should only be able to reach hundreds in the camps.... ‘I often think and say, ‘I wonder how many we shall meet in heaven, when we get there, who have found their way to Christ Jesus through the Gospels and Testaments, and gospel literature.’ May God the Holy Spirit use the Word for the conversion of thousands of these precious souls for whom Christ died.... God has given us many souls, and some are coming now—just the one’s and two’s for which we praise God.... Thank God, I say, surely it is good for us to be here, as finger posts, pointing men to Christ. One word―I need more to distribute.”
“And with your help I will send him more to distribute, and supply hundreds of others like him who are carrying the “bread of life” and the “water of life” to those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.