“A small Testament that will fit into his Pocket”
THE need of ammunition and guns is being pressed home upon our nation now by those responsible for the welfare of our armies on the field and on the seas. With equal insistence the need of Gospels and Testaments to meet the soul-need of our gallant men is being pressed home upon us. The bodies of these trained and picked men are given in all their splendid energy to the cause of King and Country. That body may lie upon the “field of Honor”— but the soul will wing its way from the broken cage to eternity. The destiny of that soul is of absorbing importance. This is the greatest need of all, to help that soul to heaven. I have just received a letter from an earnest Christian worker at the Front, which speaks eloquently of the great spiritual need with which we are faced now. He says: —
The Letter
“As I mentioned the last time I wrote to you, I will speak of two cases where the Bibles you sent were given away. I was with a group of young lads, all from the trenches, and we were talking about the Bible, and I was making use of mine, when one of the lads exclaimed, ‘Oh! how I would prize a Bible now if I had one.’ One of yours was passed to him, and if you could have seen him use it, what a reward it would have been to you!
“The other case wag that of a young shoeing-smith, who works as well as prays. Somehow he had mislaid his Bible, and it was picked up by someone who never returned it. He was feeling the loss of his Bible, when God directed my steps his way, and the need was supplied. ‘My God shall,’ is the promise. Now this is the strange part: I do not visit the place where this young man works, but simply felt constrained that afternoon to go. It was the very first time I had ever carried a Bible in my haversack without someone having asked me for it. This may not seem much on paper, but to us out here it was so really a definite answer to prayer....
“The men here ask for, ‘How can I be saved?’ and I would be glad to receive a supply monthly, with a variety of others. Not an overstock of anything except Testaments, and for these I will give up some of my sleeping space if needed. We have not got much space, but I will gladly make room for Testaments. I prefer the little red Army ones you already send, or the new small, one the British and Foreign Bible Society publish. I could do with thousands.
“I want you to imagine a few thousand men formed in line. Permission has been given me to give away my stock. I begin, but — ah, those buts! ― the stock ran out. My heart was touched as it never had been before as I gazed upon the men, waiting to go up country, their packs upon their backs, the train ready to take them straight there, and as they asked me for a Testament I had to say, ‘No, laddie, I haven’t another left.’ And yet the Christian people at home are asking,’ What can we send our brave soldiers? ‘The answer is, A small Testament that will fit into his pocket.’
“Why do we need them here so much? Because many of the lads here, for the first time, have left the ‘Active Service’ one at home as a keepsake, and now they are sorry. Then the wounded generally lose all their kit and so want another one. At this place we have to deal with thousands, continually coming and going, but never staying long. We have an open-air among them every night, but even this way we only touch the outskirts of the camp... but if I had Testaments, then I would meet the trains leaving, but at present I dare not go to see so many sad and disappointed faces at my woeful cry, ‘No more left, laddie.’ Really, I cannot face it. I am sure the people at home do not realize how keen the lads are for Testaments.
“One afternoon I visited a certain regiment under orders to leave. The sergeant-major stood by, although they were on parade, in order that I might give a few Testaments away. That night we had an open-air meeting in their lines, and when it was over they followed me home to receive a Testament. They came around my door in crowds. Fortunately, I had just received a parcel from a church in the North, and they all went... I have simply stated why the lads are running after me. I cannot supply the need, but I pass on their cry to you. Perhaps you can help, and every little will help.
“I meet lads who show me their Testaments marked where they finished the day’s reading. Many of them do not know Christ, but, oh! the prospect when they read His Word daily! I thank you for past kindnesses.”
This is the letter, dear friends. What are you going to do about it? There is a need, an absolute need — we cannot get away from it — for tens of thousands of Gospels and Testaments to be sent to our soldiers at the Front, and to our sailors on the seas. More than 200 parcels I have been able to send this month. If I could send 2,000 the need would not be met.
Will you send me means to get 10,000 Testaments or Gospels? I will pack them and send them, and I am sure a blessing will rest upon you for every one you send. I can get the one to fit the pocket; I know the size.
For some of us this work for God among the soldiers and sailors may be our last service on earth. The Lord has given us this opportunity, so that we may have more to praise Him for in eternity. And the need is now. We must not put our helping off — every day those at the Front are hungering for the Bread of Life. Help me to send it to them. Letters like the one you have just read, and many others that reach me, make me “sow in tears,” but God is giving us the “joy of harvest” also. I have prayed for some time for open doors for the Fleet. I am glad to say that prayer has been answered, and I am sending this month about 80 parcels to His Majesty’s men-of-war, and 135 to the Front and elsewhere, making about 215 altogether. I feel sure the total will exceed this. This great total can only be kept up and increased by the continued help of friends.
What I want.
I want 10,000
“Messages from God” each month.
I want 10,000
“How Can I be Saved?”
I want 5,000
“Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment.”
I want 5,000
“Traveler’s Guide,” the small edition.
I want 5,000
“A Saviour for You.”
I want many thousands of tracts and booklets to send away. The Army Scripture Readers tell us they want variety.
My want in Testaments and Gospels I have spoken of elsewhere. I should be very glad of any Bibles or ‘Testaments in French or English that are not wanted in the home if you would kindly send your spare copies to me. I can use them all. If friends will send me help to get these books, I shall indeed be thankful to God. I am sure I shall not ask in vain.
Heyman Wreford.