Pleading for the Souls of Men

From the Front. — A Christian writes: — “I am badly in need of help here.” From a camp, one writes: — “I could do with two thousand Gospel books.” Another writes: “There are fifteen hundred patients in the Hospital here, and twice a week we visit three hundred there and supply them with Testaments, tracts, etc., and as it is a clearing station we very seldom see the same men again. You will understand from this my great need, and how exceedingly grateful I am for the parcels you have so very kindly sent.” A private, to whom a parcel was sent, writes about the soldiers: “They all keep their Gospels.” A Scripture Reader writes: — “The parcel of books has come, very many thanks. We are very busy among the sick and wounded, and have been up nearly all night.” From India a corporal writes: — “I received your parcel safely, and I need not say I was delighted to get it; it was just what was wanted here. I have given away all the Testaments.” A Reader writes: — “Many thanks for parcels of Testaments, Gospels and tracts just received. I wish more had been coming today, as there are about four thousand soldiers going today.” Another writes: — Please don’t stop the Testaments whatever else goes short.” Yes, the need is overwhelming. Help me to meet it now.