Gos. 8

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Gospel—D. Whitaker
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Welcome to the Gospel meeting.
Could we sing together?
Hymn #9 rather #8 Shall we gather at his coming? Shall we gather at his coming? Before we sing this song, I'd like to relate to you, dear. One story that was related to me a few years ago, just after the homegoing of our late brother. Chapter Brown.
Now Brother Brown, a dear man of God, he loved the Lord. He lived in the word of God and his life showed it. It was shown out in his life.
Well, I remember a little instance.
Umm, my brother Gordon and I, we were very young and he lived down the street from us and 111 night it snowed very, very much. We probably had about a foot of snow on the ground all at once. And my brother and I got our shovels and we went down to his house and we shoveled out his driveway. We didn't knock, we didn't knock on the door and tell him we're shoveling out his driveway, but we made sure that our shovels banged against the house, let him know that we were shoveling his driveway.
The dear man of God rewarded us anyway. He lived in the presence of God and enjoyed the Lord and wrote ministry and taught the scriptures.
But the time came to that dear man to depart from this world, and he was in a nursing home then down in Southern California.
Every afternoon he'd have a nap, you'd take a rest, and the nurses would talk to him and so on. In this one day, he said, so that the nurse heard it. Lord, I want to go home today.
The nurse took register that registered that in her mind and then just before his afternoon nap, he said with boldness, he said, Lord, what are we waiting for? And that was the last thing he said. He took his nap and he went on into the presence of the Lord. Now the gospel meeting has to do with.
The glorious Gospel of the blessed God.
One of the wonderful things that can come out of this meeting tonight can be the salvation of your never dying soul.
Oh I hope each one of you know the Lord Jesus like Brother Brown did. Could we sing together hymn #8 in our hymn sheet? Could someone start this for us please?
It's a little boy, you know.
Accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior, but I don't know that I can say I loved him.
I realized that I was lost, and I mentioned the story before about going out stealing pop bottles. They were empty. They were worth 2 cents apiece. And as a little boy I had that box and I had perhaps 7 pop bottles in there. They didn't belong to me. They belonged to the concession, and I was underneath the bleachers there. Gathering those up in my conscience was troubling me. I realized that I was a Sinner before God.
I realized according to what my mom and dad had told me, that I was going to be judged and cast out for my sins. I would become responsible Sinner. Well there I was just a young boy, 7 years of age about and had this little box looked down into it and my conscience was about was about perhaps a 14 cent Sinner.
And the young fellow that was with me, he was also a thief, he said to me.
Don't you know the Lord? I said no, and I'm scared. Well, he said, you want to get saved. I said yes, I want to get saved. He says, well, I'll pray and you say these words after me. And I took the Lord Jesus as my Savior then, but I don't know that I loved him. And as time went on, as time went on, I got to know the Lord Jesus a little bit.
I used the Lord as a fire escape, He might say, from hell. I wish it was love at first sight. But then later on I found out that this one, the Lord Jesus, God's beloved Son, was altogether for me. And oh, he loved me so much. And I read in his word about that great gift that he that he gave, he gave himself. And the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. And I was a recipient. I am a recipient of that great and marvelous grace.
The glorious gospel of the blessed God is preached tonight all over the world. Souls are coming into the blessing. And I was wondering about you tonight. And I think of these children. I'd like to speak a little bit more about the children later on, but they look like a little flower garden. You see their little Goldilocks hair and they're all done up in curls and the beautiful dresses and the little boys all dressed up in their little suits and colorful shirts and it just looks like a little beautiful flower garden and I remember.
A young family.
There they were. They sat right there in the Sunday school and I said, I looked at one of the little children and I said I can't believe it's something that beautiful could be here on the face of the earth. This is wonderful. Perfect. Everything was spotless and the person little girl happened to be a little girl, was so well mannered. Well, tonight that girl belongs to a gang.
To a gang. I can't give you any details.
Hard to believe so. Yes indeed, you grow up. You grow up and these things that you hear.
I can go down and be coldness to your heart like ice.
Oh, behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called as.
Children of God, think of that. God wants to bring you into His family. Little boy, little girl, He wants to bring you into His family. Beautiful.
The goodness and love of God.
The Lord Jesus came down here.
As a man, a little child, he took upon himself form of a man. Isn't that grace? Isn't that wonderful? Looking at the mess that man has made, Oh the Lord Jesus, willing to come down amidst this awful, tangled, ruined mess, walk amongst men, weep with them.
Call for them. Take their children up into his loving arms, putting his hands upon them and blessing them. Oh, when he called those little children to him, they obeyed. They came, they came.
What if the little child would have said no?
Well, it's wonderful. Now I want to tell you about someone else that left this world.
Woman's name was Missus Booth. She loved the Lord Jesus and her husband did too. Mr. Booth.
She was leaving this world and some of her dear friends came along to her there in the hospital bed and said, dear sister, you're sinking. Oh, she says, no, I'm rising. I'm going over to the other side.
Oh, that's beautiful, that's wonderful. That's, that's life amidst the crumbling sand of time.
Have a hope like my dear mother says that the world of faith is a whole faith is a whole other world. Yes, it takes you out of this dismal scene of man and his ideas, and it puts you into God's world blessing out of the world of death and sorrow and sickness and emptiness, and put you into God's world. Oh blessed Savior, No wonder it says in Timothy, the glorious gospel of the blessed God, glorious gospel of the blessed God.
Do you know him?
Well, a little story comes to my mind. I have a friend, he lives up on the North Shore of Lake Superior. I heard this story last week.
Now this man, when we were little boys.
Just came from Africa, I guess. It was six years of age. My brother Gordon and I would run around the woods and play together. Well, I don't think my brother's spoken to him for 40 years. I talked to him once in 40 years. Anyway, on the phone the other night, he told my brother that he wanted to go. He's a believer, by the way, and his family knows the Lord.
And they were going to do a little boating out on Lake Superior. So they had perhaps one of the grandchildren filled a boat with gasoline. Now boats going to hold a lot. This one will hold about 100 gallons. So he.
Put the nozzle in the in the blue Chrome opening there and he pumped 60 gallons in there. And so then everybody climbed in the boat and they're going to go out into the lake and have a wonderful afternoon.
So they started the motor and it gurgled and spit and carried on, and pretty soon they turned it off and he said grandpa isn't running right. Well, we'll try it again. So they tried it again and they started up the motor and pretty soon he thought, well, if I'm going to go out there in the lake, I better check it out. So they pull the engine cover back and you know where that 60 gallons of gas was covering the motor, put up past the starter, almost up, halfway up the motor, and you think about an explosion of 60 gallons of gasoline.
And a little family there.
You see, a whole family could have been wiped out, but no, the starter was completely submerged in water and when he hit the switch, it sparked. There was no oxygen there to light it off. So the goodness of God. And you have a few experiences like this in your life and you start to realize that God loves you. He loves you now. He's preserved you, little boy, little girl, maybe 10 or 12 years.
How many times has he preserved you? Oh, many times. His eyes are upon you. He loves you.
And he wants to save you because there's a, there's a, there's an end coming for the soul that has sinned. And that soul that that says the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
And he wants to save your soul. And you become of a responsible age. And these things have gone down into your heart and have gone into your conscience. And maybe it's been rejected. I hope not. Is there anyone here tonight that's still wandering around in their sins? Lost oil?
Hope not, I hope not.
There's a mother, there's a father praying for you. That backroom, there was maybe 15 or 20 brothers earnestly lifting you up before God for the blessing of your never dying soul. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior tonight? Now can I tell you another story of preserving grace?
I was either a very small baby or hadn't come along yet. My father, he lived in a house.
In Africa and they had a opening there in the window and the mosquito netting is all they had there.
And in the morning, it was early, he looked out and he saw this animal walking right across his what they call veranda, a porch.
And he recognized it as a leopard. Now, a leopard is not something you want to get tangled with or get cornered. It's a very dangerous animal. Well, my father immediately got up and got the servant up and grabbed the rifle. And they went out there and they saw these tracks going off the veranda and down the lane there. And they're watching. They're watching. They have this rifle poised and their tracks stopped.
And so they started looking around and they looked up here on the chicken house and there was a big hole in the roof for the chicken house. And I suppose you could realize what happened. That leopard had taken a jump way up high and came right down in that chicken house and had himself a chicken dinner. Well, so they put the ladder up beside the building and they climbed up like that and they lowered the rifle down in there and they shot the leopard between the eyes.
But the point is, my sister, who's sitting back there, I can see her, she played right out there in the back where the leopard slept. You could see where the grass was all pushed down. And my older sister, Beatrice and Lois, they, they would play back there. And we think of that wild animal, that's where it slept, back there in the woods not far behind the house. And so you see the goodness of God in our lives.
Bringing us along, preserving us and caring for us, unless everybody in the room can give you stories and instances about the goodness of God, the love of God. Well, this meeting tonight, which we want to welcome you to as a gospel meeting, you know that the gospel meeting is the good news presented to the lost.
We'll have a children's meeting tomorrow. It'll be for especially for the children. And then there's a Bible study. That's when.
We get in and we study the word for ourselves and then there's a prayer meeting when we supplicate God for we ask God in connection with our needs. And then there's a remembrance meeting that will be here tomorrow. That meeting is for the Lord. That meeting's for the Lord. I'm looking forward to being here tomorrow morning. We're left here, but this meeting is the gospel meeting and the gospel meeting is for those that are lost. Now who of you are lost?
I can tell you a little story of.
About a friend of mine that was very proud of his heritage and so he heard.
About a.
And the travelogue was about his grandfather's homeland, grandfather and grandmother on both sides. And with a great deal of anticipation, he thought he'd go see this travelogue. And he was very enthused to get to see where his forebears came from. And he'd get that he'd never been over to that place. And so is he walked through the door where they're going to have this, this film and, and, and talk and so on. There's shirts that have a display of the old homeland on there and all he thought, well, when I come back out, I'm going to get one of those shirts.
And I'm going to be right proud of MyHeritage. And so after the film, he watched these poor people. They were standing beside the Taverns, waiting for the time to pass, just whiling away their time. And he saw the sickness and the poverty and the and one disappointment after another at the end of the film, he thought, well.
I was going to go get a shirt, but he just ducked his head and he took right off out the door. He got in his car and he went home. It was such a disappointment to him. And this is the case. And we look back into our history as we find out, no matter who we are, that we're lost sinners, We're lost.
You know, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Oh, there's some beautiful verses. We're going to look at some here.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Are you a Sinner tonight? Well, let's look at some of them. How about starting with that wonderful verse? John 316?
It says here, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Oh, and we've quoted that verse already in first John. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called as sons of God.
The character, the love that was displayed and shown there at Calvary's cross.
God so loved the world that he gave. Oh, he gave that. He gave so much.
He gave himself the Lord Jesus gave himself, the Father sent the Son, and the Son gave himself to be the Savior of this world. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Well, if you were to go to my town where I live, there's a street. I suppose it's very similar to street where you live.
Uh, if you go down the head of the street there, you'll find where I live, you'll find a young man that he's old, older now, but I saw him walking down the street one time with the Bible. He was reading it, studying it.
And I started talking to him about it and he says, well, I'm studying religion. Well, he ended up in the Mormon religion and that's that that'll lead him into the into, into hell, I'm afraid. Come down the street a little further. And here's a a by the way, at the end of this street, there's a big sign that says dead end. You come a little bit further and you find a, a home where there was once a.
The man who was raised in an assembly far away place, and his life was in shambles. He wrecked his life. Come a little bit further and there was a cowboy and he'd ride the rodeos and he was taken to a gospel meeting one time and the gospel was faithfully presented and he said as a wonderful message. That's all he said, I'm afraid. That man walked out into a lofty Trinity. Across the street from him was a man.
His name is Mr. Crumb. His daughter and boyfriend live just down in the next house.
And that's where he hung himself. In the basement. The next house.
Lady called me on the phone, she said Dave and her southern accent. She said y'all come down here to my house, My husband's out in the trailer and he's about to take his life and I just want you to help me carry out the remains.
That's so sad.
The next house young man took his life.
On and on. That's my street now. That's just like this world tonight. It's shaped like a great big tear because of its sin and its sorrow.
You realize, young person, that you're plowing through a world that's just.
Immersed in sorrow and misery and sin. But all the Lord Jesus, He wants to take you, make you one of his children.
I want to think of that verse now in 2nd Corinthians 517.
Let's look at it.
It says there in Two Corinthians 5/17.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.
Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.
All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
Well, if any man be in Christ, he's a new creature, a new creation of God and his goodness. He's made a way whereby we don't have to continue on in this family of sin and death and degradation. I think of it this way.
I think of it as a family, God's family versus Adam's family. And really that's what the Bible is about. It's the story of two men. It's the story of Adam and the story of Christ now.
Here we have Adams family and you have his children going on back and we go clear back to this room tonight.
And then over here we have the family of God of which Christ is ahead, and you have his family. Now Adam himself saw and realized that he was the head of a family of death. And so he he let God clothe him with the coats of skin. And it's picture of what the Lord Jesus is willing to do for you tonight.
And so Adam, the head of that race, he actually got out of that line of chairs, as it were, that family. And he got over it in this family. But there is still a family going on called the Addams Family. And you're in it tonight. You were born into it and you're part of it. And what is the end of it? Oh, it's death. Death. And God, in his mercy and his love, he wants to take you out of that family and he wants to put you into the family of God. He wants to make your child of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Give you a new life. He wants to wash all of your sins away by his precious blood, the blood of the Lord Jesus, and puts you in the family of God. Where does that family end up? All everlasting life. That's beautiful now.
Like this. Also, let's just pretend like.
This coin here happens to be this little girl right down here in this hand. Let's pretend like this hand is the hand of Christ, and God takes that little girl and puts her in Christ like that.
Now when God is looking for that little girl, what does he see? Oh, he sees Christ.
Wouldn't that be something if when God is looking for you, he sees Christ?
In all of his perfection and you're completely hidden.
Oh, that's beautiful. That can happen to. Maybe that girl already is in Christ. I don't know. I see a boy over there. I see another girl over there. Are you hidden in Christ tonight?
Did Christ take the whole responsibility of your sins?
Your responsible position because you're a Sinner before God. Did Christ take that responsibility for you?
Well, if he has, you're saved. Well, as you've come to Christ, he takes care of that. And that's so wonderful. Are you in Christ tonight? If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things have become new. Oh, that, that newness that that Christ brings, that God brings us into. In Christ, He takes the right, the righteousness of God, and he clothes us.
It clothes us around and that's beautiful.
Well, we know that He didn't come to call the righteous, but he came to call sinners to repentance.
So tonight the question is, are you in Christ? For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Think of that to being have the righteousness of God in Christ and that can be your blessed position and portion tonight.
Now, now that you're saved, you know the Lord Jesus. Is there anything you can do for the Lord? Well.
You know, the story comes to my mind and Acts, remember, Apostle Paul was in a real trouble.
I think I can find it here. It's a.
Yes, Acts 23 and verse.
Here's something that someone that.
That loves the Lord can do.
Young person. And when Paul's sister's son heard of her lying in wait, this is Acts 23 verse the chief captain and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee. Than the chief captain took him by the hand. Now that would be a young person, young boy, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me?
And he said, The Jews have agreed to desire thee, that thou hast bring down Paul tomorrow into the council, as though they would inquire somewhat of him more perfectly. But do not thou yield unto them for their lion wait for him of them more than 40 men, which have bound themselves with an oath that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him. And now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee. So the chief captain then let the young man depart and charged him. See not tell no man that thou hast showed these things unto me.
Well, I just put that little story and they interject that because it's so wonderful to see how a young person don't even have the name here it was Pauls nephew, don't even have his name, but that's what he did. Was recorded in God's eternal word, wasn't it? Now there's many things you can do for the Lord.
You have to come to know him first, tell you a little story, because a girl, she was in second grade and she was in the country over in Europe where they had a very bad dictator running the place and she was in a public school there. And the teacher knew that this little girl loved the Lord Jesus.
So she told this girl.
Her name was Elizabeth, she said. I hate you.
And Elizabeth was asked to go to the blackboard and.
Answer. There was some arithmetic up there. Well, Elizabeth didn't know the answer to the question, so the teacher took the back of her head like this and banged it into the blackboard a couple times like that and got all those children laughing. 40 of them perhaps. Got them all laughing and then made fun of this little girl. Well, I was visiting with Elizabeth about this the other day.
She's in this country now and she's 15 years old. And I said, Elizabeth, I said.
Did you ever, did they ever give you a hard time for being a Christian? She says, Oh yeah, they beat me on the knuckles with the with the ruler and all that and, and banged my head on that board. I said, well, that's like suffering for Christ, isn't it? Well, she said, I never thought of that. Yeah, I guess it would be.
So that girl is going to get a reward. But anyway, it's wonderful to be able to live for Christ once you know him well, the purposes of God.
They're wonderful. He's going to bring a whole family of young people, children and grown-ups just like this that have to know him and love him and serve him and live for him. Going to bring him all home together. That's going to be a wonderful homecoming. This whole plan started in the heart of God long, long ago.
And the desire of God was to have a family in heaven like his son. And so he devised this wonderful plan. Past eternity, have these people populate this earth. A love would be dispensed, a heart full of love for them. Realizing that they would turn aside, he'd send his son. He'd give his son a ransom, and he would redeem a company.
Of Saints, of souls to himself.
Oh, that's lovely. And I know this room tonight. There are many. There are many here that are perhaps most that are saved and redeemed with the precious blood of Christ. And so that's the desire of our hearts that you'd know about the salvation that's so wonderfully offered.
We turn for a moment to the Gospel of Matthew.
We'll look at the crucifixion there for a few moments.
And then perhaps Chapter 27.
And verse.
24 When pilots saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude sang.
I am innocent of the blood of this just person. See to it then answered all the people and said His blood be on us and on our children.
Well you know that was answered in Acts chapter 2. It says in the blessing is to you and to your children.
And then it goes farther than that it says to all that are far off.
Even as many to whom the Lord our God shall call. Let's look at that That's a.
In Acts chapter 2.
Think about the goodness of God here. They are willing to bring that judgment down upon themselves and their little ones.
And then we come here, Acts Chapter 2.
And verse 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children.
And to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call all that's beautiful. So there we have that awful.
That awful statement they made against themselves. There his blood be on us and on our children.
Verse 26 Then released he Barabbas unto them, and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers, and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe. Remember what we said in Isaiah there it says, He, He closed thee with the garments of salvation. They took his clothes away from Him, and when they had planted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head.
What does he do for you, Sinner? Psalm 103 I believe it is.
The crown of thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.
Oh, that's blessed.
They put a Reed in his right hand, and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him, saying, Hail King of the Jews.
And they spit upon him, and took the Reed, and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify Him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyreni, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear his cross.
And when they had come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull.
They gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall, and when he had tasted the rug he would not drink. And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots, and so on. I was thinking of that there that burst of 33. And when they were come unto a place called called Golgotha.
That is to say, a place of a skull isn't that awful.
An empty skull. Oh, you know what he gives you, and he gives me. Once we know Christ as our Savior, He gives us the mind.
Of Christ what an opposite That is, they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall, and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink all he wants you to drink. To night Of the fountain of blessing salvation.
They crucified him and parted his garments, casting lots.
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet, they parted my garments among them and my vesture. Upon my vesture did they cast lots, and sitting down they watched him there.
And set up over his head his accusation written, This is Jesus the King of the Jews. Then were there two thieves crucified with him, the one on the right hand and the other on the left? We think of the Lord Jesus, it says He restored that which he took, not away.
There were men that were took away. There were thieves. What does the Lord have for you tonight?
Oh, he has himself.
And they passed by. They that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
Likewise also the chief priests, mocking him with the scribes and elders, said He saved others himself. He cannot save if he be the King of Israel. Let him come now. Come down from the cross, and we will believe he trusted in God. Let him deliver him now if you will have him. For he said I am the Son of God.
The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. Now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land unto the 9th hour. I think of this verse in connection with but God bringing us out of darkness into light. You know, when those three hours of darkness passed over this world, I wonder if there were some there that thought, Will the sun ever shine again if we committed the final act against our God?
Will the sun ever shine again? Oh, it broke out into 2000 years of sunshine. The grace of God tonight.
And that's what we want to tell you about. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved. You've come into this blessedness.
As a result, these three hours of darkness where Jesus bore in his own body my sins on the tree.
Then it says.
And about the 9th hour.
Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? While we know what, what that is for you and I, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, never leave thee, nor forsake thee. That's a blessed fact. Some of them that stood there when they heard that, said This man calleth reliance. And straightway one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a Reed and gave him to drink.
That makes me think of John 737 Last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried. If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. What did he have time of great thirst?
The rest said, Let me, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up his ghost.
Behold, a veil of the temple was rent and twained from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.
Graves were open, and many bodies of the Saints which slept, arose, came out of the graves after his resurrection, went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying truly this was the Son of God.
And there were those women that stood afar off. And then verse 57 When the evening was come, there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph. Wallace himself was Jesus disciple. And he went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock. And he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed.
And there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre and so on. Then we have the resurrection, a blessed fact of history, truth and the blessedness that's been brought to us from that Lord Jesus. Death couldn't hold him. He was raised by the Spirit. He was raised, raised himself from the dead. His Father raised him from the dead. And when he appeared unto his own, just think of the joy. That's the 28th chapter in the ninth verse. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them saying.
Oh joy, all hail, oh joy. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshiped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid. Go, tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
And then of course, we know that he was ascended up into heaven. He was taken up into heaven. He went up into heaven. He was received up into heaven. We think of how that Rhys he was rejected upon earth and he was received up into heaven. Another place that says he was carried up into heaven. We think of how that a victor, someone that has won a great battle is brought into the city being carried. Think of how the Lord Jesus carried up into heaven. Then it says he went up into heaven. That's where that's where he was going. That's that's that was his home up there.
And you know what he's going to do, He's going to take all those that know him, every single one of them home to be with him in which it says, shall we gather at his coming? Oh, I look forward to that time. So tonight just want to ask you to to consider the fact that you're lost. You're in your sins apart and outside of Christ and Christ is a remedy. If you have a broken heart tonight for some reason, Christ is a remedy for that.
If you're ashamed of yourself, Christ is the answer for that. If you're weak and you're fearful, He's the answer for that. And as time goes on and you come to know the Lord Jesus better and better, you will find out that He becomes sweeter and sweeter as the years roll by, moment by moment.
And you'll get to where you'll say I love him, I love him.
You ever had that experience realizing that the Lord Jesus loved you so much, and then pretty soon you feel a response coming in your heart? I love him too. Well, do you love the Lord Jesus tonight? There is coming, and we need to mention it. There's coming. A day of judgment and all.
Authority has been committed unto the Lord Jesus, and he has the keys of hell and of death.
All powers given unto him, and he's been given this authority and he has the power upon earth to forgive sins. And if you reject that gift that he's got for you, then of necessity judgment has to follow. And it's a strange work, says in Isaiah. It's a strange work. He doesn't want to do that. Like the brethren said the other night, if you go against God, you'll be going against his will. You're going against the will of God.
If you end up in hell, you'll have to go by all these barricades.
Oh dear. I think of one young man, he was 21 years of age. His name was Robert. And I was working one night on a car and he came alongside he and another man and they were, he was complaining about how that I came down into his territory and took his job away from him and so on.
And I didn't buy a story. I said, Robert, I have a question. Oh, he then proceeded to tell me how that he was going to do this and that he was going to go and be a great man and so on.
I said, Robert, what shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul?
He said nothing the next night that that dear young man was killed.
And on a motorcycle. And so I couple days later I went.
I asked the round a question. I said, would someone tell me about Robert Trot? Oh yeah, yeah, His mother was one of the most godly women in the area.
And Robert would sit on her knee and hear the gospel.
I said well.
Yeah, they said. That's right. The grandma loved the Lord and would come out to meet him.
Oh dear. So I went to the funeral and it was in a very fancy place and I stood outside and I saw this beautiful coffin, marvelous coffin. I never seemed like it, made out of island cedar, polished to perfection. They had all these men standing here with these Clover leaf looking things and all this procession. And I stood off the one side. There was an old man over there. I was talking to him. I said, you know that guy Robert, I said he's my kin.
And there he was. He was.
Witnessing his nephew carried to the grave, I think of that dear young man, Robert.
Lost. I'm afraid he was lost. He heard the gospel the night before he died. Then he went in here standing outside still. When the Lord Jesus is calling you, he's saying, Come, come unto me. All you that are weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest. What? Rest the night for your soul. Want rest for your conscience. That mountain of sin that's been accumulating over these years, you want it to be gone and taken away. He can do all that.
The Son of Man has power upon earth.
Forgive sin. Isn't that beautiful? Those are beautiful words. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ tonight and thou shalt be saved. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Neither is our salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
And then there's a there's another verse or two here I'd like to read Christ.
No, here we are therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ died for the ungodly. God commandeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Have you ever heard these verses before?
One time I thought I'd like to write a letter to the Pope. I had no idea how to go about it, so I went to the.
Catholic Church.
And I suppose it was the Mother Superior that met me at the door and I said, I have a question for one of the priests welcome in. So it took me in and here's a desk and I sat. Man said, sit down, please.
So I sat down. He said. How can I help you? I said I'd like to write a letter to the Pope.
It puzzled him, and so I said I just want to know how to address the letter and where to send it. Well, he knew where to send it, but he didn't know how to address it. So he said, I suppose you'd start Most Holy Father or something about a sea. I didn't remember how I put that.
And I said, well, to myself, well, I can't address a man that way. So I dismissed it. Little time went by and that man that I had talked to there, he came in, brought his piece of transportation in to have it worked on. And I don't know if he recognized me or not. I don't think he did. And as we were walking out together, I managed to find some paint to give him, to touch it up and so on. And he said, well, how much is this paint? I said, well, it's free.
Well, he said, yeah, but I want to pay for it. I said it's not for sale, it's free, totally free. I said it's like the gospel of the grace of God. I said God has a salvation that's full in, it's free and he's offering it to sinners today. And he wants, I forget all the details, but I give him the gospel best I could. And then I said to him, have you ever heard anything like that before? Knowing good and well that he's been studying the Scriptures for a long time.
Any very thought? Police said yes. He said yes, I have. And he walked out of there and I never saw him again. It's possible to know an awful lot about the scripture.
And go out of this world lost. I hope there's nobody here tonight. Not one of you children.
Like I think of you as like a little flower garden, so pretty, your little head coverings and your beautiful dresses that you've got to realize that inside there, you boys, inside there is a heart that is opposed to God. Really it is. And it isn't long. And you find out that out of this heart the name of the Lord Jesus comes. And maybe you don't realize it, but oftentimes people get older and they take the name of God in vain. They take the name of Christ in vain. They don't know why they're doing it. I'll tell you why they're doing it.
They don't even maybe realize it, but they have a heart inside them that's opposed to God of fallen broken nature.
Oh, how wonderful to be out of Adam's family and into the family of God by faith in Christ Jesus, the Lord Jesus shed his blood, the sacrifice has been made, redemption has been accomplished, and now a soul can come in blessing, be put into God's family. I hope you're in God's family tonight. I realize these are words of weakness, but you know, the word of God is not weak. The Word of God is powerful.
Oh, it's beautiful. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior tonight?
Well, if you.
Are saved, you can live for him rejection. There's a certain amount of rejection, but you know, the Lord Jesus is going to be exalted someday and that someday we believe is very soon. We believe the coming of the Lord is near and that precious name that's taken in vain and and and slammed around like we say, it's going to be exalted. It's going to be high, very high and the nations of this earth are going to honor that name.
And there's going to be rest for this earth because Christ died. There's going to be blessing even here on earth. And those of us that know him, we're going to be up above looking down upon this earth. But before this time comes, a blessing for the earth. Judgment Day has to roll through this country, and the nations that are so responsible are those that have had the gospel preached.
Like it is tonight.
I'd just like to say one more thing in closing. You know the precious name of the Lord Jesus is like ointment poured forth.
24 time zones as you go around this world. 24 of them.
And usually on a Lord's Day evening.
6789 O'clock the gospel is preached.
Somewhere faithfully, many places faithfully, and we think of that precious name of the Lord Jesus all Lord's day down here in Australia and New Guinea and over there in the Micronesia. And you come up through those islands and up around the globe, the name of the Lord Jesus is preached and it's like fragrance on the breeze. Now, tonight if nobody accepts the Lord Jesus as their savior, tonight if nobody does.
And yet the name of the Lord Jesus is held up. That's like a fragrance to God the Father.
Beautiful. And now tonight the gospel has been preached here to offer.
The invitation has been given. The Lord Jesus said, come unto me, what have you done about it? It's a fragrance to God. May that name be a fragrance to you tonight. And shall we pray?