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Nehemiah 7

Neh. 7:2 KJV (With Strong’s)

That I gave my brother
'ach (Hebrew #251)
a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance (like 1))
KJV usage: another, brother(-ly); kindred, like, other. Compare also the proper names beginning with "Ah-" or "Ahi-".
Pronounce: awkh
Origin: a primitive word
Chananiy (Hebrew #2607)
gracious; Chanani, the name of six Israelites
KJV usage: Hanani.
Pronounce: khan-aw-nee'
Origin: from 2603
, and Hananiah
Chananyah (Hebrew #2608)
from 2603 and 3050; Jah has favored; Chananjah, the name of thirteen Israelites
KJV usage: Hananiah.
Pronounce: khan-an-yaw'
Origin: or Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'-hoo}
the ruler
sar (Hebrew #8269)
a head person (of any rank or class)
KJV usage: captain (that had rule), chief (captain), general, governor, keeper, lord, ((-task- ))master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.
Pronounce: sar
Origin: from 8323
of the palace
biyrah (Hebrew #1002)
a castle or palace
KJV usage: palace.
Pronounce: bee-raw'
Origin: of foreign origin
, charge
tsavah (Hebrew #6680)
(intensively) to constitute, enjoin
KJV usage: appoint, (for-)bid, (give a) charge, (give a, give in, send with) command(-er, -ment), send a messenger, put, (set) in order.
Pronounce: tsaw-vaw'
Origin: a primitive root
over Jerusalem
Yruwshalaim (Hebrew #3389)
a dual (in allusion to its two main hills (the true pointing, at least of the former reading, seems to be that of 3390)); probably from (the passive participle of) 3384 and 7999; founded peaceful; Jerushalaim or Jerushalem, the capital city of Palestine
KJV usage: Jerusalem.
Pronounce: yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im
Origin: rarely Yruwshalayim {yer-oo- shaw-lah'-yim}
: forz he was a faithful
'emeth (Hebrew #571)
stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness
KJV usage: assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.
Pronounce: eh'-meth
Origin: contracted from 539
'iysh (Hebrew #376)
a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation)
KJV usage: also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-, husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.
Pronounce: eesh
Origin: contracted for 582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant)
, and feared
yare' (Hebrew #3372)
to fear; morally, to revere; caus. to frighten
KJV usage: affright, be (make) afraid, dread(-ful), (put in) fear(-ful, -fully, -ing), (be had in) reverence(-end), X see, terrible (act, -ness, thing).
Pronounce: yaw-ray'
Origin: a primitive root
b God
'elohiym (Hebrew #430)
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative
KJV usage: angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Pronounce: el-o-heem'
Origin: plural of 433
above many
rab (Hebrew #7227)
abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, quality)
KJV usage: (in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), captain, elder, enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough, (time)), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ((ship-))master, mighty, more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often(-times), plenteous, populous, prince, process (of time), suffice(-lent).
Pronounce: rab
Origin: by contracted from 7231

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Ministry on This Verse

my brother.
the ruler.
a faithful man.
feared God.
Neh. 5:15• 15Mas los primeros gobernadores que fueron antes de mí, cargaron al pueblo, y tomaron de ellos por el pan y por el vino sobre cuarenta siclos de plata: á más de esto, sus criados se enseñoreaban sobre el pueblo; pero yo no hice así, á causa del temor de Dios. (Neh. 5:15)
Gn. 42:18• 18Y al tercer día díjoles José: Haced esto, y vivid: Yo temo á Dios: (Gn. 42:18)
Éx. 18:21• 21Además inquiere tú de entre todo el pueblo varones de virtud, temerosos de Dios, varones de verdad, que aborrezcan la avaricia; y constituirás á éstos sobre ellos caporales sobre mil, sobre ciento, sobre cincuenta y sobre diez. (Éx. 18:21)
2 S. 23:3• 3El Dios de Israel ha dicho, Hablóme el Fuerte de Israel: El señoreador de los hombres será justo. Señoreador en temor de Dios. (2 S. 23:3)
1 R. 18:3,12• 3Y Achâb llamó á Abdías su mayordomo, el cual Abdías era en grande manera temeroso de Jehová;
12Y acontecerá que, luego que yo me haya partido de ti, el espíritu de Jehová te llevará donde yo no sepa; y viniendo yo, y dando las nuevas á Achâb, y no hallándote él, me matará; y tu siervo teme á Jehová desde su mocedad.
(1 R. 18:3,12)
Job 1:1• 1Hubo un varón en tierra de Hus, llamado Job; y era este hombre perfecto y recto, y temeroso de Dios, y apartado del mal. (Job 1:1)
Is. 33:5‑6• 5Será ensalzado Jehová, el cual mora en las alturas: llenó á Sión de juicio y de justicia.
6Y reinarán en tus tiempos la sabiduría y la ciencia, y la fuerza de la salvación: el temor de Jehová será su tesoro.
(Is. 33:5‑6)
 We already have some idea as to the character of Hanani from the first chapter, but to this we find added: “He was a faithful man, and feared God above many” (Neh. 7:2). (Hanani and Hananiah - Neh. 7:2 by N. Simon)
 The names for these two men are most fitting. Hanani means “my grace” whereas Hananiah is “Jehovah is gracious.” One who knows not the grace of God in their own lives will be an overbearing taskmaster. (Hanani and Hananiah - Neh. 7:2 by N. Simon)
 Nothing could more distinctly show Nehemiah's singleness of eye in his Master's service. Hanani was his brother, but he appointed him to this post not because he was his brother or a man of influence, but because "he was a faithful man, and feared God above many." In such ways, as well as by the divine directions furnished through the Apostle Paul, the Lord teaches us what should characterize those who take the lead among His people. (Exposition on Nehemiah: Nehemiah 7 by E. Dennett)

J. N. Darby Translation

And I gave my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the ruler of the citadel, charge over Jerusalem; for he was a faithful man and feared God above many.