20-Pack of Bookmark Leaflets, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type
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Remember that the Lord Himself is in the midst. Matthew 18:20.
Remember that “a greater than Jonas is here” and “a greater than Solomon is here:” Matthew 12:41-42
Remember that the Lord being in the midst, we must be careful not to allow anything to interfere with His leading whom He will to take any part He sees proper, and that no brother has a place of preeminence above another, how-ever gifted he may be, and that only as the Lord’s presence is realized and His proper place given Him, will our worship be acceptable to God.
Remember that the Holy Spirit is present to lead out our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to God and to occupy us with the beauties and perfections of Christ and His finished work, and that any un-judged sin hinders His liberty and prevents our enjoying the presence of Christ as we should.
Remember that any brother taking any part in the meeting, such as giving out a hymn, offering a word of praise or of thanksgiving, administering the Lord’s Supper or giving a word of exhortation, etc., should be “in the Spirit” and should act as the mouthpiece of the whole assembly. 1 Corinthians 12.
Remember that we do not come together to hear a brother preach (though there is liberty for any brother or as many as three, if led of the Lord, to give a word of edification etc.,) or to pray, but to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in His death and to show His death till He come. 1 Corinthians 14:29, 11:23-26.
Remember never to be absent from any meeting where the Lord is “in the midst” unless it is absolutely necessary and you can offer your reason to the Lord. Hebrews 10:25.
Remember that coming in late disrespects the Lord Jesus Christ Who is in the midst, distracts the minds of all in the meeting from occupation with Christ, and defers one’s own personal communion.
Remember the time the meeting is to begin and never to be late. Luke 22:14
E. B. Hartt