A French Twenty Franc Note

A letter came to me today, which when I read it, moved me very much. It had come all the way from New Zealand, and it bore a message that cheered my soul. The writer says: ―
“Please find enclosed twenty franc note (fourteen shillings and eight-pence) for circulation of the Gospel message by Testament, or Gospel Tracts among the soldiers. My brother, who was in the New Zealand Field Ambulance, was recently killed in France. Just prior to his death, he gave this note to a comrade to change for him—a wish that God in His wisdom made it unnecessary to fulfill.
“As my brother was an earnest Christian, whole-heartedly engaged in seeking to win others to Christ on the battlefield, I feel that I shall be furthering the purpose of his heart and life in entrusting the money to you for the above object. No doubt you in England will have no difficulty in getting the note changed. ―Yours in the bond of Christ,
H. R.”
Will our Christian readers pray that a special blessing may rest on the distribution of these parcels. The twenty franc note is represented, so that my readers may see the gift for themselves.