A Private in the East Yorks Regiment sends me the following letter: —
Dear Sir, ―I am writing these few lines on behalf of the men in my company who have received Testaments from you, and they are all delighted with them, and asked me to thank you very much for them. Will you be kind enough to send me a few more post-cards to enable me to give them out to the remainder of the men who have not a Testament in my company. You are doing wonderful work amongst the troops cut here, and I cannot tell you how much the men appreciate your glorious work and often talk about you. Only the other day one of the worst characters in my company asked me how we got these Testaments, so I showed him one of your post-cards, and he asked me if I would write to you for one, so I filled in the post-card for him, and I sent it to you. Well, I think this is all this time, hoping to bear from you soon. —Your friend. Pte. G. D.―”