Some One is Coming

Someone is coming! An event of the most tremendous importance will soon take place. The glory of the approaching advent of the coming One is shining over the world today. The mighty power of the Holy Spirit is swaying the hearts of millions. Over all the world God is gathering out His own.
It is the last Gospel call, I firmly believe before Christ comes. There is a hush, and a rapture, and an expectancy. Even this great War is being used in a way many little dream of to bring sinners to the Saviour. Why do we not use more the splendid opportunity given to us now to evangelize the nations through the soldiers? Oh! if we only knew the deep longing in the hearts of the soldiers for the Word of God! O friends! why should only one in five of these dear men have a Testament? What a fearful indictment against our Christianity this is!
Do you not feel the importance of doing all that lies in your power to ensure that every soldier and sailor shall have a Testament? The world’s great need is the Word of God. A soldier in Palestine writes, saying: “We have no Testaments, and we lack all external means of grace.” We have sent some Testaments at once. Another soldier writes home: “One to whom I gave a Testament has been killed at the Front in Flanders, leaving a widow and one child; the wife it old me how he prized the little Testament, and made blessed use of it to her comfort in remembrance.”