The Bible Class in the Dug Out

“Last Friday,” wrote home one man from the Front, “we had a Bible-class in a dug-out not one hundred and fifty yards from the Germans! I had given to the men several copies of the Active Service Testament. The men had stuck their bayonets in the sandbags forming the wall, and then placed a candle in the flat end of the blade for light.
“Of course, we could not sing, lest we should betray ourselves, but we read parts of the Testament, then prayed, and then discussed what had been read. More than once German bullets from machine-guns pattered against the parapet so hard that we could not hear what was said. But yet the men were all keen on the meeting, and they look forward to those nights with pleasure. Several who had no Testaments asked me if I could procure copies for them.” “Sunday at Home.”