Blind for Ten Days

Private I. W. B. writes to me and says:
“Dear Doctor, ―Just a line to let you know I have not forgotten your kindness in writing to me while I was in France. Well sir, the reason I have not written you for such a long while is because I have lien in Hospital. I was gassed on July 31St and have been in Hospital until September 29th I have had a very trying time of it―the gas affected my eyesight, and that kept me from writing. I was blind for ten days, and it was awful, sir, but then I remembered that Christ gave sight to the blind, and although I could not read my Testament, yet, thank God, He has given us the great privilege of praying, and that is what I did, and I have my sight back. I am at present awaiting my discharge, and then I shall be able to carry on with the good work. I feel more than ever what a wonderful Saviour ours is, and how He keeps His promises to us, although we often break ours to Him, He has kept me in quiet times, and through a year of danger and bloodshed. He has kept me, and now I shall work in a humble way to try and repay His goodness to me. I must close now, sir. ―I remain your brother more than ever in the Master’s work, Pte. I. W. B.
Pte. W. G. writes:
Dear Sir, ― May I thank you for your book “How can I be saved?” ―It shows one so plainly how we can be saved. It has helped me also, as I have been reading it, to see my Saviour more clearly as my own personal Saviour, and by His help and guidance I hope to do more for Him, in helping others to know the same Saviour in the future than I have in the past.”