Extracts of letters from Miss A. A. L―.
Extracts from a letter, Pte. F. P., France:— “You will wonder what has happened to me not writing. I have-been transferred to a fighting regiment, and have been in action, and carried out with shell-shock, with which I am dumb, but with our Father’s help, I am hoping to regain my lost speech. I have lost one thing I treasured, and that is my pocket Testament. Will you ask dear Dr. Wreford to send me one, and send my kindest regards to him?”
I am sure the readers of “The Message” will be interested to read a short extract from this soldier’s letters.
“You are right, if we can’t meet on earth, we will meet in our Saviour’s promised land. I am pleased to say I am learning the way to truth, and right, and how to be a Christian servant of God. It is just as Jesus said: ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me.’ So I am coming, — coming to be one of God’s children.”