Incidents of the War

A Private writes “From what I hear, Christian soldiers are badly needed in the Army, especially when the preachers tell the poor lads that they will go to heaven if they die on the field of battle. Ah! no, we know better. It cost our Saviour too much in His dying on Calvary for sinners to enter heaven by their own merits.”
The Rev. T. N. Tattersall speaks of a chat he had with Private Downs, of the Welsh Regiment, Whom he found in Hospital recovering from a wound. He related how he had lost his chum. They were sharing a dug-out together, and had agreed, should either fall, to write, home the terrible news. His friend said: “You will tell my wife I am ready, that to “God I have given my, trust.” Just before he fell he sang “Jesus is tenderly calling, thee home.” Little did he realize how near was his own call. A bullet struck him in the head.