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About This Product
Others thought that living in a carnival would be so exciting. All the bright colors and fun that go with a fair would be pure joy. But no one knew the heartache behind the scenes. One day Rosalie receives a picture of a shepherd holding a lamb and hears about the Good Shepherd. Read how she reacts to this message of hope and cheer.
Table of Contents
1.Note to the Public, A
2.Rosalie: Chapter 1
3.Little Theater, The: Chapter 2
4.Day After the Fair, The: Chapter 3
5.Actress's Story, The: Chapter 4
6.Rosalie's First Sermon: Chapter 5
7.Family Secret, A: Chapter 6
8.Circus Procession, The: Chapter 7
9.Little Mother Manikin: Chapter 8
10.Doctor's Visit, The: Chapter 9
11.Britannia: Chapter 10
12.Mother's Dream, The: Chapter 11
13.Lone Lamb, A: Chapter 12
14.Vanity Fair: Chapter 13
15.Betsey Ann: Chapter 14
16.Life in the Lodging-House: Chapter 15
17.Dark Time, A: Chapter 16
18.Alone in the World: Chapter 17
19.Little Pitcher, The: Chapter 18
20.Skirrywinks: Chapter 19
21.Mother Manikin's Chairs: Chapter 20
22.In Sight of Home: Chapter 21
23.Lost Lamb Found, The: Chapter 22
24.Green Pasture, The: Chapter 23