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About This Product
Comfort in life's evening.
Excerpts: “The Christ we know must not be a Christ of our own imagination..."
"Abide with us; for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And He went in to tarry with them" (Luke 24:29).
"It is toward evening." That is what some begin to realize in their own lives. The high noon is passed; the shadows lengthen; the day of greatest activity is over. They cannot launch out as in former times. Certain things are dropped; new enterprises are no longer contemplated. Many friends and occupations of earlier life have faded from view.
"It is toward evening." What comfort to have someone who will abide and for that One to be the best. These words seem just the appropriate ones at such a time: “Abide with us." Let us make the same plea, both for His sake and ours, as these disciples did: "for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent."
Table of Contents
When We Most Need the Lord 3
Sweeter Rest 5
A Day Well Spent 7
The Time of Greatest Gain 10
The One Who Never Disappoints 12