An Atheist's Acceptance of Christ

“A short time before first leaving England for China, it became my duty to daily dress the foot of a patient suffering from senile gangrene. The patient had little idea that he was a doomed man, and probably had not long to live. The family with whom he lived were Christians, and from them I learned that he was an avowed atheist, and very antagonistic to anything Christian. He soon began to manifest a grateful appreciation of my services. One day, with a trembling heart, I took advantage of his acknowledgment to tell him of his own solemn position and need of God’s mercy through Christ. After dressing the wound, and relieving his pain, I never failed to say a few words to him, which I hoped the Lord would bless. He always turned his back to me, looking annoyed, but never spoke a word in reply. One day, after dressing his limb and washing my hands, instead of returning to the bedside to speak to him I went to the door and took hold of the handle, and stood hesitating for a few moments with the thought in my mind, Ephraim is joined to his idols, let him alone.’ I looked at the man and saw his surprise, as it was the first time since speaking to him that I had attempted to leave without going up to his bedside to say a few words for my Master. I could bear it no longer. Bursting into tears, I went up to him and said: My friend, whether you will hear or whether you will forbear, I must deliver my soul’; and spoke very earnestly to him, telling him, with many tears, how much I wished that he would let me pray with him. To my unspeakable joy he did not turn away, but replied, ‘If it will be a relief to you, do.’ I fell on my knees and poured out my whole soul to God for him. I believe the Lord then and there wrought a change in the man. Within a few days he definitely accepted Christ as his Saviour. He told me that for forty years he had never darkened the door of church or chapel, and then — forty years ago — he had only gone to church to be married; he could not be persuaded to go inside when his wife was buried. The now happy man lived for some time after this change, and was never tired of bearing testimony to the grace of God.”