Christ's Deity

The New Theology and Unitarianism are one in denying that Jesus is God. Some years ago I was passing through a Yorkshire mill village. My friend pointed out to me a Unitarian chapel, and told a striking incident in connection with it. One Saturday morning the Minister was sitting in the study preparing his sermon for the following morning. He had chosen the first chapter of John’s gospel for his subject. He read: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him.”
Lower down in the chapter he read:
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.. John bare witness of Him” (vss. 14-15).
As he studied the chapter he saw, for the first time in his life, that Jesus was God. As the light began to break in upon his soul he was entranced. Hour after hour he sat. The subject fairly overmastered him. He was absolutely revolutionized. In short he was converted. He had found out that Jesus was God, and that He became man in order to become his Saviour by making atonement on the Cross.
How to face his audience the next morning he knew not. In the end he determined to fly from the place. All his thoughts had to be readjusted, and how could he preach that Jesus was a mere man, a good man, but nothing more, when the glorious light of His deity had revolutionized him? He remained away for some months, until thoroughly established and confirmed, he returned to testify to the grace of God. Would that many more might have a similar experience as to their thoughts.
If a careful study of John 1 does not convince the earnest enquirer after truth that Jesus is God, then he must not be able to grasp the plainest presentation of truth, for the truth of the deity of Jesus lies on the surface. ― Extracted.
“The entrance of Thy words giveth Light.”