Badelet, the Goatherd Boy

Near to the town of Fontainebleau, in France, a Christian gentleman built, some years ago, a place for the preaching of God’s gospel, and for the instruction of the young. Among-the first who came to Sunday School there was a young goat-herd whose name was Badelet. He was very ignorant when first he came, but listening to the story of God’s love he became much interested. As he left one Sunday afternoon he quietly said to the lady teacher, “I would so much like to have a New Testament, madame; while I tend the cows, and goats I should be so happy to read the Testament as I lie on the grass.” A Testament was given him; and when Badelet returned the following week he could say, “Jesus is mine.” He had read the Book, believed God’s word, and was saved. The next time that he came to the school he asked for a hymn book, that he might sing God’s praise. The following week he brought a companion, and he was also saved. Before many weeks the old avenues of the forest of Fontainebleau rang with the songs of a circle of goatherd boys who had believed the gospel. Many a happy day they spent there together, reading the Book that had given them light, and soon they told its wondrous story to others, whose hearts were also made glad by the joyful tidings. Reader, have you thus been made glad?