We Must Have Testaments and Tracts for India.

Our March circular has told you of our very great need of Tamil and Telegu Gospels and Testaments. At the time of writing this we have not a single Tamil Testament or Gospel on our shelves.
Our Stock of Tamil Portions Exhausted
South India.
My dear Sir, — Your favorable letter safely to hand. My sincere thanks for the same. I am grateful to you for kindly sending parcels to my friends. They both carry on good work for the Lord. I am glad to tell you our colporteur, too, has distributed a good number of Bibles and Portions.... Since writing to you last we have been on an evangelistic tour and had a profitable time. Our stock of Tamil Portions is exhausted, and we have to say “No” to many people. I wonder if you know of the unrest in India? The Moplah outbreak in the South is alarming. Do pray much for India, please.... With Christian regards, I remain, yours in His service,