Our March circular has told you of our very great need of Tamil and Telegu Gospels and Testaments. At the time of writing this we have not a single Tamil Testament or Gospel on our shelves.
Our Stock of Tamil Portions Exhausted
South India.
My dear Sir, — Your favorable letter safely to hand. My sincere thanks for the same. I am grateful to you for kindly sending parcels to my friends. They both carry on good work for the Lord. I am glad to tell you our colporteur, too, has distributed a good number of Bibles and Portions.... Since writing to you last we have been on an evangelistic tour and had a profitable time. Our stock of Tamil Portions is exhausted, and we have to say “No” to many people. I wonder if you know of the unrest in India? The Moplah outbreak in the South is alarming. Do pray much for India, please.... With Christian regards, I remain, yours in His service,