It is the Life That Tells

It is wonderful what letting your light shine does to help others to begin to shine. “Let your light so shine before men that they may glorify your Father in heaven” — not you, not you, mind, but glory to God. I once heard a dear wounded soldier say, “I am always smiling, because I am always thinking of the love of God”; and God says, “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me” (Psa. 73), therefore, praise God more, for your little blessings as well as great ones. Let your light shine.
“M.M.” tells of a young servant who always “lived Christ,” although she talked little. She died, dear young thing, and after her death the matron said four of the women patients were so broken down by her death that they accepted Christ through her testimony during her life. Another, I knew well — it was my own sister, when she was at Port Arthur, in Tasmania, by her words and “living Christ,” was blessed in leading another young lady to know and love the Lord. This dear girl wrote of her, “I do not wish to miss a minute of her society.” There is something else I would say: if you are “living Christ” or letting your light shine, it is through His grace, and, as Fullerton said in his address, it is not by striving only, but by clinging to Jesus, holding Him fast, as Jacob did, saving: “I will not let ‘Thee go unless Thou bless me.”
Emily P. Leakey.