Letters from Other Parts

From Dublin
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Warm thanks for the four parcels so kindly sent along―all literature is being eagerly devoured here just now, and there is certainly a movement among the dry bones. Several have told of taking their stand for Christ among their comrades, and one feels we may hope for a time of rich blessing in the near future. ―A. E.S.
Four Letters
Four lovers of the Lord Jesus, and lovers of souls sent his cheques for four thousand English Testaments in answer to our December appeal. We can but say “Thank God.”
“I wish it was £100”
A dear friend write’s: ―
Dear Brother, ―Much pleasure in sending you a mite (10/-) for Testament distribution. I wish it was £100. I praise God for all your good work.
Giving at Eighty-six
An old eighty-six-year old age pensioner has sent a note for 10/-to Dr. Heyman Wreford for Testaments. “May God bless their souls. O God! O God! save England! Amen.”
An old Christian friend writes: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford I just pen a few lines to enclose with check £5 to be used in His service. I am pleased to say that in many houses the monthly “Message from God” is gladly received, and I had the joy the other day of hearing of the conversion of a lady in B―through reading one that I had given to a commercial traveler, and he had passed it on. I know it will cheer you “in your work for God.”
A Mother’s Last Gift
Dear Dr. Wreford―You will be surprised to hear of the “home call” of my dear mother. Same of her last words were to send you the one pound for your work, and I trust that I shall be able to continue it. Please remember me in prayer.
A Mission Worker writes: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford, We do indeed thank you most heartily for your splendid parcel of Testaments and books received today.... May the Lord verily bless and abundantly reward you. We can always absolutely rely on your books and tracts being of a thorough gospel character and they speak with no uncertain sound.... God bless you, Dr. Wreford. It must be a very great joy to you to know the thousands of souls that are being influenced for good, and the many who are led’ of the Spirit to accept Christ as their Saviour through the sending of the parcels again thanking you, and we assure you of our prayers.