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About This Product
These stories of the struggles of the Waldensians in the valleys of Piedmont are heart-searching. The persecution and death that they faced in their desire to follow the teaching of the Scriptures, makes instructive reading for us today.
Table of Contents
3.Origin and Early History of the Waldenses, The: Chapter 1
4.Waldensian Valleys, The: Chapter 2
5.Life and Testimony in the Valleys: Chapter 3
6.Early Persecutions: Chapter 4
7.First General Invasion of the Valleys, The: Chapter 5
8.Failure of Cataneo's Expedition Against Piedmont: Chapter 6
9.Wonderful Deliverance, A: Chapter 7
10.Era of the Reformation, The: Chapter 8
11.Persecution Under La Trinita, The: Chapter 9
12.Great Massacre of 1655, The: Chapter 10
13.Their Exile and Happy Return to the Valleys: Chapter 11