Circumstances, Events, and God: Collected Thoughts for Distracted Hearts [Leaflets]

Circumstances, Events, and God: Collected Thoughts for Distracted Hearts by John Nelson Darby
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A small collection of time-proven helpful short extracts.

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God’s ways are behind the scenes; but He moves all the scenes which He is behind. We have to learn this, and let Him work, and not think much of man’s busy movements: They will accomplish God’s. The rest of them all perish and disappear. We have only peacefully to do His will.

(Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, Vol. 5, Revelation 1)


Always, every moment, under every circumstance, it is God with whom we “have to do.” People who are ever looking at second causes are led into practical infidelity; and so is it in measure with the saint of God. If he be resting in circumstances, he loses the sense of “having to do” with God.


When once we come really to know God, we know Him as love. Then, knowing that everything comes to us from Him, though we be in a desert—no matter where, or what the circumstances—we interpret all by His love. I may be called on to pass through pain, and sorrow, and trial, as part of His discipline; but everything that comes from God, comes from a source and spring in which I have confidence. I look, through the circumstances, to Him; and nothing can separate me from His love.


Is it not quite true that we often stop, practically, at the circumstances in which we find ourselves placed, and consider only our own feelings and judgment about them? Now this is a proof that our souls are not living in the fullness of communion with God. That with which we should be occupied is, not the circumstances, but what God intends by them.


There may be some secret evil (one of the ten thousand things that, if indulged, would hinder the enjoyment of God) working in my heart, and yet I remain unconscious of it. Well, God sends some circumstance that discovers to me the evil, in order that it may be put away. Is not this a blessing? The circumstance does not create the evil which it excites; it only acts upon what it finds to be in my heart, and makes it manifest. The evil being discovered, circumstances are all forgotten—God's end alone is seen.


If there are circumstances that try and perplex our hearts, let us just say, “It is God with whom I ‘have to do,’ and what is He about with me?” The moment the heart is brought into the recognition of God's presence, all is done—it submits. The soul finds itself in communion with Him about the circumstances. All is peace.

(Collected Writings Vol. 16, “God’s Rest, the Saints’ Rest)


Beloved friends, there is nothing more foolish than to be looking at second causes.

(Collected Writings, Vol. 27, “The Book of Experience, Philippians 1”)


However high the waves may rise, there is no drowning His love and thoughts towards us. The test is to our faith. The question is, “Have we that faith which so realizes Christ’s presence as to keep us as calm and composed in the rough sea as the smooth?”

It was not really a question of the rough or the smooth sea, when Peter was sinking in the water, for he would have sunk without Christ, just as much in the smooth as in the rough sea. The fact was, the eye was off Jesus on the wave, and that made him sink.


If we go on with Christ, we shall get into all kinds of difficulty, many a boisterous sea; but being one with Him, His safety is ours. The eye should be off events, although they be ever so solemn, and surely they are so at this present time, and I feel them to be so; for none perhaps has a deeper sense than I of the growth of evil, and of the solemn state of things; but I know all is as settled and secure as if the whole world were favorable.


I quite dread the way many dear saints are looking at events, and not looking at Christ and for Christ. The Lord Himself is the security of His people, and, let the world go on as it may, no events can touch Christ. We are safe on the sea if only we have the eye off the waves, with the heart concentrated on Christ and on the interests of Christ. Then the devil himself cannot touch us.

(Collected Writings, Vol. 25, “Notes on Luke 8”)


We ought to be humbled—ah! humbled in the dust, if you please, but not discouraged. A truly humbled man is not discouraged; the discouraged man is not a humble man, for he has trusted, as man, to something beside God; true nothingness cannot.

(Miscellaneous Writings, Vol. 1, “The Public Ruin of the Church”)

J. N. Darby


According to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will. Ephesians 1:11


For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


Ziklag … burned … with fire. David was deeply distressed; for the people spake of stoning him … but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:1-6


Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


And He shall be the stability of thy times, the riches of salvation, wisdom and knowledge: The fear of Jehovah shall be your treasure. Isaiah 33:6

(N. Tr., a literal translation of the Hebrew)



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