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About This Product
It’s been said often that edification is building up, exhortation is stirring up and comfort is binding up. We certainly need these three things, and especially in these “last days” when the enemy, Satan, is so busy to tear down and to make us complacent, as well as to discourage, dishearten and weary the followers of Christ. These 20 short meditations are all aimed at strengthening the child of God in a very difficult day.
Table of Contents
2.Circumspect: A Word to Believers Who Are Living Carelessly
3.Costly: A Warning to the Wayward
4.Drink: A Word to the Thirsty
5.Encourage: A Much Needed Word for the Day We Live In
6.Enough: A Word to Those Who Know Christ
7.Faith: A Word to the Doubting
8.Force: A Word on Christian Conflict
9.Hope: A Word to the Waiting
10.Perfect: A Word to Those Who Are in Christ
11.Persevere: A Word to Gospel Tract Distributors
12.Persist: Encouragment to Press Onward
13.Shine: A Word for These Dark Days
14.Singing: For the Redeemed of the Lord
15.Sojourn: A Word to Pilgrims and Strangers
17.First Day of the Week, The: Acts 20:7
19.Time a Word to the Hurried
20.We See Jesus
21.Wrecks on the Road of Life