Ephesians 4 [Booklet]

Ephesians 4 by Gordon Henry Hayhoe
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32 pages
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What a privilege to serve so worthy a master, when we think of all that He has done. When He was in this world, He never did one thing to please Himself.

Excerpt- He says, “I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.” What is our position in this world? We’re not part of it. We’re called out. We are citizens of heaven. We’re blessed with not all earthly things, but all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. How do we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called? The little hymn puts it nicely, “Called from above and heavenly men by birth, who once were but the citizens of earth.” (Little Flock #212) Once we understand our place and position, then we understand what our responsibilities are. But we must first understand that we really don’t belong here. We are just passing through. We’re strangers and pilgrims. Walking worthy of the vocation really means that in everything in our lives we are never to forget that we belong to the Lord Jesus at such a price. We are members of His body and we have the blessed hope before us that we are going to be with Him and like Him. Then it says immediately, “With all lowliness and meekness.” Because he is about to exhort us about, perhaps should I say, the first thing connected with walking worthy of our vocation. Later on, we have a great many exhortations about not getting into the things of this world and into its evil ways, exhortations about husbands and wives. But, first of all, he brings before us what we should always remember, and that is, that we’re members of the body of Christ, members one of another. When he brings before us walking worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called, he is saying that every believer is a member of the body of Christ. Do you think that if every member of the body of Christ was in perfect submission to the will of God that there would be all the divisions and strife that there are in Christendom? Is that not the will of man at work? We see a little picture of it at the very beginning when the disciples were together it says, they “were of one heart and of one soul.” (Acts 4:32) There was a great testimony in Jerusalem. All believers were in fellowship with one another and with the Lord. They were united in their gospel testimony. It was a testimony to the truth of what God had done; for by the Spirit they were all baptized into one body. But it takes a great deal of grace to go on together, brethren. Often, when you speak to Christians in the world, they say they’re with a certain group because they like the preacher or they like the people that go to that particular association and that’s why they’re there. But if you ask any person who is truly gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus “Why are you there?” I don’t think most of us would say, “I’m there because it’s a nice group. I’m there because they have a lot of fellowship.” No, I think that if we are really enjoying our position we will say, “I believe that is where the Lord would have me to be according to His word and I’m there because the others are members of the one body and we meet as members of the one body.”
